Chapter 1

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  The clan cats started to exchange nervous glances when suddenly the Sunclan leader collapsed off the high rock. Cats mewed in horror. She did look weary while speaking, but no cat knew it was that bad. The medicine cat ran over to the fallen Aubadestar and looked into the Leader's amber eyes. Her eyes showed flashes of pain and fear.

  "It's going to be okay Aubadestar..." The medicine cat said shakily. Aubadestar looked at the medicine cat with tears rolling down her cheeks. "This is my last life.." she said shakily. The medicine cat's eye's widened as she started to cough up blood. "May Star clan light your path Sprin-ngface..." Other cats started to crowd around in curiosity. The last thing the leader saw was the fear showing in Springface's eyes as the she fell limp like prey.

  Her eyes started to fog up, and those dead eyes stared up to Star clan. Springface looked down in regret as she saw their leader die in front of them. I shouldn't be sad... She thought, trying to cheer herself up, but she still choked on tears. I mean I knew she was I shouldn't be surprised... She choked up again. The first death sense she has been made medicine cat several moons ago was the worst one of all..their leader.


"Gleamstar!" "Gleamstar!"

  The clan cats started to cheer the new leader's name redundantly. Their old leader Aubadestar died 4 sunrises ago. Most still grieved their vast lost, but they also knew it was time to start anew. Eventually every cat has to die. 

  Gleamstar's eyes shown with pride for a moment, but then she had a flashback to their leader's death. The horror of Aubadestar, falling off the highledge unconscious, and landing on the grassy landscape, nearly missing the rocks. The sudden memory was too much to handle.

  In the middle of the chanting she jumped down from the high-ledge with sadness cutting straight into her eye. The cats watched as she walked into the darkness of the Leader's den.

Mottleson, the new Sunclan deputy, walked up with her to the den. She felt the coldness of the shelter as she stepped into the sanctuary, and she heard the crying of Gleamstar, as her tears slowly washed away into the cracks of the stone.


  Spring face looked at the bloody wound in interest. The cut was as big as a fox-tail, even though it wasn't bad, Springface could still see the pain in Cloudlight's eyes. Cloudlight just came from a hunting patrol. The other warriors had dragged him here. They told Springface that he cut from the group and they later found him bloody.

  "So...tell me again of how you managed to get this cut on your belly?" Springface mewed, curious. Cloudlight looked away in embarrassment.

  "I fell off a cliff and a stone was in the way." The tom said it quietly and carefully. Springface put her tail on the tom's back.

  "I know that didn't happen" Springface mewed. "Now tell me the truth, Cloudlight." Cloudlight  looked back at Springface and he saw the sympathy in the Medicine Cat's eyes, but he wouldn't give in. "I'm not saying." Cloudlight answered. His voice had a hint of anger, and Springface replied with a shrug and went too leave the den. "If you need me, I'll be out collecting herbs."

   Cloudlight hesitated for a moment. He didn't know what to say, or what to do. "Wait! I'll tell you! Please don't ignore my injury and leave me here!" Cloudlight cried out to the Medicine cat. He was better off telling the truth then dying on the medicine cat den.

  Springface turned around with interest and walked up to Cloudlight quickly. She looked into his eyes with sympathy. She saw Gentleblossom's ear perk up curiously, and she felt the invisible stare of the unseeing warrior.

  "Okay. Then tell me." She said rather forcefully. Cloudlight looked down at his paws in hesitation, then the tom looked up in fear. "It was Creekclan! They attacked me when I was hunting. It just...happened!" Cloudlight answered in alarm. looked quickly at his paws again.

  Springface's eyes widened. "But why would they? All of the clans promised to never hurt another cat from any clan that isn't theirs!" She answered in fear. Silence followed. The quietness stung the air like a fog, and it stuck there for a long time.

  After a few moments, Springface went back too mending Cloudlight's wound without a word. Worry spread throughout her body while she worked on the wound, with dried, crusty, blood. It was a mystery that they should keep to themselves. Gentleblossom's ears went back down, and she went back too a peaceful sleep.


  Cloudlight kept quiet, and so did Springface. They felt that if they shared the news with their leader, he could start another war against them, like before the treaty was made across the clans. There are still cases of murders among the clans. Some solved, some aren't. Punishment for killing is being vanished or killed. The latest case has been Doveshine of Sunclan trying to kill  Dripfur of Dewclan.

  Dripfur accused Doveshine of trying to drown him in the lake while he was drinking.

  When Doveshine was questioned, she answered that the only reason she wanted too kill him was because he was acting strange, and she was trying to save the clans from any father danger. No one believed this, and Aubadestar had killed her, and she later layed in a pool of her own blood.

  Some warriors wearily dragged her out of camp at night and dumped her off the cliff into a stray stream. She was never seen again...


  Cloudlight enterend the Medicine Cat's den in worry. Springface heard his paw steps as he entered the den. They sounded heavy and tired.

  "What do you want? Is everything okay?" Asked Springface as she organized the last of the watermint for the leaf-bare coming up. "I'm trying to sort herbs so none of us die trying to find them." Springface said in slight amusement. Cloudlight shifted uneasily. She heard him whimper slightly and she turned around. Blood. Cloudlight's wound had opened again while he was sleeping. Springface quickly directed him towards a clean nest and Cloudlight laid down gently. The pain in his eyes flared as blood pooled out of the open wound.

  Springface rapidly went to grab for the cobwebs and started covering the wound up again. Springface started to chew up some Comfrey Root and Marigold and put it on the wound to soothe it and prevent infection. "That should ease the pain some." Springface said to Cloudlight comfortingly. 

  He leaned on Springface as she carefully put some dock leaves on the top of the nest. "Perfect for soothing wounds in sleep..." she said under her breath. She carefully put Cloudlight back onto the nest. He was already asleep when he had been played down in the nest. Springface smiled weakly as she saw the rhythmic raising and lowering as he breathed in the fresh air.

Springface was happy to see another patient go too sleep peacefully. She looked outside, and the stars shone bright above her. Now it was her time to go sleep. Springface laid stretched-out on the nest, and closed her eyes without hesitation. The darkness started to close in.

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