Clem Oliverson Part 2

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So, as I left this, Annabeth just told me she was leaving the school, warned me I would know why soon, then left. It is now a week later and I finally worked out why. Here's how.


I turned on the tv to watch my favourite show when all of a sudden it switched to the news, I tried different channels, but they were all the news! I gave up trying to change it. There were 13 people on screen, 7 guys, 3 girls. (A/N Hephaestus is making sure this broadcast goes everywhere in every language)

 "Attention Punks!!" A guy said, he was a huge, muscular man with a vicious sneer. He was wearing black jeans, combat boots, a black leather duster, and a red muscle shirt under a bulletproof vest. He also had a large hunting knife strapped to his thigh. He wore a necklace made from a heavy padlock and thick chain. He wore red-tinted wraparound sunglasses to cover his glowing eye sockets. His features were handsome, but in a cruel and brutal way, with knife-scarred cheeks and an 'oily' black crew cut.

 "I am the Greek god Ares! We did not fade, or disappear as you thought, we hid, and now we are back bitches!!"  A girl, well goddess who looked like Annabeth, and Mrs Noctua somehow, slapped him upside the head. "As Ares so eloquently put it, we are the Greek gods, I am Athena, and we are here to talk to you about the people who saved all your asses, many times over. But first, the reason we have decided to reveal ourselves is because Hecate" she pointed to another goddess dressed in dark robes, holding twin torches (all the better to see you and burn you with, my dear). She is accompanied by a she-dog and a polecat "is feeling the strain from having to hide 2 wars, and all the everyday fights, so she has decided to drop the mist, which is what stopped you from seeing these events, now, before you all start saying 'I'm the son of Zeus, Lord of the underworld' or something equally as stupid, our actual demigod children have already found all of our kids and brought them to a safe haven. The demigods that saved your asses are, Perseus 'Percy' Jackson, son of Poseidon, Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, Zeus' Roman form, Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite, Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto, Hades'  Roman form, Frank Zhang, son of Mars, Ares' Roman form, Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus and lieutenant of Artemis, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, daughter of Bellona, a Roman goddess, Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, Will Solace, son of Apollo. And some other friends, Travis and Connor Stoll, twin sons of Hermes, Katie and Miranda Gardener, twin daughters of Demeter, Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares, Chris Rodriguez, son of Hermes, Grover Underwood, Satyr, Juniper, Dryad, Tyson, Cyclops son of Poseidon, Ella the harpie, Calypso, daughter of Atlas, Titaness, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Oracle of Delphi, Carter Kane, eye of Horus (Yes the Egyptian and Norse gods are also alive) Sadie Kane, eye of Isis, Zia Rashid, eye of Ra, Walt Stone, aka Anubis, Alex Fierro, child of Loki, Magnus Chase, son of Frey and Samirah 'Sam' al-Abbas, daughter of Loki."

A/N I know that Connor and Travis and Katie and Miranda aren't twins, let's just say they are though for this book. If that bugs you, stop reading.

Wait, these are some of the people I met last week!!! Annabeth is a demigod! 

 "Also, they are all in relationships, so too bad so sad if you want one of them, also, here is what they look like so no-one can claim to be them" suddenly, 30 images popped up, all the people I met, plus some new ones. "Here are the couples, don't mess with them, Percy and Annabeth, Piper and Jason, Frank and Hazel, Calypso and Leo, Thalia and Reyna, Nico and Will, Travis and Katie, Miranda and Connor, Clarisse and Chris, Grover and Juniper, Tyson and Ella, Carter and Zia, Sadie and Walt, Alex and Magnus, Samirah and Amir, and Rachel can't date." A beautiful goddess who was the personification of pure unmatched beauty said threateningly. 

"Also, we have some news" said a very tall, imposing, and very muscular guy, with shoulder-length black hair and a gray-and-black neatly trimmed beard. He had brilliant electrically-blue eyes with a serious and proud, but very handsome face. He was wearing a dark blue pinstriped suit. "We will be stepping down as rulers of the cosmos, and our children, will take our places." 

 I was shocked, people I knew, were becoming gods! What did they even do that was so great?

 "I know you are all wondering what they did, so here you go. At age 7, Annabeth ran away from home, found Thalia and luke, and went to the safe haven, as they were nearly there, Thalia sacrificed herself so that they could get to camp, Zeus turned her into a tree. At age 12, Percy killed the minotaur with no training and no weapon, he and Annabeth then went on a quest to find Zeus' master bolt, he defeated ares, and found the real lightning thief, Luke. At age 13, they sailed the sea of monsters with Clarisse, Percy got turned into a guinea pig, but then got turned back, they defeated polyphemus and saved Thalia's tree with the golden fleece, bringing her back in the process. That winter, Annabeth got kidnapped, and Percy, thalia, Grover, Zoë and Bianca Di Angelo went on a quest to save her and Artemis, they found her holding up the sky, and Percy held it too, so they both have matching grey streaks in their hair, during the quest, both Zoë and Bianca died, so Nico ran away. When they were 14, they travelled the labyrinth and Rachel hit th newly risen titan Lord Kronos in the eye with a blue plastic hairbrush. In Percy's 16th birthday, they fought in the titan war, losing many friends, Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, Ethan Nakamura, Michael Yew and Luke Castellan to stop the rise of Kronos" Athena said

Wow.. And all this while they were 12-16!!

 "Then, thanks to Hera, when they were 15-16, Jason came to the haven, went on a quest with Piper and Leo, defeated Khione, freed Hera, for some reason, killed a giant, Piper put Gaia to sleep, then, Percy disappeared for 8 months and got amnesia, the only thing he remembered was one name, Annabeth. He went to Alaska with Frank and Hazel, killed a giant, got his memory back, went back to the other safe haven for Roman demigods, killed another giant, became praetor. Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel and Leo sailed the Atlantic, went to the ancient lands, Greece, killed two more giants, Arachne, and saved Nico from asphyxiation, Nico went to Tartarus, then got stuck in a bronze jar during this, Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus together to save the Athena Parthenos, dealt with unspeakable horrors, while everyone else went to Greece to try and save them. Once Percy and Annabeth got out, Hazel and Leo defeated a giant, then they went to the Parthenon in Athens, Percy got a nosebleed which woke up Gaia, the gods then helped them kill all the giants, then Zeus smacked them back to the Greek haven, which was being attacked by the Roman haven. During this, Nico got outed by Cupid, then with Reyna's help, took the Parthenos to the Greek haven, nearly killing himself in the process, but then he met Will, so all's well that ends well. Leo, Jason and Piper, managed to put Gaia back to sleep permanently. Leo died and came back to life thanks to the physician's cure. Saved Calypso from her island and came back 6 months later." Athena finished

Aphrodite took a deep breath "Percy turned down immortality for Annabeth, she took a knife for him, she kissed him before a volcano exploded, he saw me as Annabeth, they had the best underwater kiss ever, Percy only remembered her when he lost his memory, she kissed him, then judo flipped him when they saw each other again after 8 months, he fell into Tartarus for her, he chose to fall in with her, not make her do it alone. So if you try to break them up, you will be cursed by me, or killed by Athena or Poseidon, depending on which one you harass/insult." she ranted

 "Percy will be the king of the gods, he will take over his father's domain and be god of swordsmanship and loyalty. Annabeth will be the queen of the gods, and take over her mother's domain and be the goddess of architecture. Piper will take over her mother's domain and be the goddess of charmspeak and natural beauty. Jason will take the Zeus' domain and be the god of remembrance. Leo will take over his father's domain and be the god of automatons. Calypso will remain immortal and be the goddess of weaving. Frank will be the god of shapeshifting and clumsiness. Hazel will be the goddess of gems and curses. Thalia will take over Artemis'domain, and be the goddess of lightning. Reyna will take over her mother's domain and be the goddess of leadership. Nico will take over his father's domain and be the god of shadow travel. Will will take over his father's domain and be the god of Lgbtqia+. Travis and Connor will take over their father's domain and be the gods of pranks. Katie and Miranda will take over their mother's domain and be the goddesses of strawberries. Clarisse will take over her father's domain and be the goddess of spears. Chris will be the god of madness and labyrinths. Grover will take over Pan's domain. Juniper will be the goddess of dryads. Tyson will be the God of Cyclopes. Ella will be the goddess of prophecies and harpies. Rachel will be the goddess of oracles. Everyone else is from a different pantheon. "

Wow. Just wow. My best friend will be the queen of the gods! 

So, guys, gals and non-binary pals, what did you think about this chapter? I don't think I missed anything but if I did please tell me and I will fix it. I realise that there isn't much Percabeth or any couples, but the next one will have more.

Till next time

Tschüssies ✌✌✌✌✌

Hey Zoë, Bob says hello.

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