Chapter 14

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A/N: And here it is the first part of my Christmas stuff! Also sorry not sorry that most of it is Kirstie and Avi and that the next chapter will most likely be too. No but seriously I hope you guys still enjoy it and hopefully the actual Christmas part will be out in the next couple of days :)

Chapter 14

"I'd like to know what happened exactly," Kevin turns to face Avi.
"With what?"
"With Kirstie, just last week you couldn't talk to her and now you're going to her house for Christmas, you've never come to mine for Christmas," he mock pouts.
"It's different."
"Not really, Christmas is Christmas and you're Jewish. So what is so special about this girl huh?" he smirks, folding his arms across his chest.
"Nothing, just let me pack in peace okay."
"So you're going on a 20 hour bus ride with girl for nothing?" Kevin raises an eyebrow smugly.
"Yep," Avi answers shortly, giving Kevin a strained smile as he zips up his bag.
"It may snow."
"Well then great, I'm going for the fact that it might snow, I love the snow," Avi points accusing at his best friend as he drags his bag towards the door and opens it.
"And you've just finished packing moments before you have to leave, which is beyond typical Avriel."
"Oh my gosh that's such a cute name! I didn't know your name was Avriel!" Kirstie says with a smile as she appears in their doorway. "Is that all you're taking?" she asks with a frown, dropping her bag, that was twice as big down next to her.
"Um... yes and my name is not cute, it's horrible and Kevin shouldn't be saying it all."
"It slipped out," Kevin shrugged.
"And don't scare me like that," Avi tells Kirstie.
Kirstie laughs, "You didn't even jump!"
"I did... on the inside. Now we should go? We don't want to miss the bus yeah?" he motions her back, mostly just waning to get away from Kevin before his best friend said something else stupid in front of Kirstie.
"Bye! Have fun," Kevin waves as Avi shuts the door behind them. "He so likes her," he laughs to himself as he picks up a book and sits back to relax and read.


Sat at the bus stop, Avi and Kirstie were pretty much quiet, both looking around themselves as if they were trying to find something to say.
Kirstie sighs, glancing over at Avi, "You know we're gonna have to act like you're not scared of me if you're gonna be meeting my mom."
"I'm not scared of you," Avi says quickly.
"Then talk to me."
"I don't actually... I guess I'm not really much a talker."
"Well I refuse to sit next to you in silence for a 20 hour drive."
"That's fine, I'll probably be asleep."
Kirstie sighs, folding her arms and leaning back against the glass of the back wall of the bus stop.
Avi runs his hand down his face as he realises how rude what he said may have come across. "I didn't mean that I didn't want to... I'm just really not good at talking to girls, to be honest people in particular, Kevin is really the only person who's really gotten me."
Kirstie turns to fully face him, tucking one of her legs up under her, "Then let's spend this time together helping me to "get you," she gives him a warm smile and lightly squeezes his hand as the bus turns into the terminal and pulls up beside them.


"You going home?" Mitch asks Scott as they sit across from each other in the campus café.
"Nope, my sister specifically told me not to, she lives out here too, so I'll be going to hers and hanging out with nephew the whole day," Scott smiles. "What about you?"
"My parents are coming out here, since it's just me and they wanted some sun: my mom hates cold just as much as I do," he chuckles.
"Well that sounds nice," the blonde nods, "I'm the same though, I much prefer the warmth."
"And we've it with Kirst, who by the way, I don't know if she told you, is taking Avi home with her!"
Mitch's eyes widen in surprise, "You're kidding!"
Scott shakes his head, "Nope, but that's the same reaction I had when she told me. And she told me that I was being rude, so... you're being rude," he points a finger across at Mitch, and pulls up one side of his mouth in his attempt to impersonate Kirstie.
Mitch covers his mouth to supress a laugh, "Oh my gosh," he says behind his hand, "She does that a lot doesn't she?"
"Eh well it's working for her, it made Avi tip a chair up a few weeks ago and now he's going back to Texas with her, funny huh?"
Mitch nods glancing at Scott a little longer as they get up to leave.


Kirstie barely nods off when she is tapped on the shoulder from her right. "Kirst we're at the first stop, do you want anything, or do you need to go to the bathroom... I don't know," Avi shrugs, having talked in a whisper.
"Are you going into the 7-Eleven?"
Avi nods, "Yeah I'm kinda starving."
"Can you get me some m&m's and a diet coke?"
"Of course," he nods, hoping up from his seat with his wallet in his hand.
Kirstie stands up behind him, following him off the bus and out into the cold dark air, she wraps her arms around herself. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom," she tells him as they part ways before the door to the convenience store.
Avi blinks repetitively as he tries to adjust to the bright lighting. Rubbing his tired eyes he makes his way into the candy isle, picking up the packet of m&m's he'd promised and looking out for something for himself. He decides on a bag of Reece's Pieces and makes his way to the back fridge, he pulls out a bottle of diet coke and a bottle of zero coke.
As he steps into the line to pay, Kirstie steps up beside him, and reaches to take her things. Avi turns away from her, keeping a tight grip on everything in his hands.
"I got it," he tells her with a slight chuckle.
"Then let me give you the money?"
"No," Avi shakes his head, "Don't worry about it, you can get back on the bus if you want."
"I don't want," she says then lowers her voice, "I'm not going out there alone. And thank you." She adds, and folds her arms as they wait.
They finally reach the till and Avi places the items down, giving Kirstie a small smile as he does. She smiles back and Avi pays, as they're about to leave the lady at the register speaks up, Kirstie listens as Avi keeps walking.
"Don't forget to look up on the way out," she says with a smile.
Kirstie frowns, but keeps a smile on her face, confused, "Sure," she nods slowly.
Avi is stood waiting for Kirstie with the automatic doors open. Kirstie as told, looks up when she reaches him and can't help but break into a smile and start to turn a shade of red.
Avi moves to walk out the door when Kirstie grabs his arm and pulls him back, the points upwards with her free hand. He looks up.
"What is that?"
Kirstie's smile drops momentarily until she remembers that he genuinely doesn't know, or was he just messing with her? Because he couldn't be that oblivious to Christmas right?
Avi's eyes widen a little, "Oh, is that what it actually looks like up close... I thought it was red."
"No that's holly, and holly's not special, mistletoe is," she smiles.
"Yeah, I heard you're supposed to..." he trails off looking at Kirstie.
"Supposed to what?" she raises an eyebrow, biting her lip.
"Why don't you tell me, you're the Christmas expert here," he replies, starting to go a little red himself.
Kirstie shakes her head, looking down, "Nah," she smiles looking back up at him, then stretching up on her toes, she leans on Avi's arm for balance and sweetly kisses him on the cheek.
She gives him her signature side-smirk and links her arm through him, leading the momentarily stunned Avi back towards the bus.

A/N: If you loved, or even just liked it, or hated it, if that's how you feel, please comment and tell me what you think! Votes are cool too :D

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