Ultimate Scarifice

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With how much it happens, rescuing Chickaletta had become a routine for the Paw Patrol. At least once a week, the mayor's purse chicken would find herself stuck somewhere that only the Paw Patrol can get to her.

Rescuing the said chicken was never easy. Often it would result to one of the pups being in danger, but they had always pulled through.

Except this time, it was different.

The mission started normally enough. Chickaletta was stuck in the roof of City Hall, which sent both Chase and Marshall to help rescue her.

No one knew how it happened, but somehow Chickaletta managed to get herself stuck on a drawbridge with the control lever broken and a train fast approaching.

While Rocky fixed the broken lever, Ryder tried calling the engineer while Marshall went to rescue the chicken.

"Easy, Chickaletta," the dalmatian said soothingly. "Just hop on my head and we'll both go down safely."

Marshall's words proved to be for nothing as the hooting of the train startled the chicken into flying towards his face. The dalmatian panicked at the sudden loss of sight and accidentally jumped off his ladder while Chickaletta flew down to safety.

Now instead of Chickaletta, Marshall is the one trapped in the middle of the drawbridge.

"Lever's all fixed, Ryder," Rocky said, oblivious to the situation.

"Great, now we just have to-"

"No Ryder, please don't!" Chase's voice suddenly came from their respective communication devices. "Marshall is stuck on the drawbridge!"

"Oh no," Rocky gasped in worry. "But the train's almost here!"

Ryder, on the other hand, looked conflicted. If he pushed the lever to lower the bridge, he would save hundreds of people riding in the train, but it would get his own pup killed. However, if he didn't, hundreds of people will die but at least Marshall would be safe.

It was a tough decision to make, one that he needs to decide fast because time is running out.

The decision was taken out of his hands by a voice that came through his pup pad.

"Don't worry about me, Ryder," Marshall said, smiling shakily. "Just lower the bridge."

"But Marshall-" Ryder said, choking up.

"I knew the risks when I joined the Paw Patrol, Ryder," the dalmatian's smile didn't fade, but tears were gathering in his blue eyes. "I knew there was a risk of me dying in a rescue. And I accepted it."

The train was almost in sight now, and Ryder only had a few seconds to decide what to do.

"Just lower the bridge, Ryder," Marshall whispered, smiling tearfully. "I love you."

"Ryder, please don't do it!" Chase cried out desperately.

Ryder gave one last painful look towards his pup. Against his will, he pulled the lever and watched in horror as the bridge slowly crushed his pup on its way down.

The train hosting hundreds of people passed safely through the drawbridge, but at the cost of Marshall's life.

The Paw Patrol may have been a rescue team, but they had failed to save one of their own.

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