Chapter 3

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         Pepper perked her ears as she slept, she could here house folk rummaging around in the barn, they were letting out angry yowls of frustration as they continued to search for something. Pepper blinked her big brown eyes open, and tilted her body just enough to see through a small break in the blankets. She watched as the house folk searched in buckets, and in between the bales of hay. She then looked up to the loft were her family sit watching what was going on.

         Pepper just then remembered that she was playing hide and go seek with Ace! Quickly Pepper thrusted herself out of the blankets and into the open. One of the house folk pointed towards her and let out a yowl. Peppers claws unsheathed as one of the house folk charged at her with their arms wide open. Before Pepper could run away the house folk picked her up with both arms and started shouting something at the other house folk

        "Pepper!" Ruby shouted as she swiftly climbed down the ladder running towards the house folk. She let out small mews of distress trying to get them to drop Pepper. Pepper indignantly struggled trying to break free of the house folks grasp. Her claws dug into the garments of her captor making it yowl with pain. Pepper dropped to the ground with a hiss and the house folk attempted to grab her but she darted up the ladder just in time, Ruby following after.

        The house folk let out another frustrated yowl and began to climb the ladder after the cats. Pepper ran over to the corner so that they couldn't grab her. However once the house folk had climbed up, it's arm had lunged for Shiloh. Shiloh let out a screech of fear "Mommy!" Pleaded trying to grasp the straw with his claws. Ruby hissed trying to bite the house folk and free Shiloh.

         Before Pepper could jump out to help, the house folks arm had disappeared with Shiloh over the side of the loft. "Shiloh!!!" Ruby screeched aunt Bonny beside her. Ruby scampered down the ladder once more, Pepper sprang after her trying to squeeze out the door before the house folk shut it. The one with Shiloh had shoved him into some sort of crate. Pepper could here Shiloh's pitiful mews as he tried to reach them again.

       One of the house folk grabbed the crate and walked out the door immediately locking it. Ruby put her paws up on the door still in shock, "No...." She whispered before running out the small hole in the barn wall. Bonny and Ace scurried down the ladder following after Ruby. Pepper waited until they were all out and ran out into the grass. The soft green stocks cooled off her paws as she ran along the outside of the barn.

         Pepper stopped by the house folks creatures panting excessively. She watched as one of the house folk handed the crate that Shiloh was in to another. The crate was then put in the belly of the creature. Peppers eyes grew wide with horror as did her mothers. Her heart began beating as the creature began to rumble. "Shiloh...." Ruby whispered longingly wanting her kit. Pepper felt terrible, Shiloh would still be here if it weren't for her.

        Pepper glanced back towards her aunt Bonny. She had a look on her face, Pepper could tell, Bonny knew this was going to happen, she didn't even bother warn her mother. Pepper pushed away the thought "It's all my fault..." She murmured with guilt "I should have let them take me...." Pepper moped away back towards the barn. She stifled a sigh knowing that she shouldn't feel sorry for herself.

         Pepper padded through the small hole and went back to her nest. She heard her mother pad in along with Ace. It seemed as if her aunt felt guilty as well. "Pepper... It's not your fault" her mother assured stroking her tail along her daughters back. Pepper let out an angry huffed and flipped her body around. "Pepper, I'm just as sad as you are" Ruby whimpered, a small tear sliding down her cheek "And I'll promise one thing" she let out a sad sigh "I wont let them take you" Ruby then turned around and went to a different nest to mourn for her kit.

         Pepper sighed and sat down. She then began to remember that when she had fallen asleep was early that morning. She looked out of the barn window to find the sun residing to it's resting place. She wasn't at all tired, only sad. How could housefolk be so heartless? Taking kits away from their mom. Pepper just sat there, watching the sun set, she heard her mother pad in trying to sniff away the tears that had already come. 

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