PoM Chapter 16 (Annette)

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        Annette woke up at midnight. Her restless sleep had been full of scenes from the battle earlier that day. She stood up and shook out her fur. Walking out of the den she crept over to Amara's den. Mitzi was still out on the makeshift root bed with Scott sleeping next to her on the floor. A small purr rumbled in Annette's throat before she walked out of camp. Annette padded through the dark forest, watching the fireflies flit around. She climbed a small hill and looked up at the stars and full moon. Sitting down she began to think about what the Prophecy meant. Two shall find their way into our ranks, one boy and one girl. That had to be her and Scott. Together they will bring both destruction and peace. She now had a small idea on what that phrase meant. The police now know the tribe's exitstence, that could be the destruction. But the peace? Annette had no idea about that part. For the tribes to survive we must listen to the will of the earth, sky, desert, and sea. Annette knew there were four tribes, Paw, Wing, Scale, and Fin. Maybe that had something to do with it? But the last line was pretty self-explanatory: Before our downfall we'll see. Annette put all the pieces she knew together. So me and Scott have accidentally brought the police here but I don't see how we'll make peace after doing that. For the tribes to survive they must listen to each other? And if they don't everything will go downhill. That sounded pretty much right. No pressure or anything. She joked to herself. A star streaked through the sky and Annette sighed. She stood up and turned around to walk down the hill when she saw two bicolored eyes watching her from the shadows.

"Who are you and what do you want?" She hissed. The eyes moved into the moonlight and she saw Spot?

"Uhm sorry? I saw your tail disappear out of the den and wondered where you were going." He muttered. Annette relaxed her attack stance and purred.

"Guess I'm a bit jumpy after that Scale attack. Sorry Spot." Spot sat next to her and she followed him.

"No problem, what are you doing out here so late at night?" He asked. Annette looked up at the stars not wanting to meet Spot's gaze.

"I was just thinking about the Prophecy and what it could mean." She whispered. Sensing Spot's nodd she continued,

"I deciphered parts of the Prophecy and tried to put it together and I got the police as the danger me and Scott accidentally brought and the Tribe's have to listen to each other or everything will go downhill from there. But I don't get the part about me and Scott bringing peace." Annette looked at Spot and his ear flicked as he thought about what Annette just said.

"That makes sense..." Spot trailed off and his tail rested on top of Annette's floofy tail. Shocked Annette was glad that she was in her animal form and he couldn't see her blush bright tomato red, as she would've if she was in human form. Spot seemed to ignore the fact that their tails were intertwined and continued his thought.

"You should tell Amara your deciphered understanding of the Prophecy. How's Mitzi doing?" He asked. Annette shrugged,

"Scott and Amara know more on that matter than me. But I hope she gets better." Annette looked back up at the stars and so did Spot. A shooting star shot across the sky once more.

"We should get back to camp before someone wakes up and thinks we've been kidnapped." Spot said. Annette nodded and they walked back to camp together.


Annette wandered around camp later that day, reliving the small amount of time she had with Spot that night. Scott walked out of Amara's den. He looks terrible. Annette thought, and she walked over to her brother.

"Hey bro, how's it going?" Scott yawned, his eyes drooping.

"I stayed with Mitzi all night but she didn't wake up. Also it's uncomfortable sleeping against a tree root all night." He muttered. Annette giggled,

"Yeah I figured as much, you look exhausted." She stated. Scott rolled his eyes,

"I'm just up to get some breakfast, then I'm going back to watch Mitzi." By watch I bet he means guard. Annette giggled to herself as Scott shifted and padded sleepily over to the food stash. Annette looked around camp looking for no one in particular. On one side of camp she saw Adrien teaching Denice and some other younger Paw members battle strategies. And on the other side was Ivy, making goo goo eyes at Adrien. Annette couldn't help but laugh out loud, and then Ivy heard her. She scowled at Annette and made a show of crossing her arms and turning away from her. The small younglings chased after each other bored of Adrien's battle talk. Adrien smiled, shrugged and made his way across camp. Toward Ivy. Annette watched this whole scene unfold in front of her. First Adrien tapped Ivy on the shoulder and said hello, once Ivy figured out who it was (Which didn't take very long) she responded stuttering the whole time. Annette covered her mouth to keep a laugh from bursting out of her mouth, which made Ivy glare at her again.

"Hey Annette! Wanna join me for a hunting patrol?" Alpha called from the camp entrance.

"Sure!" Annette shifted and bounded over to her friend. Once under the cover of trees listening for the smallest sound of prey Annette's mind wandered. Scott and Mitzi are together. Amara and Jacob are a thing. Ivy and Adrien might be a thing. And who could forget the bear queen Cypress and her boyfriend Oak? Does Spot think of me that way? I mean the way he acted last night makes it feel that way but what if he's just being his friendly old self? Annette's thoughts were interrupted when Alpha ran off chasing a prey scent she caught before Annette.

(Umm...so yeah basically just threw all the couples in Paw Tribe out there in the open. They must all be a blushing mess now! XD  And first cute fluff I've written about Annette and Spot! EEEEEEE I'm the author yet I'm fangirling over this! Anyway this was a kinda filler chapter because I didn't know what to write next BUT I do now! Happy 4 days till Halloween from you vampire friend.)

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