Chapter 20

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A/N: This chapter is for CollinPlays (they're a writer from thank you for the idea that takes place about 500 words in, I didn't go into much detail, but I think it was the general idea.

                                                                                      Chapter 20

"No I will not be giving your phone back until I'm sure you won't try texting Kirstie," Kevin sighs, putting Avi's phone in his back pocket.
      "I said something really mean though," Avi sighs, running his hands through his hair.
     "What she said was worse! I don't even know how I'm going to speak to her tonight at the concert let alone tolerate her being there after what she said to you." His own phone dings and he pulls it out of his other back pocket to check the message.
     Avi swipes the phone from his hand before he gets a chance to check the message and runs off to their bathroom, closing the door behind him and locking it.
     Kevin chases him and yells while banging on the door, "GIVE THAT BACK!"
     "Don't worry, it's not your girlfriend, it's only Scott... damn it, now Kirstie's not going and we told him I wasn't going and he gave my ticket to his sister!"
     "Why's Kirstie not going?"
     "She's sick, see I knew that, I didn't think she was that sick though."
     "Okay well then you can have Kirstie's ticket can't you? You only weren't going because she was," Kevin talks leaning up against the door.
     "That's true... oh look another message, from Scott... DAMN IT!"
     "Now his sister's boyfriend is going too, so I'm not, have fun Kevin."
     "Hey don't take it out me, this is your own fault."
    "No it's Kirstie's.
     "You don't even like Beyoncé that much."
     "That's not the point. The point is I'm missing out because she was a complete bitch to me."
     "Whoa-kay watch the language."
     "No you watch your language."
      "Avi now you're just being stupid."
      "No you are."
      "This is pathetic Avi, you're acting a like a big baby because can't handle the fact that she doesn't like you back."
     "Piss off."
     "Give me my phone Avi."
      "No, just go away, take mine I don't give a shit, and oh look I'm swearing but I don't care, actually I don't give a f-"
      "I'm leaving!" Kevin shouts over Avi's last word, slamming the door behind him as he leaves to meet up with Scott and Mitch for the concert.

As he hears the front door shut and exits the bathroom. He puts Kevin's phone in his back pocket, just in case.
     He wanders around the large room for a couple of minutes then steps up beside his bed and picks up his leather jacket from the ground and his keys from the bedside table. Then pulling his converse on he jogs to the door, turning off the lights he closes the door behind him.
      Avi almost does a double take at the well-dressed guy that was stood leant against the wall on his phone, like actually talking on his phone. Avi knew him from somewhere but couldn't place his face, so he kept walking down the hall then down the stairs.
     At the bottom of the stairs there was another well-dressed guy on his phone, but Avi ignored this one and kept going until he was out the main entrance of his dorm. He walked around the back of the building to the campus carpark, and he swore he saw another one of those guys but he shrugged it off they were probably just going to a party that he wasn't invited too, the norm.
     Avi walked through a couple of rows of cars until he got to his pick-up truck.
     "Where you going Kaplan?"
     Avi frowns, the voice was familiar but he couldn't' place it, he answered anyway. "To get Pizza."
     "Because you definitely need to gain more weight, I can see that."
      Avi stops suddenly realising that he and the voice weren't the only people here.


Clamping her hand down on the couch, Kirstie dragged herself towards the arm as best she could then reaches over, searching her hand finally lands on the box: she snatches it cuddling up to it. She pulls out a tissue with a sigh, trying her best to stay in her warm burrito blanket, when her foot pops out. Groaning in frustration she throws the Frozen box of tissues as far as she can, hitting the wall then her blanket falls off and she sits up, sneezing. Coughing, there is a knock at her door.
      Only when her fit stops, does she get up, clutching her blanket close she opens the door, she stares up at Avi and leaves the door open for him and walks over to the couch dropping down onto it again.
       "So I'm allowed to come in then?" Avi asks with a slight laugh, closing the door behind him.
       "It's not funny I'm sick," she mumbles behind her blanket.
       "Yeah I can see that dotty," he says with a small smile in reference to her blanket and pyjama pants.
       "What are you doing here? I thought you guys were going to... the what's it..." she shrugs, giving up on remembering, also choosing to ignore her own actions yesterday because for some reason he was here... acting as if nothing had happened, she was sick she couldn't really focus on anything. Had she even said those things she'd thought she did?
       "The concert, yeah, I decided I didn't want to go."
Kirstie takes a deep breath, "Argument with Kevin?" She asks hopefully, she didn't want him to be missing out because of her.
       "Yeah we had an argument, well something like that," he nods, sitting down on the arm of her sofa by her feet and looking down at the ground, angling his face away from her, she found that suspicious. "Yeah so now I'm here and I can look after you and everything... is there anything you need?"
      Kirstie sits up again, "My tissue box?" She watches him carefully, she swore what had happened yesterday was real, she'd never hallucinated that badly before... somethings wrong.
      "Where is it?"
     She looks over towards the wall and Avi gets up and retrieves the box, handing it to her, "Taa daa!" he bows as she takes it.
      Forgetting her thoughts she laughs and pulls out another tissue before she starts coughing again. "Gosh sorry, this is so gross," she sighs, shaking her head.
     "Yeah it is," Avi chuckles.
      "You don't have to be here you know. And I don't know why you are."
      "Well I have nothing better to do, and as clearly you have no one here to look after you. It makes sense for me to be here... with you."
      Kirstie looks down a little as she smiled, then looking back up at Avi she says, "Thank you Avi, really," she nods. "But you didn't answer the second part. Yesterday happened."
      "Yes yesterday did, but something else as well and so here I am."
      Kirstie frowns, reaching over to the small table beside the couch for her glasses. "What happened."
      Avi watches her hand for a moment, his eyes widening. "You have glasses?"
     "Yeah I literally cannot see a thing right now, I normally wear contacts, but when you're sick they're stupid... so what happened?" she unfolds her glasses and puts them on her face, pushing them up the bridge of her nose before she looks up at Avi. Her eyes bulge and her hands shoot up to cover her mouth as she gasps, "Your face, Avi who did this to you?!"

A/N: Yeah who? Who did it?... I think we all know.

So yeah there's that and hey if anyone has any little ideas they'd think could fit in here, go ahead and suggest away, send me a message I love hearing what you guys think and I want you all involved :)

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