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   Christopher stepped onto the lift with caution, shaking his blonde hair to blend in with everyone else. In his 'present day' class at the institution he had learned about the idiosyncracies of modern teens and he had obviously studied them well. Taking a moment to himself, he could sense three other peculiars in the car, one being her.
He had met her months ago, right after a 'funamentals' course in the late fall. As he stepped outside of the school, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his brain, causing him to stop and stare intently at the falling leaves, just breathing, until it went away. He had shaken his head, unaware that the pain symbolized the beginning of eternity. And as soon as he started walking again, he felt her. He felt her presence, her annoyance, her thoughts. But she was left unaware to his. 'Strange,' he thought to himself, 'I've never felt another peculiar in such a way before, I should inquire about it soon'.
"The funny thing is that I was completely unaware at the time".
He heard her voice clearly. So clearly that he felt the urge to turn and face her, but remembered that the voice was confined to their minds.
"Why are you remembering back then?" She asked, unsure of the feeling that she was recieving.
"Resistance," he allowed, drowning her curiosity. "I didn't know that you were listening to me."
"Why are you remembering back then?" She asked the question almost annoyedly, frowning externally.
"Why does it matter? I was wondering about the significance of it. Could it have happened differently, etc..."
"No." She almost smiled. He felt her tight anxiety ease a little as she gave him the memory of when she first saw him.
Her heart stopped, quickened, stopped. 'What is happening?' she thought with worry. When she turned around, her gaze instantly fell on Christopher. Her heart rate quickened once more, and she felt a small pang of attraction in the forefront of her mind. 'Christopher? Is he really the one or is he just another trifling practice trial?' She was getting angrier by the minute, silently asking herself why she had to have so many practice trials. Her friends had had only had one, maybe two each before getting their final assignments- but Christopher made number five. Thinking further, she realized that he was a light spirit and she was a dark one. And light and dark spirits hadn't been paired in eons. It was forbidden. And yet they were often trialed during the practice rounds. 'Yup,' she thought, 'another practice'.
"It always amazes me how many trials you had before you found me," he thought with an edge of laughter. "I had none. What were they again?"
"Dark, bronze, dark, copper. And then you." He knew that she could see him blushing. And for some reason he had suddenly stopped caring.
"You've been with every spirit type then." At that moment, she could feel his question lurking.
"You're so much more irritating than the others, and at least with the other dark spirits I could participate in... you know." She shot him a memory of her and another dark spirit, Braden Lofte, in one of the old corridors of the station in the human world. At this point in time she knew that he was only a trial, so they had decided to toy with human interactions that weren't needed in their realm- kissing, for example. And even though it shouldn't have been a big deal, Christopher felt a pain of jealousy and his thoughts became instantly darker. He erased the memory from his mind, trying not to let her suprise affect him.
The lift shook, signaling that they had been transported into the world of the peculiars. The humans were gone, leaving the four peculiars alone. The doors opened, granting them access into their secluded world. Without thinking, Christopher grabbed his dark spirit's hand and led her to a narrow entrance behind the labeled exit. And he kissed her. Passionately, hard. He felt the smile play on her lips as he did the unfamiliar deed, gently placing his hand on her hip and pulling her close. A sudden realization hit him: this was the first time in ages that he had touched her voluntairly. And yet he wondered why he had been forcing himself away from her.
"You're so infuriating!" He said outloud, distancing himself from her. She put a strand of midnight black hair behind her ear, contemplating his reaction. He watched her, secretly loving the way her insanely pale skin contrasted her hair, and how her eyes were somewhere in between them. In the same way, he hated all of the ways he thought of her as beautiful. She suddenly looked up, meeting his bright blue eyes which seemed to hold all the light hers lacked.
"And you're so wonderful." She was quieter than usual, more contemplative. Somehow this made Christopher's heart stop. He felt the first glimmer of acceptance toward her- and then felt guilt.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" He rushed immediately, trying to undo what he had said. She shook her head.
"No. I knew you would apologize, and don't. Please don't. You said what you felt. I want- I need that. Tell me when you're angry, interrogated, infuriated, Christopher! This has to work. So be truthful, real to me. Please." He could see the plea in her eyes, recollecting how hard she usually was and how soft she was being now. He nodded, accepting what she had asked of him. Going with his nature he paused before changing the mood.
"Wonderful, am I?" She blushed, adding color to the grey tunnels.
"Let us go. There is much to do before ceremony this evening." As he followed her out, he almost reached for her hand. Almost- but he wasn't ready for that yet.

Can you guess what city they're in at the beginning of the chapter??

What do you think of Christopher?
Who is she??????

Stay tuned, lovelies! If you like it, do all the works:)

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