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As she moved swiftly across the campus of Sui Generis--the unique academy--she tapped into his mind again. Although he didn't know yet, there were less barriers this time. She listened intently to his thoughts, which were swarming.
'Should I call her "Kate" sometime?' 'Maybe I should wait to hold her hand first, like humans?' 'What do dark spirits enjoy again?' 'Wait, is she even a typical dark spirit?' 'Why is she so infuriating?! She could be reading my thoughts right now, but I believe she isn't because I can feel her busy with her own mind...' 'What was that interaction back there?' 'And why is she suddenly so--beautiful?'
At that last question she legitemately smiled, something she didn't do often--especially around him. Turning around, she asked:
"To whom are you the most emotionally attached?" She knew of the confines of her question, the jealousy behind it, and yet she had asked anyway. Her question had taken him by suprise, and thus a while to answer.
"Well, Evangeline Anderson of course." He flew her the emotion of which they were bound--pure, unfleeting love. She felt her jealousy rise a bit, but she was interrupted. "She hasn't found her completion yet." Her eyebrows raised a bit.
"How many trials?"
"One. She was devastated." He fell silent.
"You wish she was your completion," she said with a tinge of saddness. He was thouroughly shocked. Could she really see through him that easily?
"But Katherine, don't you wish you were with another dark spirit, or maybe a bronze or copper one as opposed to--well, me?"
"No. They don't put me in the right place." She said simply.
"And I do? Do I really?"
"Yes." With that, she turned around and ran to the ceremony building. She didn't want him to see her tears or feel her overwhelming saddness.
Unbenounced to her, however, he did. And in seeing and feeling her so he crouched on the ground, putting his head in his hands. Unfortunately, he was eventually noticed. The person that had brought him up from the ground was none other than Carter Knead.
"Christopher, are you alright?"
"Of course."
"You're lying to me. I can sense it. You know, light spirits are terrible liers--I know from experience. It's Katherine Ready, isn't it?" Christopher groaned.
"I don't understand her! One minute I feel--love--towards her. And the next minute I'm reminded of reality, and how I believe that my actual completion is someone else. Not-" his voice broke. Carter nodded knowingly.
"Do you remember a few years ago when I had first learned that my beloved Emma was my completion?" Christopher thought back to that time, where Carter had been one of the youngest males to ever get his completion.
"Yes, I do. You felt conflicted, uncanny. I actually remember you thinking that Angela Came was your completion." He smiled, thinking of how ridiculous that was.
"Exactly. And then I accepted Emma as she was, and convinced myself to give her time. Talk to Evangeline to gain closure and then learn to accept Katherine." Christopher nodded, knowing that that was the only thing he could do.
Minutes later Christopher walked into the hall of ceremonies where he took his assigned seat near the front of the giant theatre. Evangeline, assigned the number above him at 'birth' sat next to him.
"Hey, Chris."
"Hey yourself, Angel."
"I told you not to call me that!" Her white-blonde curls shook as she laughed wholeheartedly. He smiled with her, thinking about how right she was for him. But then her laughter stopped and she grew serious.
"Hey Chris?"
"Yeah? What's wrong?"
"I, uh, I've been putting this off."
"I found my completion." As soon as she spoke the words he was shattered.
"When? Who?"
"Three days ago... It's Bennett Carnes." Bennett Carnes. The light left his body. He was dangerously close to fainting from the darkness. His eyes rolled back in his head as he heard Evangeline call to him. She was trying to bring back his light, even though she knew that only he himself could call it back to him. And then he heard a voice so crystal clear in his head that it scared him. Without his light, she terrifyed him.
"I'm- I'm so sorry. I wish things were different so that you could be happier. I wish you and your Evangeline could complete each other as Carter and Emma do. But even if that's not the case, it's no reason to give up your light. Please, call it back." He involuntarily called back his light and breathed the air in greedily, for it no longer tasted like ashes. The voice returned, although it was more peaceful now.
"Thank You."
"K-Kate?" He could feel her suck in a quick breath of air at him calling her an informal name. "Kate," he tried again, "what did I just do to myself?"
"You gave up your light and almost killed yourself. Your soul can't take much else, you know. You became a dark spirit momentarily until your light returned."
"The--air--it tasted of ashes and burnt my throat. D-does that happen to you?"
"Only before I met you." With that, the presentation started. He made a note to find her after.
"Peculiars. Greetings." It was one of the fates.
Throughout time, the first five peculiars have been there to serve as fates. The fates are immortal like all peculiars, however they are the ones that make a path for each and every one, the oldest of them all. They choose completions based on the light in every peculiar's spirit, and the wholeness of their heart. There are only a handful of peculiars in the world now, because there was a period of suicides where distressed peculiars would release their light and vanish. Thus, with less than 500 of them left the fates became secretive and more cautious, setting up practice completions and making the remaining peculiars avoid the outside world as much as possible. They were endlessly tasked with things to do including coronating new peculiars that appeared and documenting time. For one of them to be there, something crucial must have happened.
"I apologize for not telling you sooner, but we are going to start releasing peculiars into the world again. Individually, and gradually." The crowd was silent. This was huge--the human world was dangerous, impractical, relentless. Their thoughts were interrupted.
"We are not able to send pairs of peculiars off this time and we could not bare to lose any more of you due to involuntary separation. Mind that all completions will be severed until further notice. Under your seats there are handbooks to the human world, which we expect to be read and listened to before you sleep. They explain the processes and policies of this new implementation. We give you permission to experiment and learn (if possible) from the humans if and when you are transported. That is all." After the fate disappeared Christopher tried to find Katherine, but their connection was gone. He couldn't sense her any more.

And we're only four chapters in! Sorry to leave you all in suspense for a bit...

Okay so she is Katherine, what do you think?

If you like it: comment, like, the works. See you soon lovielies!

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