Coming Home Part 1

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Request from the utterly amazing AnnabethitChase57. Hope you all enjoy!

There was a knock on the door, loud enough for the seven, minus Percy to hear in the tiny apartment.

"I'll get it!" Annabeth jumped up. She ran to the front door, a smile stuck on her face, hoping it was who she thought it might be. The door swung open and she stopped in her tracks, her smile disappearing from her face.

"Mrs. Jackson?" asked the man in a military suit standing in front of her.

"That's me," she answered. "Where's Percy?"

"I'm sorry to inform you that your husband was killed in action."

Annabeth's heart skipped a beat. That couldn't be true. He had promised to come back. He promised!

"This is all some sort of prank that he's trying to pull isn't it?" she desperately asked. "Any minute he'll come running around the corner and we'll......." The look in the man's eyes was full of regret. He hated having to do this.

"I am deeply sorry miss, but he is no longer with us. Her are his things." He passed the now shacking Annabeth the small box full of dog tags and metals. She clasped it gingerly in her hands as if holding it too tightly would break the only things she had left of him.

"If there's anything—Miss!" Annabeth collapsed to the floor, still holding onto the box. Her heart hurt and her body felt numb. Two strong arms rapped around her, but they weren't Percy's so she didn't care.

Mumbled voices above her spoke in worried tones. At some point there was the sound of the front door closing, just like it had three years ago when Annabeth had last seen her beloved Seaweed Brain.

"Sweetheart," called Piper. "Can you hear me?" All Annabeth did was cry.

Do not fret my readers! There will be a second part! But for now..........I was tagged by the only and only Leo_Festus_Valdez to say 13 facts about ME!!! So here it goes:

Also, if ur not interested in tags, you can just skip this part buuuuuuuuuuut..........I got tagged by the one and only Leo_Festus_Valdez to do 13 facts about ME!!! So here it goes....

1. I play soccer and it's very time consuming 〒_〒

2. Nutella, Swedish and Chinese food are my weaknesses

3. 3 is my favorite number

4. I have a giant panda and a giant teddy bear in my room and I love them so much ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ

5. Uuummm...........I have long hair..........I guess..........and it's blonde

6. Favorite bands are P!ATD, FOB and Green Day

7. I am a very awkward teenage girl...........proud of it

8. Anime is my life besides Percy Jackson

9. I destroy at Just Dance, but actually suck at dancing

10. Get ready for this........are you ready.............positive?!?!?!?! All right, but don't say I didn't warn you. I can do *drum role* a handstand, a cartwheel AND a backbend. I just blew your mind, didn't I??!

11. My favorite food is ramen and I could live off of it. Probably die from it but that's ok


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