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    The professor of Psycology at the school for gifted students raised his chin to look at the unusual class. The sound of his throat being cleared was heard immediately after. He droned insufferably through the "A" and "C" last names, finishing with the oddly-surnamed students.


    With that the students got out their lecture supplies, including matching circular devices the size of a coin, used to store recordings of the lectures. The students were smart and prepared, so they had all already created a file for today's lecture. The professor began the day by clearing his always-stuffy throat.

"The brain. Someone tell me their initial thoughts." A short, pale girl with a white-blonde bob raised her hand immediately.

"Emma Howard. Please, tell us your thoughts."

"It provides the means for telecommunication, it is the source of emotions and thoughts." Her voice was clear like the morning songbirds.

"Excellent. Telecommunication- telepathy, which is the subject for today's lecture. As a reminder, the electrical field is on, prohibiting any of you from communicating with others through brain waves. I ask that you attempt nothing in this lecture until you step foot in the hallway. Am I understood?" The class simultaneously nodded, no one having permission to speak. The professor then began, not catching anyone's attention until he mentioned the tricks of telecommunication about an hour or so in. Then, every student but one- Katherine Ready- was alert.

"Telepathy is extremely useful for our kind because it allows us to convey impulses, emotions, memories, all directly without having to shroud their meanings with words. It can be used to pinpoint location, and more usefully see from another perspective." A student years younger than the rest raised his hand tentatively. Katherine Ready glared at him, her shimmering black hair covering one grey eye. Not noticing, he continued, his copper-colored hair shining in the light of the room, contrasting with his pale skin.

"Yes, Carter Knead. You may speak."

"How could one approach the method of seeing from another perspective?"

"As you all can imagine, it is a very complex technique involving persuasion." The professor skipped a few slides, coming to one matching the topic presented. "Telepathy is a form of communication mostly involving the art of persuasion. In order to communicate, in some ways you have to persuade the other person to let you into their mind. Either that or they persuade themselves, that is. Thus, in order to pursue more advanced techniques involving telepathy and others' brains you must persuade them to trust you. Obviously, if that person is your completion they have no choice but to trust you. To the seniors in the room, I recommend trying something on them after the lecture." The professor had made a joke, permitting the class to laugh. "Continuing, advanced techniques may include reading someone else's thoughts without them noticing, or tapping into their memories, or seeing what they see like Carter Knead was inquiring about." The bell from the clock tower rang, signaling the end of the two hour lecture block. The students were now able to leave.

    Unsuprisingly, Emma Howard got up to wait for Carter Knead in the hallway. As a light spirit and a copper one, they made an excellent completion. Christopher Caven, a tall and broad light spirit was watching them. He was wondering about his completion, and why they had never seemed to complete each other like they were supposed to. Why sharing a smile was such a feat to accomplish. Why he felt the need to put up so many mental blocks when he was around her. Completions were supposed to be open around each other, free. And he could tell that she was with him, she had nothing to hide. So why was he so closed around her?

"You haven't accepted her yet. You don't want to accept her." The professor had noticed him lingering and had interrupted his thoughts. The electrical field had obviously been lifted.

Christopher looked up.

"I don't understand."

"Yes, I also find it hard to accept that the fates paired you two. I even sent an inquiry as to why, questioning the accuracy of it all. And according to your books, it it true." Christopher nodded avoidantly, not wanting to accept fate.

"Is there something else troubling you?"

"Professor, I am not able to unshield myself around her. Is she not ready to read me?" The professor shook his head decisevly.

"It seems like you are the one not who is not entirely ready for this. In this matter, she is the one waiting for you." Christopher nodded, trying to grasp the concept that the top student at the school was 'not ready' for something. He vaguely wondered if he could study something on how to open his mind around his completion, but the thought left his mind as quickly as he had left the room.

Needing to sort out his thoughts, he sought the quickest escape from the academy. He knew that his thoughts were never safe, especially when in the proximity of their peculiar world. Thus, he feigned a "practice session" in the human world in order to evade other peculiars completely.

Peculiars, unlike humans, were granted a brief acess into the others' world in order to gain practice and study for when longer periods of trial were finally reopened. The most studious peculiars, usually without a completion, had to be monitored restlessly so they wouldn't be entirely effected by the parameters of the human world. Every once in a while, a peculiar was even banned from entering the human world because they became susceptible to human influence, which could terminate their existence.

Younger peculiars, like Christopher Caven, that had to be constantly surveyed, were usually in danger of losing their privileges for lack of resources. This is what Christopher thought about as he was finally granted access into the human world.

Okay lovelies, what do you think? If you like it, do all the works:)
I'm always open to suggestions!

You guys literally make my day every time- keep shining!


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