Birthday at the Cemetery

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Nothing to say before this chapter. Enjoy!

Percy's POV

I didn't need to wake up because I never went to bed. Today was that day and all I wanted to do was lock myself in my room. Even if that meant that I wouldn't get any of the blue cake that my mom always makes, I would stay in here until tomorrow.

I was turning 19. Last year to be a teenager, I thought. I also started college in a few weeks which didn't help my mood. Annabeth and I were going to the college in New Rome together so we wouldn't have to worry about monsters. She also really liked the architecture there. (They just finished rebuilding everything that was destroyed about a month ago.)

     There was a nock on my door. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. "No ones home!" I shouted.

     "Seaweed Brain," came Annabeth's voice from the other side of the door. "We have blue cake and Tyson's here." Crap, I can't just leave Tyson out there with just my mom, Paul and Annabeth. Apparently I took too long to reply so Annabeth spoke again. "Don't make me come in there and drag you out of that bed."

     "I'm coming," I mumbled just loud enough for her to hear me. I got up and dressed myself in khaki short and a blue Fall Out Boys t-shirt. I didn't even bother brushing my hair because it wouldn't have made any difference. I opened the door to see my girlfriend standing there by herself.

     "Where's Tyson?" I asked.

     "What am I, chop liver?" She asked teasingly. 

     "That's not what I meant!" I tried to recover but just ended up mumbling random things.

     "Percy," she interrupted me. "I know." She gave me a small kiss and we headed toward the living room. I still didn't see Tyson. Was he hiding and trying to scare me? Was he planning on giving me a bone crushing hug?

     "About Tyson," Annabeth started. "I kinda lied. It's just you and me right now. I thought that maybe, on your special day, that you'd want to go shopping or to the pool. Maybe-"

     "Can we get a bunch of flowers and visit them?" I asked. She looked at me with a little bit of shock but then gave me a soft smile.

     "Of course." With that we locked up the apartment and walked toward the flower shop hand in hand. We talked about random things like how we would get the Stolls back for the prank they pulled on us last week and how I was running low on blue candy.

     About a half an hour later we arrived at the small shop. It was painted a sunny yellow that seemed to bring happiness to anyone who walked by it. It reminded me a of cute little cottage that an old lady would live in. Of course an old women did run the shop so my description was pretty accurate.

"Percy, Annabeth," Miss Carl smiled as we walked in the door. She was like my mom and Rachel and could see through the mist. When we first met her, she was going around and handing out flowers for random people to take. I had gotten one and given it to Annabeth for her birthday last year along with two tickets to six flags in Chicago.

     "What can I get you today?" She asked.

     "We need a bunch of natural colored roses," I told her.

"Any specific number?" She asked. I shook my head. She came back ten minutes later with about a hundred red roses in her hands. In the middle of them all was one blue one and one white one. She handed the blue one to me and the white one to Annabeth. I reached for my wallet but Carla just shook her head.

     "Don't worry about it," she said. "This ones on me." We thanked her as we walked out the door, flowers in our hands. "By the way," she called. "Make sure to smile. It's such a wonderful sight and they wouldn't want to see you sad like that." I smiled as she told me to and closed the door.

We continued our walk for a bit longer until we reached our destination. "They'll love these," Annabeth whispered, stopping at the gates of the cemetery.

"I know they will," I said, standing next to her. For the next few hours, we walked around the cemetery and put flowers next to all the demigods graves. People walking past the cemetery gave us a few sideways glances but once they got an idea of what we were doing they decided to go buy flowers of their own and help us decorate. People were crying, smiling, laughing and hugging each other.

     Once every grave had some sort of flower or ribbon next to it, people started to leave or take pictures. Annabeth walked over to me from where she stood, talking to a younger boy that looked like he was seven. She had handed him a flower so he could go decorate a small grave close by.

     When she reached me, her eyes met mine. Happy tears shined in her eyes along with a small smile planted on her face. In that moment, I couldn't have fallen for her any harder. Her arms rapped around my stomach and mine went around her shoulders, pulling her into a tight hug.

     "I love you Wise Girl," I whisper to her.

     "I love you too Seaweed Brain," she replied. Her head came up and our lips meet in a passionate kiss. I kissed her like I'd never be able to do so again. I let my fingers run through her soft, blond curls and we stayed like that for a while. This had got to be one of the best birthdays I've ever had.

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