Adventure Bay High [Random Scene #1]

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Okay before I start, I just wanna say that I may or may not continue Adventure Bay High, but I'll be doing random oneshots about it.

TW: Blood, death, suicide, mentions of rape, mature words

There was a crowd in the middle of the corridor, which wasn't unusual.

What's unusual is that the crowd was deathly quiet, and the people there stood like statues.

Amongst the silence, a familiar voice stood out from the middle. The voice belonged to the HBIC herself, but she sounded terrified.

"I think he's d-dead," Sweetie whispered in her usual high-pitched voice.

But the next one to speak really made Chase's blood boil.

"Good riddance. The little shit deserved what he got. Just like that Skye bitch."

A growl erupted from his throat and before anyone knew it, he was making his way through the crowd and into the scene in the middle.

It was a horrible sight. A boy he faintly recognized was lying on a pool of blood with Arrby standing over with a bloody knife. But he didn't pay it any attention as he focuses on glaring at the guy in the middle.

"Oh look, it's Mr. Student Council President," Arrby said with a smirk. "What are you gonna do, faggot? Are you gonna dump me like you did with that bitch?"

"What did you do to Skye?" Chase growled through gritted teeth, which only made Arrby's smirk wider.

"Why do you care? Last time I checked, you were shagging that klutz and moaning louder than the school's fire alarm."

"You bastard-"

Zuma and Rocky immediately rushed forward to hold Chase back from beating the shit out of him.

"But to answer your question," Arrby continued as if nothing happened, "I didn't do anything to her. She threw herself at me, all drunk and crying. I enjoyed hearing her screams as she came all over my dick. Chase, you didn't tell me that she's a wild one, I would have stolen her from you if I knew about it earlier. She makes a good little slut."

This time, Rocky and Zuma didn't even try to hold him back as Chase pounced at the smaller guy, shoving him hard on the wall and holding him by the collar.

It was obvious to anyone watching that he was holding back from the urge to punch the living daylights out of Arrby.

"You're lucky that I don't want to get my hands dirty or else you won't be able to live to see the next day," Chase growled.

Someone must have summoned help as the sound of multiple footsteps echoed through the corridor.

The crowd parted like the red sea as the principal made her way towards the scene, taking in the body on the ground, Arrby holding a knife, and Chase practically choking him.

"The school is under lockdown. You are not allowed to go outside until the police finish talking to you. As for you, Mr. Clair, I'll see you and Mr. Swashbuckle in my office now. You too, Ms. MacDougal."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Once Marshall heard about what happened to Skye, he immediately dashed away from the scene and made his way to his car.

With only one destination in mind, he drove out of the school grounds and into Skye's apartment, mentally thanking whoever's up there when he found out that the door wasn't locked.

Having been memorized the layout of Skye's apartment after his multiple visits yhe6re with Chase, he had no trouble locating her bedroom, which, unfortunately for him, was locked.

"Skye?" Marshall asked, knocking on the door. "Skye, are you there?"

No answer.

"Skye, I know you're in there. Please, open the door." He knocked more desperately this time, but still, there was no answer.

The longer he stood there, the more anxious he got. At that point, he just wanted to break open the door.

He exhaled forcefully in frustration and went to look for a flathead screwdriver, which he thankfully found one from one of the junk drawers.

Part of him wished that he didn't, cause the scene that greeted him after he pried open the door made him choke out a scream.

There, in the middle of the room, hung Skye. Her body was dangling from where the noose was holding her at the neck. She looked so pale, so damn haunted, and Marshall knew that this scene would be ingrained in his mind forever.

He snapped out of his shock and immediately went to get Skye off the rope and was got even more terrified when he couldn't find a pulse.

Out of instinct, he immediately did CPR on her. He wasn't even thinking, his mind had gone blank after seeing her in such a state. He just let his instincts take over as he tried so hard to bring her back to life.

He didn't know how long he was at it, but after quite some time, he checked for any sign of life from her and almost sagged in relief when he found a pulse, albeit faint.

He acted quickly. He scooped her in his arms, trying to ignore the fact that she was lighter than he expected, and got her into his car. He wished he had someone with him so he can monitor Skye on the road but he didn't have time to grab anyone and explain. Instead, he just called his mom as he drove to the nearest hospital.

"Mom, I need your help."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chase, Arrby, and Sweetie followed the principal to her office, flanked by what looked like high-ranking police officials. Sweetie tried to explain through her tears that she didn't do anything, but the principal just told her to hold it until we got to the office.

To his surprise, Chase's dad was waiting at the office when they arrived. However, since this was a serious matter, he didn't give any familiar gesture towards his son.

The three of them were made to sit down across the principal as Detective Clair stood beside her.

"Mr. Swashbuckle, please tell the story from your perspective. No one interrupt him, your turn will come," the principal said seriously, lacing her fingers on the table.

And so Arrby talked. He mentioned talking to Sweetie in the corridor in peace before Chase and his friends stormed over and started a fight with them. The boy, now identified as Rubble, tried to stop them but Chase whipped out a knife and stabbed him.

Chase wanted to scream something around the lines of crap spewing out of his mouth instead of his ass but his father gave him a look that made him back down.

Arrby then continued on about Chase wanting to kill him next but he snatched the knife away from him just as the principal and the police arrived at the scene.

Detective Clair and the principal made no indication whether they believed his story or not. Instead, they just nodded and told Chase to tell his version of the story, to which he did, from seeing the unusual crowd in the middle of the corridor, to the point where he shoved Arrby against the wall.

They sat in tense silence as the principal now turned to Sweetie for her version of events. Her face is blotched from crying, and it was clear that despite everything, she didn't want this to happen.

"I-," she started, glancing at her boyfriend's smug face and Chase's painfully blank face before looking down on her lap. "Chase's story is the truth, ma'am."

Arrby's smug face dropped and he stood up in rage. "Why you little-"

"Mr. Swashbuckle," Detective Clair snapped, turning off his radio as he turned to look at him. "You are to remain calm while you're in this room. The evidence all point against you. The police have finished interrogating the witnesses and they all support Mr. Clair's story. What would you say for yourself?"

"Wait till my father hears about this," he growled as he tried to launch himself to Chase, only to be held back by the other police.

"Handcuff him," Detective Clair said as he walked over. "And take him to the station. Mr. Clair and Ms. MacDougal, we'll contact you again should a trial happen. For now, you two are free to go."

The said two hung back a bit as they let the police go first with a struggling Arrby—"THIS IS INJUSTICE! THE DETECTIVE WAS OBVIOUSLY BIASED WITH HIS SON!"—out of the office.

"Hey," Chase called softly, to which Sweetie turned around to meet his gaze.

"Thank you," he said quietly.

Sweetie averted her eyes and stared at the wall behind him.

"I might hate you and your friends, but I never wanted it to come to this," she said simply before walking away.

Chase was about to follow her when his phone rang. It was Marshall.

"Chase," Marshall said breathlessly from the other side of the phone. "You need to go to the hospital now."

"But why? And how did you get past the police?" Chase asked.

"Doesn't matter. I need you here now. Skye's in the emergency room."

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