Chapter 25

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A/N: Pictured above is their outfits for the competition, that set took me waaaaay too long to make. Kirstie was easy, the guys however were not... But I got it done and I'm really happy with it, I feel like I have their styles in there and given a nod to the Sing Off :)

So just saying that you are all gonna love this chapter ;D

Chapter 25

Scott walk up behind Kevin, with his hands in his pockets. When Kevin notices a presence behind him and turns around, Scott looks down sheepishly, adding to his nervous state.
"What's up?" Kevin asks.
"I was just thinking, you know about that day of the Beyoncé concert, how me and you," he finally looks up at Kevin, "You know had that yelling match."
Kevin nods slowly, "I remember that."
"Well I just wanted to apologise."
"I'm not the one you should be apologising too. Yeah I was upset about the whole thing, but Avi was the one that got hurt. You need to apologise to him, and Kirstie."
"What did I do to Kirstie?"
"You made her do what she did, you may not have told her to say what she did, but you put the idea into her head that she had to at all. Not to mention they're good for each other and you stopped that."
"If we want our group to succeed-"
"If we want our group to succeed we all need to be happy. If relationships form in the group then they form. If Kirstie and Avi want to be together then why can't they be?"
"They might break-up," Scott tries.
"And they might not, might is key. And here's the thing, I've known Avi for a long time, long enough to know that he is one of the most professional-get-on-with-the-job-kind-of-guys. The fact that he likes Kirstie so much that he is willing to risk the group, Scott that's huge." Kevin says in such a way that it's obvious he's hiding something.
Scott raises an eyebrow, "What aren't you telling me?"
"Something that I'm not sure I should tell you."
"I won't tell anyone."
"You can't even tell Avi that I told you alright?" Kevin says seriously, his tone getting quieter.
Scott nods, "Sure, I won't."
Kevin sighs, looking down and back up at Scott before he starts, "Avi had it rough in high school, he didn't really date because he was teased a lot, he did date one girl though." He pauses, as he thinks about how to phrase his next words, "She was too popular... I never trusted her, and I was right not to, but you know how it goes, Avi wouldn't listen to me even though I was only looking out for him. He got hurt, really bad, not physically, just he was a sophomore and he hasn't dated since, he's a junior in college now Scott. She broke him, two weeks they were together, she broke him so her and he friends could laugh about it. Kirstie is the first girl he's even thought about since, and she is genuinely nice and he deserves that, and after Hunter she deserves someone like Avi. They'd be perfect together Scott, and then you went and told Kirstie no, who went and hurt Avi all over again."
Scott swallows guiltily, "Was what Kirstie did as bad as what that other girl did?"
Kevin shakes his head, "No, what Kirstie did just opened the wounds, and now he's out there acting like he's fine being around her, laughing and joking, but he's not. I know Avi and he's not okay."
"How can you be so sure, I mean I know she hurt him, but they're getting along fine now, she offered to share the bed with him."
"He's just that good at hiding it."

The audience were starting to take their seats and Avi was peering around the side of the curtains, a little nervous, he swallows deeply.
Kirstie slowly, and quietly as she can manage, steps up behind him. Grabbing his shoulder she shouts boo, making a stage guy jump, but not Avi.
He turns around to face her with a slight smile. " Hi Kirstie."
Kirstie folds her arms and pulls a pout onto her face, "That's not fair," she stomps her foot to add to her little charade.
"I'm sorry, I'll try to get scared next time. I'll give you a hint, don't wear heels," he jokes, "They click."
"Well I'm sorry for being a midget okay," she chuckles, letting her arms fall to her side. "Besides I wouldn't be able to reach to kiss nervous people all better."
Avi frowns slightly, "What are you talking about?"
Kirstie's mouth falls into her signature crooked smiled, "I'm talking about this. I'm gonna kiss a nervous person better, cause I know him well enough to know he doesn't get all that nervous and it's just not right... avi-ously," she chuckles, lightly taking Avi's larger hands in her own small ones. "You don't have to be nervous Avi."
Avi's eyes widen slightly, "You've been talking about me?"
She nods once then leans in quickly to kiss him gently on the lips. Pulling away with a smile she leans her forehead against his.
"Suddenly I don't remember all those people out there, and I have different kinds of butterflies in my stomach now," he tells her, looking down a little, with a huge smile and a flushing red face, his voice even deeper than usual.
"Are you trying to get another kiss Avriel Kaplan?" she laughs.
Avi responds with a smile. He takes his turn to lean in and kiss her, a little more passionately than she had kissed him. Kirstie wraps her arms around his neck, pulling them closer together and the leather of Avi's vest sticks just slightly to the plastic-like fabric of Kirstie high waist skirt when she presses against him. He lightly places his hands on her waist at the top of her skirt, carefully avoiding the small patch of exposed skin between her top and skirt.
They continue to kiss until they hear the sound of Scott's approaching voice and spring away from each other.
"You guys ready?" Scott asks with a beaming smile, not looking at them, luckily.
Mitch pops up between Kirstie and Avi, pulling them closer to each other again as he slings an arm over each of their shoulders and whispers, "I didn't know you wore lipstick Avi... it suits you. But if that's not the case, you might want to wipe it off because I've figured you two out," he pulls away from them with a smirk and the two of them glance at each other before back at Mitch.
Mitch holds up a finger to his lips and winks at them, he then 'zips his mouth' and bites his tongue as he smiles at them and back off around Scott to stand in position.
Kirstie and Avi exchange another smile, then look to the ground, both red in the face as they're introduced and the curtains slowly raise.

Scott, Mitch, Avi, Kirstie and Kevin run down the backstage steps, all cheering loudly. Scott jumps the last couple of steps, Mitch practically skips down them, Avi turns around to help a cautious Kirstie in her heels and Kevin patiently waits for them, all still cheering and excited for their performance that actually went well for them this time.
"You guys," Scott says with a beaming smile as he turns to face them, "If our rock performance tonight goes over half as good as that then we're into round two, I mean the crowd!"
"Did you see the look on Hunter's face?!" Kirstie asks, jumping up and down in her spot, "That was the best part!"
"That was good," Mitch nods with a smirk.
"And we had fun," Kevin tells them with a smile.
"Yeah my face hurts from smiling so much," Avi laughs.
Scott takes Kirstie's hand in one of his then Mitch's in the other. Kirstie reaches out for Avi's and Mitch for Kevin's, then they too link, all unable to stop grinning at each other.
"In good spirts I say we go have a run through of Born to Be Wild, then lunch," Scott suggests.
"Then after lunch we'll do another run through right?" Kirstie raises an eyebrow.
"Why bother?" A voice comes from behind them, and they all drop hands, except Kirstie keeps a tight hold of Avi's, and they take an involuntary couple of steps back. Avi tries to pull back further when he realises who it is, but Kirstie doesn't let him and instead laces their fingers together and places her other hand over his too.
Kevin protectively half steps in front of Avi and Kirstie while Scott steps right up to their nemesis, staring him down.
Hunter smirks nastily up at Scott, "Please you think you're tough because of your height you're a human noodle with not a single ounce of fear factor in you."
Mitch bravely steps up beside with a deep breath he pulls on his toughest face.
Hunter raises an eyebrow at Mitch, "I'm not scared of you either."
"And we're not scared of you," Mitch snaps back, "You're a pompous bully and we're having none of it. You're only here now because you're jealous and have come to try and tear us down so that you can win. Well I've got news for you we've all already been torn down, time and time again, we were the kids in high school that picked on. You are just the bully, and the bully never wins. The fact that we, the five of us collectively, hate you so much has really brought us together and we've built ourselves up, as a group, as a family. You couldn't call the Warblers that, in fact they are the only group at school that you couldn't call that. I am so glad that I was never one of you," he points accusingly at Hunter. "And you know what, so what if you're not scared of me, or Scott... Avi, or even Kevin. I know you're scared of someone in this room, in fact if she even took one step forward you'd freak.
Hunter rolls his eyes and gives Mitch a cocky look, "I am not scared of Kirstin."
Kirstie takes one stomping step forward with her fist held up and Hunter practically leaps away.
Avi, Kevin, Scott, Mitch and Kirstie all burst out laughing as rage fills Hunter's face and he runs off. The group all start high fiving each other.
"Aww damn, I just wish I knew why he's so scared of you Kirst," Scott laughs, slinging his arm around her shoulders.
Kirstie exchanges a knowing glance with Avi before turning to look up at Scott, "Because I punched him."
Scott, Mitch and Kevin's jaws drop, while Kirstie holds up her hand for a high five from Avi, who with a grin gives her one.

A/N: So where I'm going with Avi's story is most likely not going to be resolved in this story, I've thought long and hard and well it'll probably be a second one that I start up when this one finishes, like a sequel. I don't know how many chapters this story will have left but it is getting closer to the end :( So yeah what Kevin was talking about with Scott about Avi, yay or nay on the sequel story?


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