I Hate That I Love You

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Okay guys, Imma change things up a bit because the beautiful @MyLifeIsGreat_Lol has suggested that I write a sad one-shot so I must!!! Trigger warning for self-harm and depression! You have been warned.......FEELS coming up. Oh, also, Annabeth and Percy aren't dating in this one, just friends.

3rd Person

"Percy!" Annabeth shouted. "Stop this!"

The green eyed boy stood in front of the blonde, separating her from the man standing across from him. He was in nothing but his boxers, his grimy body exposed for viewing. A feeling of disgust washed over him, mixing in with his anger. He had walked up to Annabeth's apartment to return her biology book after she let him borrow it only to walk in on this guy forcing himself onto her. From that point on, everything had been a blur due to the rush of adrenaline Percy experienced out of his rage. But now that his fists weren't aimed at the other man his thoughts became more clear and focused.

"He was hurting you!" Percy retorted, turning his head to face the blonde. "I can't just sit back and watch! That would be wrong!" His attention was aimed back towards the pathetic pervert. A quick death glare was sent his way, telling the man that he better get the hell out of there or he'd be dead meat. Taking the hint, he left quickly, grabbing only his pants from the floor and scurrying out without a second glance back.

Now that Percy didn't have to worry about that creep, he turned back towards Annabeth. Opening his mouth the ask if she was okay, he was cut off by a sudden sharp stinging sensation that shot through his cheek. His eyes widened, staring into stormy grey orbs that were filled with furry and hidden sadness. All Percy could do was stare back, his own eyes holding a broken look not often seen on the boy. The last time he had harbored that look was when he had lived with his stepfather, Smelly Gabe. So when Annabeth slapped him, something inside him snapped. His world, his spirit, and his mind collapsed, leaving him a silent, broken mess. Even his body felt numb, inside and out.

"I hate you." The words snapped him out of his trance. Annabeth had cast her gaze down towards the ground, her fists clenched at her side as if she was about ready to strike again.

"What?" Percy chocked.

"You heard me," Annabeth's voice rose a little. "I hate you! Get out!" She thrust her arm out, pointing past Percy towards the open door. "I don't want to see you ever again. So get out!"

Tears were streaming down her face by the time she had finished, her eyes now filled with only angry tears. Percy couldn't bare to witness the pain he had caused the girl so he turned and ran out the door, his legs pumping underneath him and he traveled down staircase after staircase.

In record time, the raven haired boy reached his apartment. He tugged open the door, thankful that his mom wasn't home so she wouldn't see how he was acting. She had too much to do by herself and didn't need to waste her time worrying about him.

In his frantic state, Percy rushed to his room, slamming the door behind him, not caring about whether it was locked or not. His hands reached under his desk top, roughly grabbing the razor he had taped underneath. The edge of the blade cut into his skin, but he didn't care at this point. Caring would be pointless with what he was about to do.

•••••••••Back at Annabeth's•••••••••

Annabeth stood stock still, her chin pressed tightly against her chest and her fists still clenched tightly at her side. She knew she shouldn't have slapped Percy and needed to apologize for the way she acted, but she just couldn't bring herself to directly face him. Her mind was telling her that he deserved it, but her heart argued the exact opposite. She knew he meant well, wanting to keep her safe from harm, but she couldn't help but always feel guilty. His protection made her feel powerless, like she couldn't support herself even though she knew that she could. She hated how much she loved him and it was killing her inside.

'That's it!', she decided. I have to go apologize and tell him everything. Nothing can be fixed if I don't. Annabeth picked up her phone from the table beside her and hurried out the door. With rushed fingers, she typed in Percy's number. It rang for what seemed like an eternity before it came to his voicemail. The boy's cheery voice resonated through the phones speaker, saying that he was unavailable at the moment, but would get back to whomever was calling when he could. This worried Annabeth greatly. Percy always picked up the phone, especially if Annabeth was the one calling. Maybe he's mad, she thought. She honestly wouldn't blame him if he was.

Despite her attempted reassurance, Annabeth's legs picked up speed, taking the steps down to his apartment three at a time. The door to his apartment was slightly ajar when she arrived, making entry easy for her.

"Percy!" Her voice vibrated off of the baby blue walls. She was met with no response in the eerily quite room. Then it hit her. A small shuffling noise from Percy's room managed to reach her ears. With light, almost undetectable footsteps, she approached the boys room. Every so gently, her nimble fingers turned the doorknob and pushed the door open cautiously only to be met with a resisting force.


"Don't come in," he muttered. His voice was scratchy and barely audible, like a broken record player.

"Percy," she tried again, not daring to push anymore on the door. "Seaweed Brain, please let me in."


"Why not?"

"I don't want to hurt you anymore. I'd rather hurt myself than see you cry." Annabeth's eyes widened, realizing what he meant. Panic stirred in the pit of her stomach, but she forced it to stay down. She couldn't loose it now. That wasn't an option.

The blonde knelt down on the floor, releasing all the remaining pressure from the wooden door. Slowly, she placed her hand just passed the opening in the door, palm up. She stayed like that for a while, waiting for Percy to come to her, not forcing him to do anything he wouldn't want to do.

On the other side, Percy stared at the gentle hand, afraid that if he looked away it would disappear. His instincts begged him to reach for it, to cradle it close to him and feel her warmth spread through his chest. He was tempted, but the image of the blonde's tear stricken face held him back. No longer would he hurt the one he held closest to his heart, never again.

After a moment's silence, Annabeth finally spoke again. "Ya know, I really hate that I love you." Though her words were harsh, her tone was careful and soft, not aiming to disturb the other.

Suddenly the door swung open, revealing a shocked looking Percy.

"What?" he whispered.

Taking a deep breathe, Annabeth clasps one of his hands in both of hers, deep red blood trickling down along her fingers. She placed his hand against her chest, right above her heart. Her heartbeat vibrating through Percy's hand.

"Can't you feel that?" she whispered. "That's my heart aching." And that was it. The strong boy she had always believed in broke down right in front of her. Tears, snot, heart breaking wails, the whole package, gift wrapped with a enormous bow on top, just waiting to be ripped open.

Annabeth pulled him closer into her until their wasn't even room for air. His hands clung to the back of her shirt and his head was buried in the crook of her neck. Warm tears fell from his eyes,  slightly soaking her shirt. She didn't care. It was worth it to make all that pain go away, even if it was just for a little while.

Once he had started to calm down and his cries had reduced to small hiccups, the blonde lifted his head up to look at her. His sea green eyes were puffy and red, reminding her strangely of Christmas. Shebchuckled at the silly thought. 

"What?" he croaked.

"Nothing," she says, her laugh getting louder. "Your eyes just remind me of Christmas right now."

"'Cuz they're red and green?" She nods. A giggle escapes his lips and his face contorted as if he was trying hard not to smile.

"Smile Percy. It's good for you." A small, quick peck from Annabeth surprised the both of them. They sat there silently for a millisecond of a moment only to burst out in heavy laughter. And for the first time in what felt like forever, Percy's eyes sparkled like mini north stars on a clear Christmas night.

So there's my sad on-shot. I'm crying just writing it so hopefully you guys felt something too. But on a more serious not, and it actually ties in to why this took me so long to update, I've been sick for a while. And it's not physical, it's mentally "sick" as they call it. I won't bore you all with detail, but I just wanted to thank anyone and everyone who reads, comment, and likes my stories. It means a lot (Geez, that sounds cheesy). Again, I thank all of you for being so amazing! :)

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