Paws of Magic Chapter 14 (Annette)

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     Sharing a squirrel with Spot was fine but a bit embarrassing. Not in a bad way but....I don't know, different. Spot had just left camp to go bury the bones of the squirrel somewhere leaving Annette to wander camp trying to find something to do. She saw Amara and Jacob eating and decided to go over to them and talk. But as she was getting closer Amara pushed the food to Jacob and shifted, she tried to stand but Amara fell. Annette gasped and ran over, Jacob was already over Amara.

"Amara? Amara?" He said frantically. Annette made eye contact with Elder Paw and he shifted and ran over. Elder Paw sniffed her and asked Jacob what had happened. He told him that they were just eating prey and Amara stood up and passed out. Elder Paw gazed at her for a minute and she twitched.

"I think the other Healers summoned her. Give her a minute." He said. Just as Elder Paw sat down next to Amara and Jacob, Spot walked through the bramble entrance to camp. He saw Annette and walked over, as he got closer he saw Amara's unconscious body. Soon he was running across camp,

"What happened?!" Spot demanded, he was crouched as if ready for a fight. Annette noticed that Spot was in the best place to protect her if she got attacked at that moment. Just realizing that made her blush,

"Amara j-just collapsed. S-she's fine though." Annette stuttered with a nervous laugh. Spot relaxed his position and the growl in his throat vanished.

"Why'd she collapse?" Spot asked. Elder Paw explained to Spot what they thought was happening and he nodded. Elder Paw suggested they give Amara some room so Spot led Annette out of camp to go hunt. They shifted and wandered through the underbrush hoping to catch a whiff of some food. Soon they heard something growling and they started to walk faster toward the sound. Shoving through some bushes they found Cypress and a person Annette hadn't met yet in a standoff. The girl had brown hair with blue ends up in a ponytail, brown eyes with green flecks. She wore a light gray jacket and black tank top, soft denim jeans, and combat boots. They were in the middle of an argument,

"Please Ivy you know that rabbit rightfully belongs to me." Cypress said with a huff. The girl, now named Ivy, glared at Cypress.

"Come on! I caught that rabbit and then you just strutted out from behind that tree and snatched it away from me!" Ivy snarled.

"It's not my fault you dropped the rabbit when you saw my beautiful self." Cypress countered looking at her nails. Ivy continued to growl, while Spot and Annette stayed at the edge of the tiny clearing. The hurled insults back and forth, stuff like 'Flea-Brain' and 'Blind Weasel'. Annette watched it like a dogfight which it kinda was until Spot got up and padded between them.

"Come on guys let's not fight." He said ignoring the fact that they were both High Class and he was in Middle. Ivy backed off a bit, still growling and Annette relaxed. That was until Cypress said something inaudible. Clearly Ivy heard it because she shifted and launched herself over Spot's head and onto Cypress. Ivy had shifted into a big brown timber wolf. Annette watched as Cypress shifted too and they began to fight, Spot tried to talk them out of fighting but Cypress called him an annoying rodent and Spot soon joined the scuffle. Annette rolled her eyes and padded out from behind to bush. She watched the scuffle for a few seconds before growling loudly. Spot froze and stopped biting at Cypress's leg, then walked back over to Annette.

"Sorry, Cypress gets on my nerves sometimes." He growled. Annette agreed but Ivy was still in the scuffle. Just as Ivy launched herself again at Cypress, Annette came between the two and Ivy landed clumsily on Annette. Annette got the two to stop fighting for a few seconds, then Spot had to help her keep the two apart. Insults were being thrown and Annette wasn't heard over the racket.

"SHUT UP!!" She yowled at them and they fell silent. Ivy and Cypress grumbled and started to walk back to camp after shifting. Cypress sped ahead of the group but they didn't mind. As they drew closer to camp she tripped and fell. Ivy laughed out loud while Annette and Spot tried to suppress their's. She stood up and glared at Ivy, before brushing the dirt off her clothes. While brushing off her clothes she saw something and screamed.

"What's wrong Cypress?" Ivy laughed. If looks could kill the look Cypress gave Ivy would've killed her.

"My nail broke!" Annette rolled her eyes.

"Really?! That's why you scared all the prey within our whole territory!" Annette snarled, she hadn't shifted yet just in case and so had Spot. Cypress growled and ran back to camp. Once the three got to camp Cypress was (crying) pestering Amara about her nail with Oak by her side. Amara was hanging out with Jacob, who looked annoyed that someone was interrupting his time with his girlfriend. Annette was just happy that Amara was okay and conscious. Annette shifted and noticed Elder Paw as he jumped up onto the Great Tree. 

  "Paw Tribe! Please gather here for an important announcement." He announced. The different classes gathered in front of the tree. Annette sat down with Spot sitting closely next to her. Scott soon joined them in the Middle Class section.

"Disturbing news has made itself clear to me. Scale Tribe is planning to attack. They think Annette and Scott are the two from the Prophecy." Elder Paw said and looked at the twins, who were very confused.

"I think it is time that they hear the Prophecy. Amara." Elder Paw stepped down off the tree and Amara took his place. She cleared her throat and spoke.

"The Prophecy says this..." Her eyes started to glow as she recited it,

"Two shall find their way into our ranks, one boy and one girl, together they will bring both destruction and peace, for the tribes to survive we must listen to the will of the earth, sky, desert, and sea, before our downfall we'll see." The light left her eyes and she leaned back against the tree. Jacob stumbled forward and helped Amara down the best he could. Elder Paw took his place back, and explained.

"Elder Scale believes that Scott and Annette are the two that will bring destruction and peace. I do too, but I don't see how they will bring both disaster and peace." he seemed to think about this for a little bit while Annette tried to get her thoughts under control. Me and Scott just want to live here peacefully. We didn't come to destroy anything! Elder Paw tapped his chin,

"I want border patrols twice on the Scale border just in case they decide to still attack us directly. You're now dismissed." He jumped off the Great Tree. The twins exchanged a look, they were worried about what was in store for them.

(YEE Sorry for not updating in a while! I will get chapter 15 out soon it's the one I was waiting to get to but this one was in the way... qwq. Anyway I hope you continue to vote and comment and check out my other two stories that I'm multitasking on...qwq UG too many story ideas and so little time+inspiration. I'll stop pestering y'all with my writing problems. PEACE!!)

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