Cupcake Battle

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Hello my friends! I'm gonna make this short. This is my first Percy Jackson Fanfiction/One shots story. Percy and Annabeth are 18 in this story. Also, I love cupcakes! There, that's all you need to know. Enjoy!

It was Leo's birthday today and Annabeth and Percy were in charge of making the baked goods. It had been a long process but they finally agreed on making cupcakes with red icing and a tiny Buford the table on top of each one.

"I still don't see why the icing can't be blue," Percy wined.

"Do you really think Leo is going to want blue cupcakes for his birthday Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth questioned while getting the cook book out.

"Well who wouldn't?" Percy needed blue food just as much as he needed his lovely Wise Girl, which was truly saying something. This lead him to think that others needed blue food as well and couldn't say they lived a happy life if they hadn't eaten even a crumb.

     "Can you please get out the eggs, flour, sugar, baking soda and the butter?" Annabeth asked, not looking up from the book in front of her. Percy nodded and opened the fridge to get out what was needed. Of course being the kelp head he was he tried taking all the ingredients out of the fridge at one. His eyes were squinted as he tried to concentrate on balancing all the items on his head and in his hands.

"Percy," Annabeth started. "What are you doing?"

"I'm working on my balance," he responded. He didn't want to talk too much in fear of everything falling to the ground. Suddenly Annabeth got an excellent idea. An evil smirk formed on her face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Percy asked worriedly.

Annabeth didn't explain as she started to chant, "don't drop the eggs Percy." His eyes widened as he started to wobble. Annabeth was so caught up in her fun that she made the mistake of saying "don't drop the egg or I'll be very disappointed in you." Percy's balance came right back to him and he walked the rest of the way to the counter without any mistakes.

"I don't understand," Annabeth gawked. "That should've worked. Why didn't it work?"

"You said I'd disappoint you if I dropped something and I didn't want to disappoint you," he explained. This took her by surprise but she quickly regained her composure and smiled at him. She reached out and helped her boyfriend take the ingredients off of his head. Once everything was on the counter Annabeth gave Percy a quick peck on the lips.

"Let's get started," she announced with a big smile on her face.

"Yes ma'am," Percy saluted. Annabeth went over to her phone on the table and turned to her favorite playlist. Leo had made the phones so they were monster proof.

The two worked together as they made what were going to be the best batch of cupcakes the world has ever tasted. They mixed and blended and baked for an hour until all the cupcakes were sitting in the oven. Percy was licking his fingers and grinning widely while Annabeth started washing things off and putting them on a rack to dry.

"Seaweed brain," Annabeth started. "Would you get the two bowls off the counter and bring them over here?" Percy nodded his head and went to receive the bowls. Suddenly a idea came into his mind and he smirked. He placed the bowls next to Annabeth, trying to keep emotion off of his face. The next step of his plan came into action as he moved over to the phone on the table.

     Percy put in the password as quickly as he could and turned on his favorite song of all time. I the processes he was also able to change the password so Annabeth couldn't change it back to her music. A look of realization covered the blond's face as he went strait to the chores.

Make you say oh my

Feels just like I don't try

Looks so good I might die

All I know is everybody loves me

By this time she was chasing Percy around the counter, flinging leftover batter at his face. He just laughs and tries to ask her what's wrong with the song. Before he can get to it though, a big blob of cupcake batter lands in his already messy hair, followed by one in his eyes. He quickly wipes it away so he can see again. When Percy opens his eyes Annabeth is on the counter and jumping towards him.

"Wai-" he shouts but he's not able to finish as she tackles him to the ground. With a small grunt, he hits the ground with Annabeth pinning down his wrists. In the background the sing still goes on.

Head down swaying to my own sound

Flashes in my face now

All I know is everybody loves

Everybody loves me

"You know that having me pinned to the ground isn't gonna turn off that music," Percy smirk. She huffs and starts to get up but he grabs her wrist, lifts her to her feet as he stands and wipes a handful of cupcake batter from is face. It splats all across her blond hair and on to her shoulders as his hand makes contact with the top of her head. Percy prepares to run but it's too late, she already has a huge amount of batter in her hand and is in the process of flinging it at him. It goes all over his shirt and face so it looks like he's wearing a red mask.

     Percy smirked and announced, with his arms spread wide, "Let the cupcake game begin!" Batter flew everywhere as the music kept playing. The two dodged and attacked swiftly and carefully, aiming to strike their opponent. It was an ugly battle as batter splattered on to the both of them, covering their faces and shoulders in red. One glance at Annabeth's eyes would even have even made Hades shudder for they looked they were going to cut Percy in half.

"Wise girl," Percy dodged as another volley of batter came at him. "Why are we doing this again?"

"Because you changed my favorite song to this!" Annabeth yelled.

"But this is a good song," Percy pouted.

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"Ugh, forget the arguing, I have a better idea." Annabeth stopped throwing batter at her boy friend and walked over to the phone. "If you don't tell me the password right now then no kisses for a whole day."

Percy's eyes widdened. "What!?" His face went back to normal with some effort. "I mean, I could totally live with that."

"A week." Percy looked like he was about to cry but still didn't tell her the password. "Fine, have it your way. No kisses for a month."

He broke. "Ok ok ok ok, it's 5467!" He ran over to her as she put it in. Annabeth changed the song to what it originally had been and put the phone back on the table.

"Now was that so hard?" She smirked.

"It would be easier if I could have a kiss," Percy grinned. The space between the two closed as their lips met in a relaxed kiss. Percy's fingers ran through her sticky hair and hugged her closer to him. Annabeth's arms went around his shoulders and they stayed like that until the timer went off, signaling that the cupcakes were ready for icing.

Percy went over to the oven and took out the cupcakes. "Are you absolutely sure that the icing can't be blue?" He asked.

"I'm positive," she replied. He huffed and got out the ingredients they would need to make the red icing. Thankfully, he didn't try to get them all out at the same time again. While he was doing that, Annabeth was cleaning off all the measuring cups and beaters so they could be used again.

Time skip through the cooking process<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><

The couple stepped back to admire their work. Little Buford's sat on top of every single cupcake. Anyone would've drooled over them.

"I can't wait to taste those," Percy exclaimed. He reached out to try to steal one but Annabeth hit his hand. "Ow," he whined. "That hurt."

"We have to wait for the party eat them Seaweed brain," Annabeth sighed.

"But that's in a whole two hours!"

"Consider this a test to see how good your self restraint is."

"Am I allowed to fail?" Percy was still eyeing the cupcakes hungrily.

"If you do, you can't eat any at the party and you'll end up all alone." Annabeth had a small smirk on her face, knowing that that would do the trick.

And so it did. Percy ran to the bathroom and locked himself in. He waited and waited and waited and waited...............

"Annabeth," Percy called, still inside the bathroom. "How long has it been? One and a half hours?"

"You've only been in there for twenty minutes Seaweed brain," Annabeth said from the couch in the living room.

"What?!" He cried. "Why do I feel like your lying to me? You just want me to suffer so you can make fun of me for it later." Secretly, Percy knew she wasn't lying and that he had a long time before he could come out.

"You locking yourself in the bathroom is already something I can make fun of you for. Try to occupy yourself," the blond suggested. "Just don't break anything in the process."

"Fine," Percy sighed as he breathed on the mirror and started to draw smiley faces.

+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+Eleven years later^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^

"And that's why we don't trust Daddy with cupcake batter or phone passwords," Annabeth smiled at her three year old baby girl Zoe.

"Well Luke," Percy walked in with the other three year old in his arms. "You want to hear the story of how I beat your mommy in the legendary cupcake battle?"

"You did not win! I did," the blond sent him her signature death glare. Percy backed away a little but still smiled. He walked out of the room to go put the boy to bed.

"We can discus this later when your moms not around, ok?" Percy whispered. Luke stuck out his tongue and smiled. "I'll take that as a yes." Percy kissed the boy on the forehead and turned off the lights. He would never forget the fun he and Annabeth used to have. But now they had two more people they loved to share it with.

Hope everyone liked this! If you did plz give it a like! Bye now, hope to update soon!

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