Percabeth meets Clem Oliverson

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First fanfic, I am open to constructive criticism, also warning ⚠ swearing.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pjo, HoO, ToA, etc. Sadly

                                                           CLEM OLIVERSON

Hello, my name is Clem Oliverson, though if you could read, you'd already know that. I am from Brockton, Massachusetts and I am 5'11, so 6' (1,80 meters if you use metric). I am in shape, only 162lbs (or 73kg) and whenever I want to go out with a girl or boy, I do. No one has ever said no to me, EVER, even straight dudes or gay girls turn bi for me. I currently have my sights set on one person, Annabeth Chase. As far as I can tell, she is single, and I have already started flirting with her. Now, here's how it all went down.

I walked into class, AP English at 7 in the fucking morning, fml, with my dirty blond hair flipped over into my bieber cut, just above my blue-green eyes. And there she was, Annabeth Chase, the prettiest girl I have ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on so far. She had beautiful blond princess curls, startling grey eyes that look fractured and a very hot body, she was wearing a light grey crop top with an owl on the back, jeans that fit her perfectly ( A/N I apologise for the horrible jeans description, I don't wear jeans) and blue converse with tridents on them along with her usual necklace, leather cord with 10 beads, a college ring and a piece of coral. I wonder what it meant.

At that moment I realised that I had stopped in the middle of the class, and was staring at her. "Hey, Clem? You good?" She asked "Yeah, just lost in thought" I said, though I saw Ravindra (Raven) Moss and Agnessa (Agnes) Feng  smirking at me. I shot them a glare and went to my seat behind Annabeth in the second row as Mr Blowfis walked in ( A/N yes, she goes to Goode, Percy got expelled, again and is now at a different school) "Hello class" he greets "Annabeth" he nods in her direction "There's a surprise for you this afternoon"  Surprise?!?!?!? As far as I knew, they had no relationship outside of school! And now he's giving her surprises?

 "Cool, thanks for telling me Pau- I mean Mr Blowfis" she corrected herself. Paul? Did they know each other? "No problem Annabeth. Right class, please turn to page 77 and..." I zoned out untill the bell rang. "For tomorrow, finish exercises 1-5 and do number 6 on page 78" Mr Blowfis announced. "Oh, will Sally and I see you later for blue cookies Annabeth?" " Obviously, I never miss Sally's cookies" Who's Sally? Why blue cookies? HOW DO THEY KNOW EACH OTHER!!??

 "Hey, Annabeth? How do you know Mr Blowfis?" I said as we walked to AP Latin, Annabeth only takes AP classes, so I take some too. "Oh, I live with him, and he's my boyfriend's step dad" BOYFRIEND ?!?!?!?!?! Since when does she have a boyfriend?!?! "You never mentioned you had a boyfriend before." " Really? Weird, I guess it never came up. " "Can I see a photo, or could you tell me what he looks like?" "Sure, I'll show you at break, meet me at the library. But we've got to get to class, right now, we're nearly late!" As we walked in, I saw a new kid who looked emo, with black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, a black leather jacket, the only pop of colour were his shoes, which were black with little suns on them. Annabeth ran right up to him and gave him a fist bump, a quick hug, then started talking to him in what I think was ancient Greek! Since when does she speak ancient Greek? "Γεια σου, neeks, γιατί είσαι εδώ, τι συμβαίνει; Είναι όλα εντάξει στην κατασκήνωση;" (Hey, neeks, why are you here, what's up? Is everything alright at camp?) "Ναι, ηρεμήστε το κεφάλι κουκουβάγιας. Όλα είναι καλά. Πηγαίνω εδώ τώρα. Επίσης, υπάρχει μια έκπληξη για εσάς μετά το σχολείο." (Yeah, calm down owl head. All's good. I go here now. Also, there's a surprise for you after school.) Was the reply and then Annabeth said "Πρώτον, μην με αποκαλείτε κεφάλι κουκουβάγιας, δεύτερον, τι έκπληξη, ο Παύλος είπε κάτι για μια έκπληξη επίσης. Όλοι κοιτάζουν, μιλούν στο μεσημεριανό γεύμα;" (Firstly, don't call me owl head, secondly, what surprise, Paul said something about a surprise too. Everyone's staring, talk at lunch?) He nodded, then she came and sat down next to me.

 "What was that? How do you know that loser? And what language were you speaking?" I demanded " 1. We had a chat, 2. he is one of my best friends, and my boyfriend's cousin 3. He is NOT a loser and 4. We were speaking ancient Greek." Was the reply. Ms Noctua (owl in latin) walked up to the front of the class and said, "Hello, this is the new student, Nico Di Angelo. Mr Di Angelo, you can go sit next to Miss Chase as you already seem to know each other. Before you do that though , Mr Di Angelo, could you introduce yourself in latin?" He nodded, then said "Salve classis, Et Athena praesumo," he paused and the teacher nodded, then he continued "Nomen meum Nico Di Angelo sum quattuordecim et palam homo. Pupillus sum et Sola familia viva Mea Dimidia soror Mea est quae in san francisco habitat. Amicum mirabilem habeo in castris ubi maxime anni habito, ETIAM ADHD et dyslexia habeo." (Hello class, and Athena i presume, -pause- my name is Nico Di Angelo i am fourteen and openly gay. I am an orphan and my only living family is my Half sister who lives in san francisco. I have an amazing boyfriend at the camp where i live most of the year, i also have ADHD and dyslexia.)

 "Good job Nico, go sit down now please." Ms Noctua said. What did he say? Something about ADHD? 

Timeskip to break called Bianca Di Angelo cause I'm too lazy to do the entire class

I went to the library to go see this mysterious boyfriend of Annabeth when I saw her and Nico joking around and laughing. What was going on? Annabeth never laughed like that, and Nico didn't seem the type to. (A/N does anyone see the joke?) 

 "Hey Annabeth, Nico." " Oh, hey Clem, are you here to see the photo of Percy?" She said "Who's Percy?" I asked "My boyfriend". " Yeah, sure" I agreed "Well, unfortunately I don't have a photo with me, but I can describe him. He is handsome with sea green eyes and messy black hair with a streak of gray which we got together. He is usually wearing a beaded necklace like mine and orange T shirt from Camp, though a little through last summer he wore a purple Camp shirt from a different camp." She ranted. Dam! This dude sounds half god! "Not possible, he sounds like a god! What's his personality then?" Nico snickered, Annabeth shot him a look and he stopped "Percy has a brave, sarcastic demeanour. He has a great sense of humour, he sometimes had a bit of a short temper, he's a trouble maker but he's loyal to a fault. Επίσης, είναι μισός θεός" (Also, he is half god) . Nico glared at her after that last bit.

 The bell rang, signalling the end of break. I ran off to art while Annabeth ran to AP Biology.

Time skip to lunch called Zoë Nightshade because I don't want to write 2 classes

I sat with Nico and Annabeth, but they didn't pay any attention to me and kept chatting. "Πώς είναι η Χέιζελ, Ο Πέρσι, ο Γουίλ, Ο Πέρσι, ο Κάμπ, Ο Πέρσι, ο Φρανκ, ο Πέρσι; Οποιεσδήποτε νέες προφητείες; Και ποια είναι αυτή η έκπληξη για την οποία μιλάει ο καθένας;" (How's Hazel, Percy, Will, Percy, camp, Percy, Frank, Percy? Any new prophecies? And what is this surprise every one keeps talking about?)  "Χέιζελ, Ο Πέρσι, ο Γουίλ, ο Καμπ, ο Φρανκ, είναι μια χαρά. Καμία νέα προφητεία δεν ευχαριστεί τους θεούς. Και θα πρέπει απλώς να περιμένετε και να δείτε." (Hazel, Percy, Will, camp, Frank, are all fine. No new prophecies thank the gods. And you'll just have to wait and see.) "Άντε γαμήσου, σκατό!" ( Fuck you, you little shit!) "Αγενής. Caput noctua!" ( Rude. Owl head!) "Nomen meum non est!" (Still not my name!) I cleared my throat. " Oh, hey Clem. What's up? When did you get here?" Annabeth said "Hey" Nico grunted. "Not much, but how do you both fluently speak ancient Greek and Latin? Also I got here like 5 minutes ago". Annabeth said "Well we both go to that camp I mentioned at break, and you learn ancient Greek and at the other camp, you learn Latin, and we did an exchange program, also, sorry we didn't see you earlier, we were catching up, we haven't seen each other since summer" they both got a haunted look in their eyes at that. " So, Annie, care to introduce us ?" " Firstly, my name is Annabeth, not Annie, Anne or Beth, call me anything but Annabeth again, and I will kill you, secondly, this is my kinda cousin, Nico. He is my boyfriend's cousin, so he's kinda like my cousin. Isn't that right neeks ?"  " Neeks ?" I said .

"Her nickname for me, call me that and you die, only my family gets to. I have one half sister and I live with Annabeth and her boyfriend, I am gay, and I have a boyfriend, I am not emo, I just like the colour black, I am fourteen, and if you repeat ANY of this, you will die, understood?" I nodded "Good, now introduce him Owl head." Owl Head!? But she said not to call her anything but Annabeth! How come he gets to but I don't? "This is Clem Oliverson, he's my best friend at school, that's not saying much though as he is also my only friend at school." Ouch, that hurt, best friend by default and only at school. Massive friend-zoneing. 

                        ------ Time skip called Lee Fletcher to end of school ------

Annabeth was really excited during last class, it was AP psychology so I don't know why, but then I remembered, blue cookies, she's eating blue cookies at Mr Blowfis' later. Once the bell ring and the teacher let us go, she was first out the door with her bag in hand. She pushed and shoved to get out of school, then started running, I ran after her. Once she stopped and I caught up with her, I said "Annabeth *pant* we have that *pant* project to do in *wheeze* music theory" she helped me up "Oh, yeah, I forgot about that, I have a friend who can help us, come over and we can get him to help". Go to her house? FUCK YEAH!!! "Yeah sure, why not, I'll finally get to taste these blue cookies you rave about." She shot me a side eye at that. "We'll see if you get permission from Percy and Sally. " Who's Sally again? Not important. 

We walked to her apartment in silence. When we reached the complex we walked in, but she wanted to take the stairs, she told me the floor so I could take the elevator while she walked. When the doors opened, she was there waiting for me, not even out of breath which was impossible as we were on the fifth floor and she took the stairs. She brought me too a blue door with grey, light blue, pink, black, yellow, purple, red and green splotches. 

She opened it and yelled "I'm home!" Nico stuck his head out of what I assumed was the living room "Everyone's here Owl head. Aquaman, Sparky, Beauty Queen, Chinese Canadian Baby Man, Miss Metal Detector, Sunshine, Mr Spock, Cal, Pinecone Face and RA-RA, Owl head's here with a school friend!!" What were these nicknames ? Owl head, Aquaman, Sparky, Beauty Queen, Chinese Canadian Baby Man, Miss Metal Detector, Sunshine, Mr Spock, Cal, Pinecone Face and RA-RA. Weird as fuck! Annabeth threw her coat and bag on the floor, took off her shoes and threw them down as well, then ran into the living room. I took off my coat and bag and carefully out them up on the coat rack, and put my shoes underneath.

In the living room, there were 12 people of varying ages and ethnicities, one was tall, with sea-green eyes, ruffled black hair, really tanned skin and an 8 pack under his school shirt, a tattoo? on his left arm and a beaded necklace with 5 beads, Annabeth was snuggled next to him, next to her was tall with electric blue eyes , close cropped blonde hair and slightly tanned skin with an 8 pack a tattoo again and a beaded necklace with 2 beads, someone was snuggling him, a Cherokee girl with kaleidoscope eyes that change colour from brown to blue to green), chocolate brown hair in a braid with a feather in it, her necklace also had 2 beads. Next to her was a short Latino kid with curly black hair and brown eyes, he also had a necklace with 2 beads. He was snuggled next to a taller girl with caramel hair and dark eyes, she didn't have a necklace. 

On the next sofa, there was a tall Asian guy with a  baby-ish face, close cropped black hair, brown eyes, and a tattoo? a short girl with frizzy cinnamon brown hair, gold/amber eyes, dark skin and another tattoo was snuggled into him.

On the last sofa, there was a scary girl with obsidian black eyes and black hair, with get another tattoo playing with the hair of a scary girl with electric blue eyes, short black hair with a silver circlet  in it and a necklace with 3 bead. There was also Nico with a necklace with 4 beads and a tattoo, sitting on the lap of a guy with blonde hair, light blue eyes, tanned skin and his necklace had 7 beads.

 "Hi I'm Clem, I'm here to do a project with Annabeth, and you are?" I said noticing everyone was staring at me. Nico gestured around the room, "The guy snuggling with Annabeth is Percy, her boyfriend, next to them are Jason and Piper, dating, then Leo and Calypso, dating, then Frank and Hazel, dating, then Reyna and Thalia, dating, and finally, my boyfriend, Will" He explained "What was with those nicknames earlier? Owl head, Aquaman, Sparky, Beauty Queen, Chinese Canadian Baby Man, Miss Metal Detector, Sunshine, Mr Spock, Cal, Pinecone Face and          RA-RA?"

" I'm surprised you remember all of those, any way, Annabeth's are:  Miss Brainiac, Miss Princess, Owl Head and Wise Girl but only by Percy. Percy's are: Captain Salt Water, Kelp Head, Mr. Optimism, Mr. Rule Flouter, Mr. Scholar, Pedro, Poodle Boy, Water Boy, Aquaman and Seaweed Brain but only by Annabeth. Thalia's are: Pinecone Face and Tree Girl. Reyna's are: RA-RA, Rey and Horse Friend. Jason: Blonde Peter Pan, Blonde Superman, Lightning Boy, Lightning Man, Prince of the Universe and Sparky. Piper: Beauty Queen, Dumpster Queen and Pipes. Frank: Fai, Chinese Canadian Baby Man and Changeling Lord. Hazel: Haze, Miss Metal Detector and Miss Underground. Me: Death Breath, Death Boy, Ghost King, Zombie Dude, Lord of Darkness and Debbie Downer. Leo: Admiral, Mr. Spock, Repair Boy,  Lord Tinker, Bad Boy Supreme and Super Sized Mcshizzle. Calypso: Cal, Babe and Sunshine the last two by Leo only. Will: Significant Annoyance, Glow-in-the-dark-boyfriend, Sunshine, Night Light all by me only, you can call him Solace or Will. No questions about why these nicknames. "

Jesus fucking Christ!!! That's a lot of nicknames of the top of his head! "Are any of you related?" I asked as Thalia and Jason have the same eyes. "Jason and Thalia are brother and sister, Hazel and I are half siblings, and Jason, Thalia, Percy, Hazel and I are all cousins. I can properly introduce you if you want as you only know their first names and nicknames." I nodded yes " Ok, so Perseus Jackson, age 17, dating Annabeth Chase. Annabeth Chase, age 17 dating Perseus Jackson. Jason Grace, age 16, dating Piper. Neither she nor Thalia use their last names. Piper, age 16, dating Jason Grace. Thalia, age 15, dating Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano. Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, age 16, dating Thalia. Frank Zhang, age 17, dating Hazel Levesque. Hazel Levesque, age 15, dating Frank Zhang. Leonidas Valdez, age 16, dating Calypso Nightshade. Calypso Nightshade, age 16, dating Leonidas Valdez. Niccolo Di Angelo, age 16, dating William Andrew Solace. William Andrew Solace, age 16, dating Niccolo Di Angelo. "

Time skip called Castor to after introductions and to when everyone's doing homework

"So, Annabeth, who's this helpful friend you mentioned?" " Huh, oh, Will, his parents were musicians" "Were? Anyway, when do I get to meet this Sally? I want blue cookies ."  "Later, she's working"

Time skip called Daedalus to later once they finished the project with Will's help

 "Hey kids, I'm home!" Everyone jumped up and ran to the front door, I followed behind cautiously. There was a strikingly beautiful woman with a smile as warm as a quilt and sparkling blue eyes that changed colour in the light. Her hair was long and brown with a few streaks of grey. Her scent was like chocolate, licorice, and everything else one would find in a candy shop. To put it simply, this was Sally Jackson-Blowfis. 

Everyone have her a hug in turn, then she turned to me. "Hello, who are you?" " I'm Clem Oliverson, I'm Annabeth's friend from school. Mrs Jackson-Blowfis." "Please, call me anything Sally. Would anyone like cookies?" There was a resounding cheer from everyone, she chuckled and went into the kitchen to bake. 

"I'll stay for cookies, then I'll leave." I said, kind of sadly, as I knew I could never be with my crush, in the few hours I spent here, I knew that they were in love and I couldn't break them up, even if I wanted to.

Time skip called Charles Beckendorf to when the cookies are done

Sally bright the plate of cookies in, and Percy and Annabeth immediately grabbed a handful each before anyone else could even reach the plate. I realised how much everyone wanted some and so I snatched one from the plate and bit into it.

I nearly moaned it was so good. I then grabbed a handful and started snacking. Inbetween cookies I said "Sally, these are so good!! Annabeth did not overstate them, if anything, she understated them!!! What's your secret?!?!" " Well, I use blue butterfly pea flowers instead of the stuff in a bottle, I do that for most of the blue food I make though. You'd have to persuade all of them to give you the recipe though. " I turned around with my famous puppy eyes, but no-one was affected. 

 "How? How did you not call for my puppy eyes?" They all looked at Percy, so I looked at him and melted, he looked like a fucking baby seal!! "We're all used to his baby seal eyes, so a puppy is nothing." Piper said. 

 "Can I get the recipe anyway?" I asked hopefully. Leo shook his head. "Sorry, but no, Annabeth still hasn't persuaded Percy to tell her, and they've known each other for 5 years, dating for 2, so why would he tell you?"

 "Seriously?! You still haven't told her!? And you've been dating for 2 YEARS!!!?" I exclaimed. Everyone shot a glance at Annabeth "You didn't know?" Piper said "Nope, she's never mentioned him before today." Percy put his hand on his heart in fake pain "WISE GIRL!!! You've never mentioned me!!!?? I'm offended !" She just shook her head and giggled, wait GIGGLED!!! Annabeth doesn't giggle, everyone else looked just as shocked.

After that weird encounter I left making sure to be polite.

 Time skip called Michael Yew to the next day

Annabeth walked in looking just as beautiful as usual. "Hey Clem, just wanted to let you know, I'm leaving school." " What!? Why???" "You'll see in a few days, I'll miss you, Leo made a phone for everyone, so here's my number so we can stay in touch, but, I'm probably never see you again, so bye, and Tschüssies (bye in German) ✌✌✌" then she walked out of school, and my life, however I would later see her on TV with the rest of her friends.

3432 words not including this

So, what did you guys, gals and non-binary pals think of my first ever chapter? I will be making a mist unveiled chapter. Also if you don't ship any of these ships, that's ok, but I will be writing about these and Tratie, Chrisse, Connor/Miranda, some Tyson/Ella (What's their ship name?), Fierrochase, Zarter, Salt/Wadie and some Gruniper.

Till next time, Tschüssies!

- Percabeth shipper top 10.

Also, Hey Zoë, Bob says hello.

3507 total words. Woo!

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