Chapter 21

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A/N: This was kinda hard to write, usually I sit there and type out a chapter then post, this took me four days!!

Chapter 21

"I feel like they don't even like her as much as us anyways."
      "Then again I've never met anyone that loves her as much as you Scott, and I've named my cello after her."
      "Well that's simply because it's a great name for a most flawless person," Scott smiles at Kevin.
      "Oh let's take a picture to send to Kirst... and Avi," Mitch says as he holds up his phone to frame himself Scott and Kevin outside the concert venue.
     "Avi doesn't have a phone at the moment, well he has a phone but it's not his," Kevin pulls a dragon-cased phone from his pocket. "He has mine, I have his."
     "Why?" Scott asks, "Oh is that what you're arguing about?"
     "As long as I've known the two of you you've been like an old married couple... so is it seriously a phone thing?" Mitch raises an eyebrow.
     "He hid my phone so I took his, it's nothing to do with anything else," Kevin tells them his half truth  too quickly.
      Scott and Mitch exchange glances as they follow Kevin into the venue.


Kirstie stomped across the damp grass wearing her pyjamas with slipper-boots and a look that could kill.
       Avi trails behind her, almost running to keep up with her pace.
       "Kirstie you don't have to do this!" he calls after her.
      "Oh I do, only because I know you won't," she shouts over her shoulder then runs up the few steps to the house and yanks the front door open. She storms into the house.
       Avi catches the door before it can slam shut, and then hovers there, half in and half out where he can see Kirstie clearly stop in the double door entrance to the room with a pool table centre-piece.
        In four large steps Kirstie is next to the pool table and grabbing a neatly dressed man by the collar, her face full of pure rage.
        "Well, well, well, look who it is. This place is strictly Warb-" Hunter is cut off when Kirstie's fist solidly connects with his face, spinning him to hit the table. When he turns back around to face her, his nose is dripping blood and his face is covered with shock as a couple of other Warblers snicker in the background.
        "Not so nice is it jack-ass," she sneers, before she falls into a smirk.
       "My father is a lawyer!" Hunter tells her.
       "So's Avi's, you better watch your back." She slowly backs out of the room with every pair of Warbler eyes on her until she reaches the front door where she sticks up her middle finger at Hunter, then her other, intended at all the others swaying her arms and steps out the door.
         As the door shuts behind her Kirstie turns with a massive grin to Avi, and taking his hand she pulls him down the stairs of the house then into a tight hug.
        "Ow," Avi chuckles as he hugs her back.
        "Oh sorry," she frowns, placing a hand lightly on his side where she knew it hurt. "If he'd fallen to the ground I would have kicked him for you too. I really wanted to hurt him more, that was the biggest rush I've ever had!" she cheers and grabs his shoulders, shaking him a little.
        "I bet, I mean he's a dick so I'm not in the least surprised. Thank you though, really," he smiles sincerely at her.
        "Hey well if you had have done it he might have swung back, I mean he already kinda has," she pouts, gesturing to him, "But I couldn't risk it again. And as horrible as he is I knew he wouldn't hit me.         Not to mention he so had it coming! All the things he's said to all of us. But hey let's not tell Kevin about this, he wouldn't appreciate my awesomeness right now," she laughs.
       Avi laughs, "No I don't think he'd quite get it, he's too... anti-violence."
        "That is the perfect way to describe him," Kirstie nods with a smile and latches onto Avi's arm as they start to walk back across the grass towards the dorms.
        "And by the way, my dad's not a lawyer."
         Kirstie smirks up at him, "Oh I know that, but Hunter doesn't." She interlaces her fingers with his then starts to skip as she pulls him along. "Let's go get some food! That rush has left me starving!"                  She turns to grab a hold of Avi's other hand so she's walking backwards.
        "What do you want to eat?" Avi asks, unable to help but smile at Kirstie.

"I can just stay in the car while you go in and get it." Kirstie tells him as they make their way over to Avi's pick-up truck. Kirstie was confidently chatting away while Avi continued to look around them as they walked, keeping his eyes peeled just in case.
          "Yep trust you to pick one of the few foods they don't have on campus." He replies, nervously.
         "Well from what you told me you were going off campus to get pizza anyways, so there's not much difference... Avi?" she turns around when he realises that he'd stopped. "Are you okay?" she asks him as she rushes back.
         "Yeah... just, no."
         "Avi, why did Hunter hurt you?"
         "I don't know."
         "Don't lie, you blink when you lie. Why did Hunter hurt you." She takes his arm and keeps him walking as he talks.
        "I do know but I don't think I can tell you."
Kirstie jerks to a stop as he does, "And why not?"
        "Because... because of you."
        "I'm not afraid of him Avi, you saw that back there. You don't have to be all brave on my behalf, I can look after myself."
        "No, more like he thought we were dating."
Kirstie's stomach drops and she looks away to the side before back to Avi.
        "I tried to tell him that we weren't, that you actually had no interest in me at all. If we keep hanging out like this Kirstie then he's gonna hurt me again."
        "Then I'll hit him again, we'll call the cops on him get him band from competing, Avi- sweetie there is so many things we can do okay. Hunter cannot and will not stop us from being... friends." She pauses momentarily, glad that Avi hadn't noticed. "Now let's go get that good Chinese food before the place shuts."


Mitch, Kevin and Scott walked back along the footpath towards where Scott had parked his car, the three of them still buzzing about the concert. All of them trying to talk over each other about what their favourite part was.
        Their chatter comes to a stop as they finally reach Scott's car, they'd had to park far away because that was just the closest they could get.
        "I hope Kirstie's feeling better," Scott says as he starts up the engine.
       "I think she is, I text her just before, her and Avi are-"
       "Who?" Scott all but yells.
       "What?" Kevin asks, leaning forward between the two front seats.
       "What are you whating?" Scott frowns at Kevin.
       "What are you whoing?" Kevin asks just as quickly.
       Mitch watches them both completely confused, and partially shocked at their reactions. "Our friend and band-mate Kirstie is going to get Chinese food with our other friend and band-mate Avi," he says slowly, as an explanation and waiting to see who will speak first.
        "He was supposed to stay in our room, that's why I have his phone."
        "And Kirstie was supposed to have to talked to Avi, she said she would and now I'm going to have to," Scott sighs, shaking his head as he focused back on the road.
         "Oh no Kirstie's talked to him... so that was your fault!" Kevin all but yells. "He came into our room after rehearsals yesterday damn near ready to cry, I've never seen him like that."
         "Well I don't know what she said, all I told her was that we're all in a group and we should be just that, a group, we don't need relationships screwing that up. I assumed she'd let him down easy, not make him cry!"
          "If that's easy then she needs her head checked! He told me what she said, and I honestly couldn't believe she'd say those things, she basically told him that he wasn't good enough for any girl to like."
          Scott immediately pulls over on the side of the road as Kevin says this last bit. "That is not on me." He snaps slamming his hand on the steering wheel before he spins around to face Kevin. "I didn't think she'd go that far. I'll talk to her, I'll find out what the hell went wrong because Kirstie would never say anything like that.
          "Well she did," Kevin retorts, "It was at the point that when I left Avi thought he had done something wrong and wanted to apologise."
          "He doesn't have anything to apologise for There's nothing wrong a with a little crush," Mitch says with venom in his voice as he keeps his glare on Scott. "I'll talk to her, and I'll talk to Avi. I'll sort it out." He folds his arms and clenches his jaw as he turns to face out the windshield.
        Kevin and Scott couldn't find any words, and Scott just pulled back out onto the road and the rest of the drive was spent in silence.


"I can't get in," Kirstie tells him and Avi quickly makes his way around the pick-up to see what the problem was.
       Frowning, he can't see one, "What? What's the problem Kirst?"
      She mumbles something he can't hear.
     Avi raises an eyebrow, "Sorry, I didn't catch that."
     "It's too high," she crosses her arms in frustration.
      Smiling Avi stepped closer to her and opens the door, "You haven't even looked, but if you're sure."
      "No fine, I can do it, back up, give me some space Kaplan I can do this," she nods, pushing him back a little.
      "Okay, if you can do this," Avi hold his hands up, surrendering as he takes those steps back she wanted.
      "I got this, I... got... this," she nods slowly, eyeing up the open door, the space she had and the height it was. "I got this," she repeats, backing up a couple of steps herself.
       Avi folds his arms as he watches her.
       Kirstie runs at the door, jumping to grab the in car handle, she puts her foot in the car in the process and grabbing the handle it comes off and she stumbles backwards, having not even got into the vehicle. She looks wide eyed at the handle in her hand then turns to face a hysterically laughing Avi.

A/N: I had to add that last bit in there, I couldn't leave it on Kevin/Scott/Mitch strife, that had me so worked up, plus I found the little bonus Kavi scene in my plan for this story (which by the way is completely off track) and wanted it here cause it's cute and kinda fits :)

Anyways, hope you liked it, please vote, comment, you know all that good stuff, it makes my day :D

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