02 || serendipity ||

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13th February

6.30 AM

A DIN of shuffling woke me up from my dreamland, still clad in Ansh shirt I shifted towards his pillow, pushing my face inside it sniffing his redolence, saving myself from the morning rays. He kept the curtains open again, just to irritate me. Oh, how I hated this, and secretly love this too.

A soft smile appears on my swollen lips as the little movement make me flinch in pain a little sweet pain of lovemaking. Last night was amazing, a hell of a lot more. Sometimes I smile to myself, thinking how Ansh fulfils my every desire, every wish without even asking for it. He had been a part of mine, My Ansh.

"I love to see you like this you know."

His morning raspy more is more sensual than anything else. Hell everything about him is sensual, from his dark brown orbs to those dusted hairs on his bare chest to his beautiful tattoos to his untamed hairs. This man of six foot and two is a walking sin for the women population, too handsome to handle, this man with the sexiest smirk, coldest demeanour like those frosty winter nights, this man of mine, all mine.

"I can see you lost me again, Khwab." He hovers above me turning me towards him, making me collide with his bare chest. I smiled as I kiss his tattoos slowly, tortuously slowly.

"Last night was rough and I don't want to hurt you to anymore. So baby please don't do this to me now." He whispers. Oh, and this sexy voice of his will be the end of me someday.

"I am good Ansh, I am more than fine, baby." I peeked at his lips and he smiles.

"I love you Jaan." I smiled at this. Reyansh Bakshi is not someone who likes these cheesy nicknames. He is more of a practical kind of a man, a man of few words, a respected officer. But then again every single of these traits abandons him as soon as he crosses the threshold of our home. A home where he is just a spoiled kid, a romance freak, my best friend, my husband.

"I love you too"

"I know you do." He smiles and shifted himself next to me, I cuddled back into his arms, my safe haven. One more thing I love about him, his arms around me always makes me feel safe, even back when he was just a stranger to me.

"Sometimes I feel I have been in love with you longer than I know," I murmured. A throaty laugh left his lips as his chest vibrates.

"Will you believe if I say I know this too?" I didn't miss the mischief in his voice, but I know he is saying the truth. Another thing I love about Ansh, he never lies, not to me not to anyone, maybe the reason why I can never lie to him but I can to anyone else.

"I will. I know you did."

"I had seen it in your eyes long before you voice it. And I am not complaining, My love."

"I know." I smile pecking at his forehead. I can still see the faint mark there, a sign Lieutenant Reyansh Bakshi had survived, a sign that I saved a life. His lean fingers trail softly upon my tattoo, way to softly as if he is still afraid that one rough touch and all my demons will break upon. And then he looks again, kissing my wrist letting me know the silent message that his eyes scream.

"I have an off for two days." I smiled. I know he will have this off.

"I thought you will forget it?" I teased,

"Never." That's true, I have always been good with dates but he is something else.

"Our second wedding anniversary it is."

"Yes and?" I smiled. If it would have been someone other than him that person would want to forget the day at any cost but here we are celebrating a day we never should have remembered in the first place.

But then again I was the reason he left his dream behind, I was the cause Reyansh Bakshi left the Indian Airforce.

"Can you stop thinking about the past now?" He sighed frustratedly. Another thing about him, he gets pissed easily, especially when I zoned out to the past.

"You always get to know about it."

"Your eyes speak to me as mine does to yours." I kissed him hard as I snuggled back to his arms.

"I am so happy that you took this off."

"I wanted this two weeks off anyhow, one project is going on and I need to lead the team once I join back."

"I am so proud of you Love."

"I know that Captain." I laughed.

The vision of Reyansh leaving the forces and joining the Commercial pilot is still clear in my head as if it passed yesterday but that was five years back. Back then a twenty-six years officer left his job as he was not fit enough to join any time soon, a year passed in glooms and everything changed. That man joined the airlines and barged into my life again, making a home out of me. A home I always wanted.

I smiled as I can see his eyes recalling the same days. Reyansh and Khawhish had seen the worst day together, it's our time for good ones.


11.50 PM

Standing in solitude I look around, it's been an hour he left home and called me here. I know something is going on in his head but this is way too much. Ten more minutes and then I saw them, fireflies twinkling as I follow the lead.

On my left, lanterns are hanging down the trees, I step towards them, the stoned paving and this long red dress with my heels are certainly not helping. Two steps and I almost tripped, holding the branch I balanced myself. My eyes expose the sight of a note, his note with a red rose.

Open those and follow the way Beautiful.

I smiled taking my wedgies off. Another few steps and I can hear the music, he used to sing this to me.

A sudden pull from the back and I collide with his hard chest. For once I felt the air stops, breezes halt, birds silence as I for the zillionth of time lost myself into his dark brown eyes.

Clad in his black shirt and pant with sleeves half folded with that vein popping out of this left arm, his tattoos complimenting his looks and as He smiles my heart ceases. My honey-brown orbs find solace in his dark once. Love finds home as he hugs me tight.

"You look just perfect."

"Just like us." He smiles. Then I notice he is not wearing shoes too.

"Dance with me." I nod.

Slowly music and we swaying along with it, stealing kisses and laughing. The breezes play with my hairs messing with them I sighed. Then he smiled and sings along

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight

"Happy anniversary Khwab," He smiles, I am his dream, a beautiful dream which turns out to be a perfect reality.

"Happy anniversary Ansh."

Walking by the shore holding his hand resting my head near his heart is one of my best moment with him and no matter how old we get it will remain like that. As the salty breezes pass and the cold blue water touches our feet I want to step back, I am sensitive to these but then again his tight hold didn't let me. One more thing I love about him, he never let me step back.

"It's just water, nothing will happen."

"The rashes."

"It won't happen too, I will take care of it." I know he will.

Sometimes I look at him and keeps looking at him. The way he loves me is beyond me. A faint smile remembers me of a painful line, tumhari aukard nahi hai key mai tumse pyaar karu, tab bhi maine kiya.

A breath choked my throat but his hold tightens around my waist bringing me back to him as if he heard those words too as if he suffered my pain too.

"I am blessed to have you Khwab." I smiled.

What I didn't say is that I thanked my stars every day for giving me someone like Ansh. Someone who loved me in pieces, someone who loved me despite all the mayhem all the chaos.

A few minutes later we lay down on the cold sand holding each other's hands, glimpsing the starry night canvas as the winds witness Us.

Slowly the clouds fill the sky and little drops started pouring upon us but we keep on lying there as we witness the ocean of love meeting the sky through little drops making a sight to behold.

"I love rains," I whispered as I am not ready to break this beautiful silence that beholds us.

"I know." He said slowly.

"I love you" He smiles kissing my lips.

"I love you more."

And we keep on lying there as the rain keeps on pouring upon us and he hums again, Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes


14th February

6 AM

By the time we get back home we were drenched and so in love that we headed to our room. And now I am lying above him tangled with the covers hearing his heartbeats syncing with mine, my eyes dropping any time soon then I hear him.

"I booked your flight for tomorrow," My brows furrowed at this.

"And may I know where am I going?"

"You got another week off, I think you should go back and..."

"Ansh I wanted us to spend some time now."

"Khwab he needs you there."


"Maa is not well too."

"I know.." He cuts me this time too as he looks into my eyes.

"You know what my first thought about you, I always knew you are a great friend, and now your friend needs you." A great friend, I laughed at his words. He is partially true, I fell for my best friend who happens to be him in those years, but a great friend, never. Friendship is a tainted relationship for me after what happened in the past.

"Once in a while you have to face it Khwab and I know you are strong enough to face it, to survived through all this time don't ruin a friendship because of a past that's not even here anymore." As he completes I can feel the raw plea in his voice, something that tells me that this time I have to go there, alone. I have to face the past alone.

"You know you shouldn't let me go there alone."

"No, I don't. There's nothing I am worried about, you are mine and all mine and that's what matters." Another thing I love about Ansh he knows how to convince me.

"Fine, I will go." He seals it with a kiss.

The sun rays fall in our room as sleep engulfs us, the last thought that cross my mind is the serene sight of my love with soft rays falling on his face as he hugs me tight. He is beautiful, we are beautiful together.

For we have found love in each other for we have made a home out of that.

Kyuki humne khud say khudsay Mohabbat karna seekh liya tha.

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