PoM Chapter 17 (Amara's Dream)

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      I walked into my den after hearing Annette's deciphered thinking of the Prophecy. It made a lot of sense. Scott was still hanging out next the Mitzi, he'd been up all night and today.

"Scott you are not staying up another night. Go to sleep. When Mitzi wakes up you won't be able to help her out if you're tired." I told him. He yawned and nodded.

"Can I stay here though?" Scott asked me and I replied with a no. He slumped, defeated and walked out of the den.

"Just..tell me when she wakes up, please?" I assured him I would and Scott excited my den. Mitzi still hadn't moved, but a look of pain flashed across her face when I fixed the bandages on her leg.

"Sorry Mit. Please get better." My voice cracked. I was usually good at keeping my emotions under control and a straight face but this was Mitzi! She was like a sister to me. I used my healing magic a little bit on her knee but stopped before I could pass out on the ground. Shifting into my animal form I curled up on some moss in the corner of my den and tucked my red tail over my nose before falling asleep.


I woke up outside of camp by our human border. I looked around trying to find the other Healers, but there was no sign of them. Come to think of it the dream was more black and gray pigmented than my other ones. This must not be a Healer dream...just then something snapped across the border. I spun around and growled,

"Who's there?" No one answered. I took a few cautious steps toward the sound and stopped. I swiveled my fox ears trying to hear anything else, and I caught something before it was gone. I shifted and ran toward the faint sound. Red and blue lights were flashing in the distance and I heard wailing, which soon stopped. I got even closer and shifted back to my half-human self after hiding behind a tree. My keen night vision eyes watched as humans wearing protective clothes talked to each other. There were a few white-coated humans and there were dogs. Angry, viscous, snarling dogs. My tail tucked closer to my legs and I strained to listen to the humans conversation, but all the noise left my ears ringing. Yes, the wailing stopped but there were lots of voices and crackling voices over small black devices on the humans chests. A group of them started to walk toward me and I ran toward the safe Paw border, but they didn't stop, they kept coming! My nightmare flashed white and black and it felt like I was spinning in circles in the air. When it stopped I was laying on the ground. When I confermined that the black dots in front of my eyes were really there, and wouldn't stop dancing, I tried to stand up but something stopped me. I looked at my foot where a metal claw-like thing was clamped hard on my foot. Using my other foot to try and kick it off only brought me pain. Shifting didn't help either, whatever form I was in the metal claw was latched onto my foot. I cried for help but got the wrong kind, black figures came stalking into the now small clearing. They wore the same white coats as before and evil looks were painted onto their faces. Their hands reached out for me and I screamed before the nightmare changed. I sat in a cold gray room, dripping water was echoing throughout the room and a steel door was on the other side. My body didn't want to get up. Suddenly the door crashed open and two humans came running in armed with an electric wand and a stick with a rope collar which looped around my neck. I fought against them but the electric wand shocked me and I went out cold. When I came to, I was in a different room strapped to a table. Sharp silver objects hung around me and started to close in on me. Spinning and jabbing. I screamed for help and somehow I wasn't able to shift. I kept screaming as they came closer and closer. One finally reached my throat and I let out one final scream.


I woke up screaming. I had shifted into my half-human form in my sleep, and tears were streaming down my face. What just happened? What was all that?! I curled my knees up to my chest and let the tears continue to run down my face. Someone stumbled into the den, it was Jacob.

"Amara?! What's going on?" He asked. His ears twitched and heard my quiet sobs before carefully picking his way over to me. Jacob sat down by me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Amara what happened?" He asked gently. I looked into Jacob's eyes and told him my nightmare. When I finished with me dying I hugged him and cried into his shirt.

"First Mitzi gets hurt and may never heal right and then these terrible nightmares come. Jacob what's going on?!" I cried. He hugged me back and put one of his hands on my head to comfort me.

"I don't know Mara, but whatever is going on we can get through it together, okay?" I sniffed,

"Okay." I took a deep breath to try and calm down.

"Did I wake up the whole camp with my screaming?" I asked Jacob. He smiled,

"Yeah, but I knew it was you and I convinced the others to go back to sleep and let me handle it." I smiled into his shirt,

"Well I'm glad it's you." I purred. Jacob stayed cuddled up next to me the rest of the night as to keep away the nightmares. The tears on my face dried as I fell asleep, smiling.

(Yee, Jacob's nickname for Amara is Mara! So cute and then Mit is Amara's nickname for Mitzi! NICKNAMES!!! Also what do you think Amara's nightmare meant? Plz vote and comment so I know you like my story!)

Bonus! SHIPNAMES!! I have decided on official shipnames for the following three couples!

Scott x Mitzi - Scozi

Annette x Spot - Spette

Amara x Jacob - Jamara

Thanks for reading! <3

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