Chapter 13

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A/N: So I'd really like to know what I need to do to get more views, comments and votes? I just wonder cause I try and update regularly and I try to make it as good as I can, it's just with the lack of interest I find it hard to keep motivated, like is it really worth me posting?

I have the next chapter, but if I don't get much of a response I'm not sure I'll be able to continue.

Chapter 13

Scott followed by Mitch, followed by Mitch, followed by Kirstie who dragged Avi along by his sleeve, followed by Kevin walked through the open door into the bustling atmosphere.
They got a few looks here and there but it wasn't nearly as bad as they thought it was going to be.
Mitch played with the collar of his blue-black-and-white button-up shirt as he looked around the room, a smile lights up his face as he spots what he's looking for. Whacking Scott once in the chest, the tall blonde has caught on and the two head for the refreshments table.
Kirstie rolls her eyes, "It looks like Scott's gonna get trashed, sorry boys we won't be leaving as soon as the list comes around," she tips her head back to look at them, not actually seeing them though.
"Great," Avi says sarcastically.
"And there it is," she points, dragging Avi further into the room, Kevin following them obediently.

Scott turns around with drink in hand, "Wow, one second and they're gone," he narrows his eyes, scanning the room from his rare vantage point.
"Hate to break it to you honey, but we've been here about 10 minutes," Mitch tells him and quickly downs another drink.
"Oh," Scott frowns, "Well we might as well stay here then," he shrugs, facing Mitch again. He takes Mitch free hand and spins him around, "No we can say we've danced too!"
"Oh please that barely counts!" Mitch smirks, keeping a hold of Scott's hand, takes his new drink and dance partner to the middle of the floor.

"No going back now, we're all signed up! I'm going to get a drink to celebrate," Kirstie tells Kevin and Avi with a smile.
"You do that," Avi tells her with a nod, no smile back, they were supposed to be leaving now and he wasn't happy that they weren't.
Kevin pulls Avi to sit down next to him on the sofa as Kirstie walks away.
"Look I don't want to be here as much as you don't, but we are so we might as well suck it up and have fun," Kevin tells him.
Avi turns to him with an 'are you kidding me' look. "You don't drink."
"You don't have to drink to have fun. Besides, I'm only just old enough, I could if I wanted to, unlike most of the people here," he glances around shaking his head at the antics.
"Yeah well go talk to Marley Rose, she's like the only other one here that won't be drinking tonight, I'll see you later," Avi stands up again.
"Hey don't leave me by myself!"
"I said go talk to Marley," Avi replies without turning back.
"Be like that then," Kevin says in a quiet huff, folding his arms as he looked around the room, he couldn't even see Marley... he didn't even know who she was!

...About 2 hours later...

Kirstie walked out of the bathroom, down the hall on her way back to the party. About to round the corner, she is stopped.
"Hey babe, you been looking fine all night."
Kirstie frowns a little at the guy, "Um... thanks," she smiles weekly, moving to step around him.
He grabs her arm, "A compliment like that deserves a little something don't you think."
"No I don't think," she yanks her arm away. "Leave me alone."
"How's that fair?"
"It just is. So get over it," she moves to leave again when the guy pushes her against the wall.
"You better watch your mouth," he hisses.
"Or what?" comes a voice from behind them. Avi pulls the guy away, twisting his arm. Kirstie practically leaps behind Avi. And he pushes the guy forward who loses his balance, toppling. Avi turns, quickly ushering Kirstie around the corner. "I don't know what I do next, move quickly!" he whisper yells.
Kirstie grabs his hand, pulling him into the crowd and towards the front door. She opens it and looks around before dragging Avi out with her into the hallway. "We can just hang out here for a bit," she smiles up at him. Hesitating she wraps her arms around him tightly, leaning into him closer she whispers, "Thank you."
"It's okay, I mean that was probably one of the most terrifying things I've done. He was a big guy, if he wasn't so drunk that wouldn't have been that easy. Yet I'm still panicking about the fact that he may walk out that door at any minute," he rushes, pointing at the door, not having yet wrapped his arms around the girl clinging to him.
"Hug me, maybe it'll calm you a little, then we can go for a walk."

"Hopefully the boys don't get into any trouble while we're gone," Kirstie tells Avi after a good five minutes of silent walking.
"Kevin won't, he's well to well behaved," he chuckles. "He doesn't drink," he adds.
"Oh well I guess that's the total opposite of Scott then. I do have to worry about him. But at least I know... you know?" she turns to him.
"Kind of. It's just Mitch then, I kind of want to know how he is."
"Me too," she nods in agreement with a shiver, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Are you cold?"
"Yeah a little. I guess I thought I wouldn't feel it, with like the... alcohol I've consumed," she says the last bit quietly.
"Kirst, it's a party you don't have to be coy about the fact that you drank," he laughs.
"I'm 19."
"So, it's not like you're off your face or anything. And if you're still cold, then clearly it's not doing much, not to mention you're walking straight in those shoes of yours," he points down to her multi-colour high heeled boots before pulling off his leather jacket and holding it out for her.
She steps back a little, "You'll get cold," she frowns, but takes the jacket when he pushes it right against her, halting her and himself on their path. "Thank-you."
"You're welcome," he smiles, starting to walk again.
Kirstie smiles crookedly at him as they start to walk again and pulls on the over-sized jacket. With-out hesitation, she wraps both her arms around one of his, leaning into him a little.
He looks across at her, trying not to smile too. Trying to hide is grin he looks down, then away from Kirstie before forward again.
After a moment's silence, Kirstie looks up at Avi, still leant on him though, "Are you going home for Christmas?"
With a slight smile Avi shakes his head.
Kirstie frowns, "What? Why not? Why are you smiling?"
"Because I'm Jewish."
"Oh, oh I'm sorry I didn't know... that was such a stupid question," she sighs.
Avi shakes his head, "No it's okay, it's not a big deal. I don't mind the whole Christmas thing."
Kirstie laughs, "The whole Christmas thing,' I love how you put that."
"Well that's what it is!"
"Yeah but still, it's Christmas, not the whole Christmas thing," she puts on a deep voice as she mimics him.
"Not to me," he shrugs.
She stops laughing, "I'm sorry."
"I didn't mean it like that, you don't have to apologise."
"Right, well can I ask about how you feel about Christmas, like having to see it everywhere?"
"It happens every year so I'm totally used to seeing it, it's not a big deal at all. In fact I'm a little jealous, because as great as Hanukah is, Christmas in the movies always looks like fun."
"It is fun, I look forward to it every year, it's my second favourite holiday."
"After what?"
"Halloween. You know you're lucky, you met me after Halloween. I go a little crazy about it," she giggles.
"I can actually totally imagine that," Avi laughs.
"Anyways, I was going somewhere else with this before the wonderful Halloween side-tracked me. How would you like to come and have Christmas with me? I'm gonna bus back to Texas, and it's kinda long and lonely... and well you're not going to be doing anything," she shrugs, looking down as she keeps talking.
Avi smiles looking down a little, before across at Kirstie, "I'd love to."

"Whoa! Warbler alert," Scott whisper yells, shuffling into Mitch, moving them both along, Mitch almost tripping in the process.
"Watch out," he chuckles, "I almost spilt my drink!"
"Sorry, sorry, but you know... Warblers," the tall blonde points over his shoulder. Mitch peers around him.
"So they are. It's an A Capella party Scott, what did you think? That the top A Capella group at the school just wasn't gonna show up?"
"Yeah, they're no fun so why would they come to something fun?"
"Scott and... gay one. I'm surprised to see you here."
Scott's face darkens and he turns to face the new voice. "What do you want Hunter."
"What I can't just say hi to a former team mate?"
"No you can't, not this one," he points to himself with the top of his beer bottle, spilling a bit on himself. He slowly looks down at his burgundy top, "Damn," he mutters.
Mitch hands him some tissues, "Here."
Hunter raises an eyebrow. "Well then, if you're done making a mess. I wanted to congratulate you on your stellar performance last weekend," he smirks as the two boys in front of him look up with a glare. "Oh that's right... it went terribly didn't it. Your so called bass dropped the mic and your speaker system failed, Kirstin threw a fit and well someone threw a shoe at you that Kirstin then threw back amidst the afore mentioned fit, and to top it off your so called bass had to drag her off the stage."
"Could have been worse," Scott says with narrow eyes.
Hunter sighs, "Not really. That was pretty tragic. I almost feel bad for you, almost." He turns and walks off.
"Well he's just a ray of super productive sunshine isn't he," Mitch rolls his eyes.
Scott smirks, turning to look down at Mitch. "I would have loved to tell him the speaker system failed, not because Avi dropped the mic, but because he practiced too hard."

Kirstie and Avi cautiously walk back into the apartment, keeping low, bent over just a little, neither of them were entirely tall but they had to keep hidden. They got a few looks from people, and they knew what those people were thinking. But those people didn't matter as long as that one guy didn't see them, they didn't know him at all but their one encounter was enough to send them sprinting back out the door if they had to. When they had to. They stopped; Kirstie saw him first and backed into Avi, her heel landing on his shoe. He wretched his foot back wincing, moving to grab his foot he loses his balance and reaching out to help him Kirstie only ends up falling with him, landing on him.
"What are you doing?" Kevin asks, raising an eyebrow as he steps up next to them in their odd position on the floor.
"Nothing!" they chorus, both trying to get up at the same time, leaning and pushing each other, failing in their attempts. Laughing Kevin offers Kirstie his hands and she's up quickly. Avi finally sits up properly and gives Kevin the thumbs up before he's given a helping hand too.
"Ahh my foot, damn it," he chuckles, shaking his head.
"Sorry," Kirstie sighs, "I didn't mean to, just that..." she spins quickly, looking around, panicking. "I lost him! I saw him and I lost him!" she grabs Kevin's arm.
"The guy Avi practically flipped."
"You what?!" Kevin asks wide eyed.
"I didn't flip him, he fell over when I twisted his arm. But he's a scary dude and I'd rather avoid him if I can."
"Why did you do that at all?"
"He did it for me, the guy was bugging me," she tells Kevin, deciding not to give him too much detail on the situation.
"Okay then... well..." he is cut off by Scott, who practically fell into their discussion, leaning on Kevin for support.
"How my people doing here?" he gives them a big cheesy smile.
Mitch steps up beside them, "He's drunk a little too much," he giggles, coving his mouth. "I may have too," he drops his hand, laughing louder.
"Maybe it's time we all just left then?" Kevin suggest with a shrug.
"Sounds good," Kirstie nods in agreement, watching Scott closely.
"Time to leave!" Scott announces to the ceiling, making a few people glance their way.
"Yeah okay party boy, calm down," Kevin laughs, helping Scott walk towards the door.
Mitch wraps his arms around Kirstie and Avi's shoulders, using them for an aid to his balance.
"I'm not as messed up as Scott," he tells them matter of factly.
"Sure you're not," Avi smiles a little.
"You're barely walking right now, Avi's dragging you," Kirstie laughs.
"I'm not..."
"...He's not," they say in unison.
"Now he is," Kirstie smirks, lifting Mitch's arm off her shoulder letting it and him drop a little. She laughs as Avi stops him from falling and she skips ahead opening the door for the four boys.
"Thank you so much for that Kirstie," Avi shakes his head, trying not to laugh as he walks through the door with Mitch hanging off him, barely supporting his own wait.
"I'm not as messed up as Scott I tell you," Mitch calls towards Kirstie.
"You're both as messed up as each other," She chuckles, following the guys out and letting the door close behind them.

A/N: That was even extra long!! Please, please, please vote and comment if you'd like to see this story continued.

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