Chapter 19

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A/N: Here you are, I'm sorry.

Chapter 19

Kirstie sits on her bed in her dorm room with a sad look on her face as she stares at her phone.
Her roommate Gail sits across from her, on her own bed, watching a movie on her laptop. She looks up briefly at Kirstie, she tries to go back to watching her movie but looks up again then ends up shutting her laptop. "Kirstie, what's up?" she asks as she places her laptop down beside her.
"Avi texted me good morning."
"Then text him back," she shrugs with a frown.
"I can't, he might take it the wrong way."
A look of realisation crosses Gail's face, "Oh I see, so he likes you but you don't like him back and you're scared of leading him on," she nods slowly.
Kirstie sighs and shakes her head, "You got two thirds of that right, he likes me, and I'm scared of leading him on... the problem is that I like him too Gail! What am I supposed to do?"
"Is he cute?"
"Is he a jerk?"
Kirstie shakes her head quickly, "Not at all."
"Then I don't see a problem, go out with him," she nods.
"I can't. We're in a group together, it would be unprofessional."
"It absolutely would not! Who cares if you're in a group together, that could actually be the making of something beautiful... you guys could sing to each other! How amazing would that be... wait is he actually a good singer?" she raises an eyebrow.
"Yes he's a really really good singer, but that's not the point. What if we did date, and then it didn't work out, we broke up, it would make being in a group together really awkward. It'd be like Junior Choir with Matt all over again."
"Maybe," Gail shrugs, "But what if it's not?"


Pentatonix were having a practice in the music room, they were stood in a circle, going over their parts and occasionally adding something new in, really just honing the fine details.
"So," Scott starts talking as they finish a round of their version of ET. "We're gonna need more songs, ET will be for round one obviously, but we're hoping to go further than that."
"We," Kirstie starts, but it comes out croaky, so she clears her throat.
Four heads snap to face her.
"I'm fine," she nods, he voice clearer again. "We won't know what category's we'll get until closer to the date."
"No I know," Scott nods, "But we could cover a couple of basics like Country, Rock and a Mash-up. Those three have been major at the last eight competitions."
"It doesn't mean we'll draw any of them," Mitch shrugs.
"Then again we could draw all of them," Avi adds in.
"Of 14 options, we have eight rounds... it's a very real possibility," Kevin nods.
"No but what I mean, is that we don't actually know what any of the 14 options are yet, but those three have been there in the last eight competitions, there are always a few changes but those aren't some of them."
"Okay I think I follow, but I have a headache, so can you try this again another time," Kirstie sighs, pressing her fingers tips to her temples.
"Yeah fine, sure." Scott nods, "Just all have a think about some songs we could do for those categories and we'll talk it over next time."
The other four members all nod along then move away to pack up the few things they all had out, phones, chargers and water bottles mainly.
"I have the tickets by the way," Mitch turns around to tell the others, fanning the five out in his hand.
Scott practically squealed and ran over to Mitch, pulling one of the tickets out of his hands. "Oh I may just be in love with you Mitchel," he says, grinning ear to ear, unable to take his eyes off the ticket in his hand.
Kevin takes his ticket smiling, "This is gonna be good."
"No, it's going to be better than good!" Scott cries out, "It's Beyoncé! It's gonna be.... I can't even think of a word that could explain how.... Ahh I just can't even," he sighs looking up then back at his ticket, still grinning madly. "Okay I'm starved, anyone want to go and get a bite to eat?"
Kirstie shakes her head, "Nah I'm not hungry," she pulls her backpack onto her back.
"Yeah I'm up for that," Kevin nods.
"You'll miss me too much if I don't go," Mitch smirks, winking as he lightly nudges Scott in the side.
"Totally," Scott chuckles, glancing at Mitch before turning to Avi, "You coming?"
"I'd love to but I have to pick up my sister from the airport," he shrugs.
"Oh is she back from Australia?" Kirstie turns to him with a smile.
Avi nods, "Yeah she is," he smiles back at Kirstie. They're staring at each other a moment too long, and Scott clears his throat.
Kirstie blinks quickly and takes a step back, "Not that I care." She flips her hair and turns walking towards the door.
Avi frowns, "Um, okay then."


"Hey Kirst can we talk?"
Kirstie stops, squeezing her eyes shut, that was voice of the last person she wanted to talk to right now, she'd been avoiding him all week. She takes a deep breath and pulls a look of complete boredom onto her face before she turns around to face Avi. "Fine, make it quick," she sighs.
"Oh, Kirst do you have a cold?" he asks, concern flashing on his face.
"I'm fine, just talk," she tells him, her voice sounding like her nose was blocked.
"Well I was just gonna ask, and I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but did I do something to upset you?"
"Oh well I thought maybe I had since you haven't texted me back, or even talked to me in like the last week. Like this actually the first time we've talked since that practice we had a week ago when you asked about Esther."
"Who?" Kirstie pulls a snarky face as she asks.
Avi frowns, "My sister... you remember I told you about her, how we both had annoying sisters... except mines older..." he talks, his voice trailing off due to confusion and the look Kirstie was giving him before she turned her gaze on her nails.
"I don't think anyone gave you the right to call my sister annoying," she sighs, continuing to study her nails.
"Kirstie are you sure you're feeling okay? Like is your cold getting to you? You're not really acting like yourself...."
"How would you know?! You've known me what? All of four months?"
"Five actually," he quietly interjects.
"Oh my god you're not seriously counting," Kirstie pulls on her bitchy attitude that she only ever saved for when she didn't want someone to know how she was really feeling. "Okay Avi I didn't want to have to say this, but clearly you're not getting it..." she stops almost having to force herself to say it, "You really need to quit this crush because I don't feel the same way."
Avi swallows as his face turns a bright shade of red, "Oh... right."
Kirstie nods, "Yeah we were never going to be together."
He looks down, "I get it, you didn't have to keep talking Kirstie, I'm already embarrassed enough as it is." He stops talking for a moment, then sighs, "No girl has ever liked me back, so I don't know why I thought you would," he runs a hand down his face, unable to believe he'd just said that to her.
Kirstie felt a pang in her stomach as he spoke, she knew she was lying, but he didn't and now she'd hurt him. But if she apologised now then all that would have been for nothing and their group would be ruined, and before she knew words came tumbling out of her mouth, "Well it's not a surprise, girls especially me, don't date boys like you." She completely freezes as she finishes, holding her breath as Avi slowly looked up at her.
"Wow," Avi says slowly, looking around, "Way to kick someone when they're already down, you sound just like Hunter actually... I'd always wondered how you'd ended up with him... now I see that you two are absolutely perfect for each other," he shakes his head as Kirstie reaches out and he steps back. He turns around and walks away from Kirstie as she covers her mouth with both hands and squeezes her eyes shut as tears start to slowly roll down her cheeks.

A/N: Yeah so some of you said you didn't hate me after the last chapter... still so sure?

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