Paws of Magic Chapter 13 (Amara's Dream)

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         I watched Mitzi and Scott walk out of camp to discard their bones from their meal, and Annette and Spot were sharing a meal. I smiled at them as I pushed the rest of the rabbit to Jacob. He looked at me curiously,

"I'm full." I said, to be honest I was feeling a bit queasy. I shifted and started to stand and fell back down and Jacob stood up quickly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. Before I could answer blackness surrounded me.


I woke groggily in a small half submerged cave. Before I could panic a hand rested on my shoulder.

"Sorry for doing that." A slightly familiar voice said and I looked up. Standing over me was Sebastian. He had wavy blonde hair with a green tint, light skin with patches of dark skin and bright blue eyes. Good it was just Sebastian.

"You know I hate it when you do that!" I moaned trying to stand and he helped. Just then I realized I wasn't the only Healer in his cave. Standing a few feet away was Seva, an apologetic smile on her face. And right next to her was the Scale Tribe Healer Blix. She had brown hair, dark green eyes, slightly darker skin tone and she stood next to Seva with her arms crossed. She didn't trust us other Healers a lot and she was a bit solitary. Anyway after Sebastian helped me stand up Seva walked over,

"You good? Sorry we had to do that..." Seva said. I placed my hand on top of my head to make sure I didn't hit it too hard.

"What's up? I'd better be important if you had to summon me here like that." I complained. Sebastian and Seva looked at Blix, who rolled her eyes.

"Guess that's my cue." She said and walked over to us from the corner of the cave.

"Elder Scales is planning on sending Loki to kill the twins because he's convinced that they're the two from the prophecy." Blix explained in a monotone voice. I nodded, anticipating this.

"I don't think they're the threat. Maybe the threat is following them somehow." I said. I couldn't imagine Annette and Scott being a threat. Plus it was quite obvious that Scott liked Mitzi and I was sure he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Blix just shrugged.

"There's no way I can change his mind. So you'd better be ready for an attack in the next few days." Blix said, suddenly looking uncomfortable. She closed her eyes and the walls of the cave started to swirl. I grabbed Sebastian's arm to keep myself steady. When the walls were still we weren't in Sabastian's watery cave anymore, we were in Blix's. Her cave was in the side of a rock by the oasis Scale Tribe called home. And it sunk into the ground so it was cool inside, the hard sandstone walls had been scratched at to make shelves for herbs and medical supplies. Blix stormed to a corner of the cave where we could see her sleeping body but she didn't reach the bed. Instead she turned toward a crack in the sandstone and peeked inside. Blix hissed and turned back toward us,

"Sorry I have to get back. I have a spy in my cave again." She hissed through her teeth and she faded. We watched as her sleeping body woke up and ran to the crack in the sandstone. She yelled at it and a snake slithered out, Blix chased it until it was out of the cave. Blix placed her hands on her hips and the walls started to swirl again. We were back in Sabastian's cave,

"What are you going to do about the attack?" Seva wondered. I shrugged,

"I don't know, I'll ask Elder Paw about it. What's new with you guys?" Seva blinked,

"Nothing new but someone's calling me I gotta go. Good luck Amara!" She waved and faded away. Two down two left, I thought smiling.

"Oh you know Robert just being Robert but us Finnians are doing good." Sebastian smiled, shaking his head. I tilted my head. I met Robert once so I knew he was a big flirt. I laughed and pointed to the entrance of Sebastian's cave where a Red Crab was trying to sneak in.

"He's trying to pull another prank on you!" He frowned at the crab and waved,

"Dream with you another night!" He said before fading. The wall swirled around me before I could see what'd he do to Robert and I was back in Paw Tribe camp, still dreaming. Jacob was still by my unconscious body and Elder Paw was there too. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and the dream started to fade away.


I woke up and saw Jacob's face close by mine, this made me jump. I knew he was close but not that close. He must've sensed my surprise and backed away.

"I think she's awake?" He said uncertainty. Elder Paw smiled,

"She is. Amara what was that about?" He asked. I slowly sat up and Jacob put a hand on my lower back to keep me from falling backward. If I did fall backward it wouldn't help but I appreciated the gesture. I explained to Elder Paw about the Scale attack that would happen soon and he gazed off into the forest thinking. As he was thinking Jacob stood up and offered me his hands so I could stand. Once I was standing he wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me steady. Elder Paw turned back toward us.

"We must make sure we have a patrol ready to be defence if they do attack." He growled softly, and started to walk to the Great Tree to make the announcement. 

(Alright the next few chapters is when it gets serious! Hope you're ready for some PLOT TWISTS!!)

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