Chapter 15

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A/N: This part one of my Kavi Christmas bit (Or partially 2) It's going to be two parts at least, maybe three. 

And since it's Christmas in NZ already MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!!!! :D :D :D :D
And as a present I will be updating again after I wake up (and do family stuff) since I should be asleep cause my sisters want to get up early and it's almost 1! Gahh Oh well Hope you guys all have a great day :)

"So usually everything is gonna end up really bright and colourful, oh and we always a make a birthday cake for Baby Jesus," Kirstie babbles as she leads Avi down the path to her house.
Avi nods and smiles.
"It's always so much fun, just me, my mom and my nana, but this year we have you too and it's gonna be just as good," she grins, latching onto Avi's arms, pulling him to move faster.
She stops grinning up at him as they reach the front door. "You know, I'm not sure I asked but why aren't your family meeting for Hanukah?"
"Mom and Dad won a cruise and my brother is in Australia at the moment so my sister went to visit him. This is actually the first time we won't all be together as a family, I mean I'll be by myself, at least they all have someone, mom and dad, Esther and Josh."
"Well don't be all mopey okay cause now you have me... I mean you'll be spending time with me... like yeah. Christmas," she smiles her crooked smile as she looks up at him through her eyelashes.
Avi snickers, breaking into laughter.
"What?" she asks with a laugh.
"The last time you gave me that look I bolted from the room!"
"My how things have changed in two months!" Kirstie mock rolls her eyes and turns to retrieve the spare key from the pot plant. "You're gonna pretend you didn't see that," she points at him with the key.
"I promise I didn't see anything," he winks and a smirk forms across her face.
Opening the door she steps inside, looking around then stops and closes her eyes for a moment taking a deep breath.
"Home," she sighs under her breath. She spins around to face Avi again as he closes the front door behind them. Kirstie drops her bag onto the ground, just off to the side, then pulling at Avi's she gets him to release and drops it on her own.
"Come on, I know where the crepe paper is kept!" she squeals and runs off down a hallway.
Avi smiles as he slowly follows after her. By the time he's found her again, her arms are full of many packets of construction paper in pretty much any colour you can think of.
"Wow," he says as he sees her, reaching out for her to dump it all in his arms.
"I know right! My mom stocks up all year just so I can make decorations when I come home, well that's this year and last year, like from College. But before that it was while she was at work and I would come home from School and be all by myself." Kirstie shrugs, walking past Avi and into the kitchen.
Avi follows her with his arms full, but he was handling it better than Kirstie had been.
"Just go dump all that in the lounge," she tells him, "I'm just gonna get some scissors and tape... and a stapler, maybe some glue if I can find it," she nods, trailing of her list as she starts to sort through cupboards and draws.
He walks into the lounge and places everything down carefully. When Kirstie walks through after him she just drops everything, then plops to the ground herself. She gestures for Avi to sit down next to her.
"You ever made snowflakes?" Kirstie asks picking up the packet of white craft paper, using her teeth to open the plastic.
"No don't do that! There's a sticky part!" Avi says quickly, picking up another packet to show how easy it was to open.
"Snowflakes aren't green Avi," Kirstie tells in a mock matter of factly tone.
"I know that Kirstie and it's not the point... besides my snowflake could be green if I wanted it to be."
"Snow is white."
"I thought you said this place was going to be colourful?" he says as he pulls the green paper from its packet.
"It is! But... okay fine whatever," she rolls her eyes, trying to stop a smile from spreading across her face. "We'll do snowflakes later then, let's make a paper chain, and pass me the green so I can cut it up." She picks up a pair of scissors and holds her hand open.
"No way, this is for my green snowflakes," he laughs, placing the paper down beside him and hands her a blue packet instead.
Kirstie shakes her head as she laughs, "Fine, fine, let's make a blue, pink and gold paper chain... so good?"
"Everything sounds great, as long as I'm getting my green snowflakes," Avi smiles, picking up the pink and gold paper packets.

"Just a bit higher."
"Hold on, I need the glue, this one just popped."
"Here," Kirstie hold the glue stick up to the man half perched on the back of the sofa and stretching towards the roof with part of the paper chain in one hand and a drawing pin in the other. Avi hands her the pin and takes the glue, he quickly fixes the chain, re-linking it and they trade back continuing on around the room until they had the paper chain around the skirting's of the whole room draping at every ten links.
Kirstie offers Avi a hand as he gets down off the chair, he was fine but she was really just looking for an excuse to touch him now and decides to hold out her arms for a hug, "It's perfect," she tells him, wrapping her arms around the bass.
Avi smiles, hugging her back, "Well I think any of them could pop at any second, but other than that, yeah perfect seems about right," he nods.
"So we could make tonnes more decorations, or..." Kirstie looks up at Avi, pulling away just slightly.
"Oh Kirstie right in the doorway! I'm happy you're home but," Angelica walks around the corner and Avi and Kirstie jump apart.
"We're making decorations!" Kirstie yells out then runs up to hug her mother.
Angelica nods, wrapping her arms around her daughter and giving Avi a once-over. "Then where are the Christmas carols.
"Oh me and Avi can sing them! Check it," Kirstie goes to start singing as Avi's eyes widen.
"Kirstie I don't think I can."
"It's not hard, just give me bass and I'll sing," she looks over her shoulder.
"But I don't know the songs."
"Oh," Kirstie stops, "I didn't think of that."
Angelica raises an eyebrow, "Hold on, hold on, think of what, catch me up."
"Avi's Jewish mom I told you that, so he doesn't know Christmas songs, and he wants to make green snowfakes, though that's personal preference and has nothing to do with being Jewish and has just been weighing on my mind because blue and white are acceptable," she rushes and her mother covers her mouth.
"Sweetie, I think green is swell, I may just make myself some pink ones. In fact lets make rainbow snowflakes.' Angelica smiles fondly at her daughter before turning back to Avi, "And now that my darling daughter is quiet, it's nice to meet you," she holds out her hand.
"It's nice to meet you too," Avi nods with a smile as he shakes Angelica's hand.

A/N: Aww yay :)

Pretty please may I have the best Christmas presents of votes and comments? :)o (begging face)

Also this entire chapter was written listening to PTX Christmas songs, and I never write to songs so this is a big deal lol :D

Love you all, and I hope you have a great day,

Hannah :)

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