Chapter 3

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait but here's chapter three :)


Hunter's method of auditioning and picking members had never been an efficient one, he thought it was the only suitable option, no one else understood why he trialled potential members like this.

Scott watched with a slight frown as all the potential Warblers partnered off and waited for the next step in Hunter's plan, the blonde didn't like it at all.

"If you couldn't find a partner, leave, obviously no one wanted to pair with you," Hunter glares over at the one guy standing on his own.

"Hey, maybe he was just shy?" Scott tries, but Hunter holds up a hand to silence him.

"Then we don't want him do we," the leader rolls his eyes. Looking out over the paired auditionees, he speaks up, "Now within your pairs decide who has more talent because only one of the two of you will get to audition. We'll keep an eye out to make sure you're doing this correctly," he takes a step down and disappears into the crowd as the pairs start talking to each other, it seemed they do anything to get into the Warblers.

With a sigh Scott, follows Hunter, then turns off to go watch a pair or two.

Mitch turns to smile slightly at the guy he'd chosen to pair with, the bearded guy that girl Kirstie had pointed out earlier. "We're like the same height," Mitch chuckles slightly, getting a small smile from the guy. "I'm Mitch," he holds out his hand.

"Avi," he nods, shaking the offered hand.


"Wow, what?" Avi frowns.

"Keep talking and I may have decided you're the more talented one," he breaks into a big grin, "Your voice is really..."

"Low? Yeah I get that a lot," he chuckles.

"I bet," Mitch nods quickly. "Safe to say I'm pretty talented myself though, so really we shouldn't have picked one another," he places a hand on his own chest as he talks of himself.

"I honestly don't doubt that. So what are we supposed to do?"

Mitch stops for a moment and thinks, "Talk to them?"

"I'm here, talk quick I'm only giving each pair 30 seconds of my valuable time," Hunter checks his watch, then raising an eyebrow at the two of them, "Snappy, quick," he clicks his fingers.

"Well," Mitch starts, with an excited smile.

Hunter holds up a hand, "I'm going to stop you right there." He then turns to face Avi, pressing his hands together and resting them against his lips then under his chin, "Are you planning on cutting your hair or shaving that ridiculous thing off your chin anytime soon?"

Avi frowns, his eyes quickly darting across to Mitch then back to Hunter. Before he can answer Hunter starts again.

"Because, as you can see no one else in this room looks quite like you do, and we have standards. Also you could stand to lose a few pounds," he nods, looking over him again, "I'm sorry but clearly you are not of more talent than him," he nods towards Mitch. "You can leave now," he finishes then pushes past them to the next pair.

"I'm so sorry," Mitch places a hand on Avi's arm.

Shaking his head, Avi shakes it off, then casting a glare at Hunter he quickly makes his way to the door, roughly pulling it open and storming down the hall past Kirstie, ignoring her obvious attempt to hide behind her hand.

"You can be clearly seen from inside that room," he tells her without even a glance her way.

"Oh," Kirstie frowns, watching him until he disappears around the corner. She knew what a jerk Hunter was first hand, and she knew she should have gone after that guy to see if he was alright, but she didn't.


Scott watched as half the room emptied, the disappointed looks on all the leaving faces and the smug ones on those who stayed. How come no one decent ever gets to join the Warblers, he sighs to himself looking down at his shoes as Hunter started up the next round of "auditions". At least this time there would be singing, more of a chance, unless Hunter decided that they didn't look right.

The tall blonde sat scrolling through his Facebook feed throughout the auditions, they were all pretty average from what he heard. That was until Lady Gaga's Telephone started off in one of the best voices he'd probably ever heard. Slowly looking up a smile spread across Scott's face. He stood up so he could see who was singing, now a head taller than everyone else he could see a boy with glasses and a closely shaved head. And his voice, for lack of a better word, it was high, and it was good.

When the guy finished Scott broke into applause so quickly that everyone else was several seconds behind. This guy was so in.

Hunter stepped up onto the stage next to a bowing Mitch, snatching the microphone from him. "Unfortunately not what we're looking for... next please."

Mitch frowns, "What did I do wrong?"

"So many things, too many things to list," the leader sighs, glancing at his watch.

"Well start listing, I'd like to improve," Mitch folds his arms, watching Hunter closely.

Clenching his jaw Hunter slowly turned to face Mitch, glancing him up and down. "You have this... this," he gestures as he thinks, "Thing, about you that's well... it makes it uncomfortable to be around you. His close it's highly threatening. We don't want it airborne in this very distinguished group."

Mitch frowns, "I don't understand what you're saying."

"We have rules. I am an enforcer of rules, I am the leader and my members follow me and they agree that we don't want to be uncomfortable in our safe place. This room is our safe place and we don't want you contaminating it with your... well your sexuality. To be blunt." Hunter clasps his hands together.

"You... you don't want me in your group because I'm gay?"

Hunter breaks into a devious smile, "You've caught, now if you'd please leave."

"If he leaves I leave!" Scott shouts out over the top of everyone, the small amounts of murmuring dying out. "What you're doing isn't right Hunter and I won't stand for it anymore."

A/N: Please tell me your thoughts, what's gonna happen next? Do you like it do you not? Motivate me :D

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