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Christopher stepped off the lift with extreme caution, at the moment avoiding the overactive thoughts that clouded his mind. As per usual, he caught a fair amount of stares- especially as he stepped outside onto the familiarly busy street in Chicago.

His wristband vibrated, giving him both his destination and the time he was alotted to find it.

Perfect, he thought, four human hours to find the shop I've already been to before. His elation, however, was short lived when he discovered the other peculiars around him.

There were three other students from the academy that he recognized, and one which he did not. Breaking one of his usual habits, he decided to further investigate the peculiars he knew as opposed to the one he didn't. For some reason, he felt as if he was not welcome to identify the other peculiar present.

With a great deal of frustration, he remembered the limited powers of peculiars' minds in the human world. It would seem that he wouldn't be investigating any of the peculiars around him until they were back at the academy.

Fortunately for him, Christopher had found the small china shop in an hour and a half, getting to spend the rest of the time alotted to think. He opened the door, expecting like last time to find the small woman ready to greet him.

"I thought you may be coming by today. How's the girlfriend?" Christopher winced lightly before giving her a small smile at her earnest curiosity.

"Not well, unfortunately. She and I are still disagreeing." She nodded as if she had already anticipated his reply.

"Sometimes it is not their fault but your own. Be careful with what you say and think." Christopher gave the old woman a frightened look. He questioned how much she may know about his kind, and upon searching her face further, he dismissed his questioning.

"You're not the first person today who has said that to me."

"It seems to me that you have to think." She pointed to the back, where a curtain separated the shop from the back, where they had taken tea the visit before. Of course, Christopher hadn't touched the tea because of the risks of human substances when not on trial.

He sat there for several minutes, contemplating his internal turmoil to a degree that most humans cannot attain. His watch beeped, signaling the end of his jouney. Nodding to the small woman, he exited the shop, sensing yet another peculiar nearby.

He could not sense that I was watching him.

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