Finding Nemo

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Hello again! I have come to the conclusion that at the beginning of every one shot that I am going to put a little section explaining some of the chapter. I'll do my best to keep them short. In this one the couple are staying at Sally's and are 18.

Percy's POV

     I gawked at my girlfriend sitting across from me. "What do you mean you've never seen Finding Nemo?!" I shouted. The librarian shushed me but still gave me a knowing look. The two of us had been growing closer over the past year. Her favorite color was lime green and she has two kids and five grandchildren.

    "I didn't really have time to watch it," Annabeth said, not looking up from the book she was studying from. "It's kinda hard to watch a movie while fighting monsters that could kill you if you made even the smallest mistake."

    "Well when you put it that way," I huffed. "But still! Finding Nemo was the reason I lived. Actually, scratch that, I lived for Finding Nemo, my mom and my moms blue cookies!"

    "Yea, well you're a son of Poseidon so a movie about talking fish is obviously going to appeal to you just as architecture appeals to me."

    "Fine, then it's settled." I stood up and walked around the table so I was standing right above her. "Tonight, we are watching Finding Nemo and eating blue cookies!"

    Annabeth got her stuff together and pushed in her chair. "Whatever you say Seaweed Brain." I mentally high-five myself. This was gonna be epic!


    Annabeth is in sweatpants and a tank top while I'm in my fuzzy pants and a green sweatshirt. Yes, I know you're probably thinking 'why is the demigod hero of two great Greek wars wearing fuzzy pants?' Well my answer is simple, only real men wear fuzzy pants. (And onesies)

We settle down on the couch with a large plate of blue cookies as the movie starts. I have to close my eyes for the first scene every time. This is why I don't eat Seafood, innocent fish loose their moms and dads. It's just not fair!

    Finally we meet Dory! By the way, I literally can't wait for Finding Dory. It's gonna be the best thing that ever happened to me! Besides my beloved Wise Girl of course. And blue cookies! This fact just cannot be emphasized enough.

    Anyways, Annabeth actually starts to look interested once we reach this part. "No way," she says as her eyes get as big as saucers. "Is that Ellen?" Hook and sink. Annabeth has always loved the Ellen show and watches it every day. She even got me to watch it and the Gods now that I normally don't even have the attention span to watch a three minute long music video.

    "Yup!" I smiled, popping the p. A huge grin grows on her face as the scene goes on. It shows her pearly white teeth and I'm tempted to kiss her right then and there. I don't though because she seemed so interested in the movie that I didn't want to ruin the moment.

     We spend the rest of the movie cuddling on the couch. She sat next to me and I rapped my arms around her slim figure. I fell asleep with my head resting on the back of the couch shortly after that.

Annabeth's POV

    Towards the end of the movie Percy fell asleep with his arms around me. I watched the rest of the movie snuggling close to him, welcoming his warmth. He looked so peaceful this way, with his eyes closed and his long eye lashes fluttering every so often.

    Once the movie was over I remembered that I had to go to the restroom to brush my teeth. I tried to untangle Percy's arms from around my waist but his grip only became tighter. Was he having another nightmare? No, if he were then he'd probably be moving around more. I tried again and just managed to get out. Not for log though. His arms came up and pulled me back down onto the couch. I let out a little yelp as I fell into his grasp once more.

    "Uughmmhhhrrrr," he mumbled. I let out a small chuckle and kissed him on his head. His grip loosened and I was able to go brush my teeth and clean off the plate that had held the cookies.

    As I was headed back to the couch I caught a glimpse in Percy's bedroom. A dark blue sweatshirt lay on his bed, calling my name. I walked over, picked it up and slipped it over my head. It smelled like the sea and made me feel all soft and fuzzy. These moments were what I lived for, just like Percy lived for his mom, Finding Nemo and his moms blue cookies.

     I walked back towards the couch and snuggled back into Percy's warmth. As soon as I was in place, his arms came back around me and hugged my back closer to his chest. His chin rested on top of my head. We fit together like Yin and Yang, balancing each other out.

     "Good night Seaweed Brain," I whispered softly. "I love you."

     My eyes closed and my body fully relaxed. Just before I fell into a peaceful slumber I heard him whisper "I love you too Wise Girl and I always will."

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