Chapter 2

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A/N: This chapter is for my friend Gail: I remembered :D

Chapter 2

Kirstie slams her dorm room door behind her and dropping her bags slumps down against it.

Her roommate Gail looks up from her laptop frowning a little at Kirstie, "What's wrong?"

"I got kicked out of the Warblers," she mumbles, her head buried in her arms, lent on her knees.

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm a girl, and Hunter's an ass," she sighs looking up at her roommate.

"And you're only just realising that now?" Gail raises an eyebrow.

"Are you being sarcastic on the girl thing or just right about the Hunter thing?" Kirstie asks with a laugh.

"Both," she says with an as straight face as she can manage, before laughing along with Kirstie. "No but seriously what happened?"

Kirstie sighs, "Hunter decided that the Warblers were going in a different direction, no girls and no one

overweight or eats too much. So I'm a girl and I eat too much, I was out. Then

to top it all off Scott was the one who told me to leave... you know: the guy I

thought was my best friend."

"That's really harsh, and I don't know what else to say except they suck and you don't need them anyways," Gail shrugs with a small smile. "You could always join another group, you're super talented one of them will snap you up so fast."

"Nah, I don't think I could, it wouldn't be the same without Scott, and it just wouldn't... I don't know I just don't want to."

"Fine then, just don't waste your talents Kirstie."

Kirstie rolls her eyes, trying not to laugh, "I'm not wasting my talents I'm just going to take some me time."

"Kirstie that's what every girl says in the movie then by the next week she's met some cute guy that she never would have thought she'd fall for because she'd never seen him as cute until she realises just how nice he is," she talks quickly.

"How many movies do you watch?"

"Too many, but that's not the point. Me time is always code for something else."

Kirstie shakes her head, "Not this time. Trust me after Hunter it's going to be really hard to be attracted to any guy ever again."


Scott was making his way to class, quickly: he was running late as usual. And he knew he was going to be even later when he spotted Kirstie. He power walks towards, trying to act a bit stupid as he nears her to see if he got a laugh to make sure they were alright.

They weren't.

As soon as she saw him she ducked around a building, he knew she didn't go down there normally. She was actively trying to avoid him, so with a determined mind-set he breaks into a jog and follows her, catching her in no time.

"Kirstie! Wait please, we need to talk!" he calls after her, breaking into a run as she does. The both of them fully sprinting across the large lawn now.

Kirstie just about runs into a guy carrying a large instrument case. Narrowly missing him she apologises as she continues running.

Scott however does run into him, they both stumble a bit and he watches out after Kirstie, sighing as she disappears. "Damn it... And sorry," he apologises to the guy.

"It's no problem, it's not like I'm hard to miss with this cello you know," he chuckles.

Scott bend down to help the guy pick up the books. "Yeah hopefully it didn't break or anything... I mean look at your books, I really am... wow medical, you're really in the wrong wing aren't you? I kind of just assumed you were musical with the cello and all," Scott smiles.

"Well I am musical, I just study medicine, it's a little more practical. My dorm is in the area though because I used to be in the orchestra and my roommate studies music... opera," he adds slowly as they both stand up.

"That's cool," the blonde nods, handing the other guy his books back. "And I would love to stay and chat more, but I'm late for class and probably shouldn't have been chasing that girl," he jokes.

"No problem, and you're right there, did look a little dodgy," he laughs. "Maybe I'll see you round?"

"Yeah definitely," he smiles, waving as he turns to walk away and towards his class. He stops because he didn't get that guy's name, and turning back around he can't see him anywhere, for a guy with a giant cello case he moved pretty fast.


The Warblers were holding auditions and Kirstie was determined to see what was going on, but she was going to do that... and avoid getting spotted. She was lurking around the door when she'd thought they'd all gone in. She peaked briefly in the little window, there was quite a gathering, the practice room was overly full, Hunter would hate the crowded feel and she could see the look on his face from the small window. Her eyes widened and she

ducked down, quickly to avoid being seen when one guy turned around, he was probably just looking around the practice room, it was a nice room. But Kirstie knew from one look at him that if he were talented enough to get in at all they were gonna make him shave off that beard he had going on.

She couldn't hear much as she started watching again. And she just about jumped out of her skin when someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Oh my gosh, what? No I wasn't spying," she says jumping back.

"I didn't accuse you of spying. But if you were I totally understand, lots of cute guys, I don't blame you," he smirks.

"Yeah definitely," she nods with a laugh. "Tonnes. The guy with the beard," she adds on a whim to try and prove that it's what she was actually looking at.

The boy takes his turn to peak in the window, then turns to frown at Kirstie, "No honey his hair cut is awful, move on you don't want to know that. The tall blonde one up the front now he's one to look at."

"No, ew that's Scott."

"Well ew all you want he's cute and I'm about to go in there, so if you're for the bearded one give me your name and I'll help you out," he shrugs.

"Kirstie," she says with a smile and without thinking, "Oh, no-no don't give him my name, I'm not really interested, I just got out of a relationship... and I don't know why I'm spilling like this,"she laughs nervously.

"Simple, I'm easy to talk to," he smiles, "And I'm Mitch," he holds out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kirstie."

She smiles, glad he didn't dwell too much on her word spillage, "Same here. And if you're auditioning... good luck I guess." She didn't have the heart to tell him how awful they all were, he seemed to excited and she didn't want to ruin that for him.

"Thanks sweetie," he grins. "I don't need it though, I'm a shoe in," he nods, confidently walking into the room.

Kirstie watches after him with a smile, it drops the second she can't see him

anymore and she goes back to her window.

A/N: Well that was officially my quickest update ever I think! I'm super proud of myself :)

Anyways my lovely readers we're at that point where I've started off and I know where I generally want to go, but ideas are welcome and appreciated. Maybe there's a little

moment you'd like to see or a group activity to come, even if you have a big idea, let me know: leave a review. I love to know what people are thinking and it will help my story be more enjoyable to you guys.

Also are the just over 1000 words working or should I be making my chapters a little longer?


Hannah :)

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