Chapter 2

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  Springface woke up, smuggled in fog and white mist. She looked around, trying to find at least one thing familiar to her. A small streak of light was glazed on the green grass. Her head spend round and round in confusion. 

  "Green clouds will uncover the sun's true shine..." said a strange voice.

  "Where are you coming from? What's happening?" She asked in a questionably manner. Suddenly the mist and fog cleared. The air was lit up in a light green, and she looked up to the sky.

  Green colored clouds. She looked at in in worry. What did it mean? Why were the clouds a light green? It was just like any normal day, but with mint colored clouds. Why was that the change in the scenery? 

  She started to shake, and she heard the echoes of that strange sentence. Green clouds...Greenclouds...

  Everything turned into a dark blur, as the dream was coming to a sudden end, and she saw a dark figure rise upon her as her visions faded. It couldn't be. It was... Aubadestar.


  Mistkit eyed the twig as she prepared to pounce. Circling her prey slowly, so she wouldn't startle it. She waited until the perfect time to attack. She leapt forward with great agility and strength, but her eyes widened as she veered off to the side and hit the hard ground. Her had blazed in an invisible pain as she stood up. As the pain eased, she saw her brother watching in the background. Mistkit quickly got up and started to blush as her brother walked up too her. She saw the amusement in his eyes.

  "A Dewclan cat could do better than that!" he teased her. "Not like you could do any better!" she purred with amusement. She charged and knocked her brother onto the ground. They rolled and rolled, claws sheathed, as they play fight. Mistkit finally broke free, and stood up, dazed. As her head got used to the dizziness, she smiled at Cloverkit, as his eyes gleamed up with happiness. She could get used to this. When she was about to find another stick to hunt, she heard a familiar voice.

  "Come on young ones...back inside. It's too cold." Called their mother, Birchspots. She was very protective and always made sure that her kits weren't getting into trouble. Mistkit and Cloverkit stumbled over too the nursery with squeaks of excitement. Mistkit looked up quickly and saw the sky growing white from the filling up of snow. When Birchspot and the kits entered the nest, she went right over to her nest and layed down on her side. Mistkit and Cloverkit quickly went to their mother to snuggle within her warmth. The last thing Mistkit saw before darkness engulfed her was Grayleap fitting Frostflight's nest with new moss.


  Mistkit awoke with a yawn of tiredness. She quietly stepped out of her nest to look outside. Just what she needed...darkness. It was still night. She crept quietly along the bramble wall, and found a small hole that she could fit through. The perfect place to run if she needed. She inspected it quickly and moved some brambles out of the way so it wouldn't scratch. She needed to make sure that there would be nothing too slow her down. She crept quietly over back to her mother's den, but suddenly, she felt like she was flying. She looked down and saw darkness, and Mistkit fell into the shadows.

  She yowled in fear. She slammed into the hard ground below, and let out a squeal of alarm. She felt weak as she laid on her side, inspecting her surroundings. In the middle of the hole there was a slash of light gleaming on the floor. The rest was just darkness. She looked up to see the starry night staring right back at her.

  She was still trying to get used to what just happened when she saw a wisp of brown near the edge of the hole she fell through. Another cat... she thought. Could they have done this to me? The brown cat came back again, but stayed for only a second. Before the strange cat left, she saw their green eyes looking straight at her. Before she could call out to the cat for help, she heard a much more familiar voice.

  "Mom!" Mistkit yelped with excitement. She saw Birchspots looking down the hole desperately. "I'm going to get you out of there." She replied quietly. "Grab on!" Birchspots said as she drooped her tail down to Mistkit. Mistkit hesitated for a second, then she grabbed on harshly.

  "Sorry!" Mistkit squeaked when her mom let out a yelp of pain.  Birchspots started to back away so she could raise Mistkit from the hole. Mistkit finally reached the surface, and fell on the ground tired. Her mom started to lick her rapidly.

  "Were you trying to sneak off?" She said angrily. Mistkit's ears drooped in embarrassment. "I promise I didn't step one foot out of the camp!" Mistkit replied. She saw some fear in the she-cat's eyes, but then she suppressed a sigh. "I'm sorry..." Birchspots said quietly. "Lets go back before we wake anyone up." Mistkit followed Birchspots back to the Nursery, still confused of who that strange cat was and what they were trying to do.


  Springface rushed up to the leader's den with excitement. It has been forever since the last dream from Starclan, and the dream has given her a prophecy. She couldn't wait to tell the news to Gleamstar! As Springface walked the steps, the deputy, Mottleson, blocked the path.

  "What do you want with Gleamstar?" Mewed Mottleson questionably. Springface replied with a hard gaze, and Mottleson got the hint that he was asking a stupid question. He gazed downward awkwardly and finally replied. "Y...-you can pass." as the Medicine cat walked towards the darkness. She gazed over the shining rocks, gleamed with silver light. This den was meant for a leader.

  "Gleamstar?" Springface mewed. She saw her leader's head move up with alarm. She stood up and suppressed a yawn. The leader squinted her eyes as she adjusted to the darkness.

  "What do you want at this time?" She asked, suppressing another yawn. Springface walked closer so she could whisper the news in her ear. At the moment, it was only for the leader to hear. She opened her mouth carefully, and started to speak quietly into Gleamstar's ear. 

  The leader's eyes widened with excitement and fear, as she told her about her dream.

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