Chapter 24

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A/N: That took me waaaaay too long :P Here it is though, chapter 24 :)

Chapter 24

Kirstie flops down on the sofa bed next to Avi, laughing as the springs creak.
     Avi glances away from his phone to look at Kirstie, with a slight smile on his face. "It's not that funny," he says in a whisper and a hint of laughter in his voice.
     "It is so funny," she whispers back, sparing a glance over at Kevin who as asleep in the double bed, snoring. "And he said you snore."
     "I do, he just doesn't realise that his is so bad," Avi chuckles, looking over at Kevin too. "I just don't complain like he does."
     Kirstie nods then turns back to Avi, "When do you reckon Scott and Mitch will get back?"
     "I don't know," he shrugs, "I don't even know where they are."
     "Oh they were meting up with some people from other groups. And so I'm going to tell you Scott's plan, he doesn't know I know, but I do so I'm going to tell you."
     "Okay," Avi nods slowly, "But can you tell me in less words than that last sentence?" he raises an eyebrow.
     Kirstie laughs, throwing her head back, "You think you're so funny don't you? Anyway, Scott's trying to set you up with Jess from Sonos."
     Avi looks at her in disbelief, "No thank you," then he looks back down at his phone.
     "Can I ask why?" she says slowly, hesitantly.
     "Because I'm officially scared by anyone with that name, your sister... she ruined that name," he says with laughter in his voice.
     "So you don't want to date her because of her name?"
      "No Kirst, that was a joke, I'm just not interested in her, I talked to her earlier and she only came across as bossy, that's not for me," he shrugs and drops his phone onto his stomach, then folding his arm behind his head, he turns to look at Kirstie again, "What about you and that guy from yesterday?"
     Kirstie raises an eyebrow as she stares straight ahead, "Jeremy? He texted, I haven't replied though."
     "Why not?"
     "I don't know how to reply to what is literally just a compliment of himself," she turns to Avi with a smile.
      He sits up, his phone slipping down, "You're joking? He seriously didn't do that right? I mean he did seem so humble for that moment I was in his righteous presence," he tries to hold back laughter as Kirstie bites her lip in an attempt to do the same.
     "Okay, I don't think he's that bad," she says with a chuckle.
     "Well okay then, but if you're going to reply, do it with a compliment of yourself, then see how he reacts" he nods slowly, leaning back on the bed.
     "What do I even say?" Kirstie asks Avi after a minute of silence and in a quiet, shy voice.
     "You could max out your characters with the list I came up with... talent, brains, beauty, the list goes on, you take your pick," he says with a shrug, his face heating up as he talks.
     Kirstie smiles at him in reply, turning to her phone, a blush creeping across her own cheeks.


Pentatonix were sitting closely together by the edge of the pool. They all had their feet dipped in while they were discussing important A Capella business in hushed tones.
     "We're opening with ET, that's a given. And we've got the second category now and it's played to one of our rehearsed strengths, rock, so we'll be performing Born to Be Wild. Then there's first eliminations and assuming we get through that to day two, round three is country and we briefly touched on that, we have a the skeleton of Stuck Like Glue at least to work on," Scott shuffles with the papers in his hands that he's explaining and pointing at. "And since day two starts late because day one is more like day one and a half, the third round is day three and that's the three song challenge, three in a row and one of them has to be a mash-up, we've got that down with maybe a couple more tweaks, another song has to be a guilty pleasure which can be explained off as anything really and the third one can be anything. Now with that one I'm think we go all out and do that Britney medley we were messing with a couple weeks ago."
     "That's brilliant, no one else will think to do a medley, and it'll be like we're doing six songs!" Kirstie practically squeals from her spot beside Scott.
     "But," Avi starts, "We were just messing with it, it's just three Britney songs that we haven't put together yet."
      Mitch nods slowly, "I have to agree with Avi, as great as the potential is with Britney it's not as rounded as say OMG," he shrugs, looking between Scott and Kevin who were either side of him.
     "Well I don't like OMG much, I'm not on board for that one, but yeah I'm not sure on time for Britney," Kevin adds.
     "Well guys it has to be OMG or Britney, cause you're saying Brit's a glimmer anything else we have besides those two is worse, plus we still have judges choice for the last round to worry about," Scott interjects.
     "If we get that far," Avi says staring down at the water.
     "No being pessimistic," Scott points a finger at Avi, "We're gonna take a vote, Britney or OMG. Hands for OMG?" Scott looks over the others members.
     Avi and Mitch raise their hands.
     "The Brit's have it," Scott nods. "We'll cement it, and get to rehearsing One more practice of ET before tomorrow at least. Great meeting everyone," he gives them a shining smile, "That's lunch," and claps his hands together over the papers as if he were a director, earing smiles from the rest of the group as they all start to stand up.
     "We could even go for a swim after we've rehearsed, cause that Britney number is gonna take work," Mitch comments as they leave the pool room ready for round one.

A/N: You like their set list?? I couldn't include all the songs, cause that would be unrealistic to have that many in only a few days competition so yeah that's what I came up with :)

Please, vote, comment all that good stuff, it makes my day :D

PS. I have a new book in the works, called Kirstie and the Cobra's, it's a Rugby version of Bella and the Bulldogs staring PTX (Kavi) with all my own storylines. I'll only publish though if you guys think it's worth reading :)

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