Stars and Kisses

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Hellu everyone! Hope everyone had a very merry holiday! Fun question cuz I feel like it......what was the favorite thing you got over the holidays, weather it's something you were given or something you bought yourself? Mine is a GoPro for snow skiing and other uses (I put it on my dog xD) and my first laptop I am actually typing on right now! Anyways, on with the story. Happy New Year, hope you enjoy!

3rd Person

It was New Years Eve and all the campers were bustling and hustling (lol, I rhymed) around camp. Christmas decorations were being replaced with streamers and tables with multiple different flavors of punch in preparation for the New Years party they were hosting later that night. The Roman camp and even the Hunters were coming to join them on this special occasion. Silently, Chiron was hoping for a nice, nonviolent night between the three group, thus having the Stoll's remove all their hidden traps that were scattered across the camp.

Yet among all these happy campers and the two sorrow filled Stoll brothers, there was one demigod that couldn't seem to calm his nerves down. Percy played with his camp necklace as he stood just outside the empty Athena cabin. Being as silent as he could, which was surprisingly quiet for someone like him, he crept inside. Leaving the door open for a quick escape, the son of Poseidon made his over to a cluttered desk sitting next to a neatly made bed. His shuffled through countless blueprints looking for Annabeth's computer. After eventually finding it, the still nervous demigod bolted out of the cabin, back to his own. Behind him he slammed the wooden door shut, hoping that he didn't attract any watchful eyes.

Sitting on the side of his multi-shaded blue bed, he opened the laptop. Luckily for Percy, Annabeth didn't keep a password on her computer because most people were afraid to go anywhere near it in the first place. Even the Stoll's didn't mess with it out of fear for their lives.

He got logged in and started carrying out his ingenious plan. In fact, he was so concerned with making sure he was reading and doing everything right, he didn't hear his cabin door creak open.

"Seaweed Brain?" A gentle hand was placed on his shoulders. He let out an unmanly squeal, slamming the laptop close and falling out of his chair. A semi-worried Annabeth knelt down in front of him, placing her hand on his tense shoulder once more.

"Are you ok?" she asked. "You've seemed really jumpy today. Is som-"

"Nope!" He rushed. "Totally fine. Nothing to worry about here. I'll just be returning this!" Percy hurriedly got up and grabbed the laptop off the table. In a matter of seconds, he was far away from where Annabeth was still kneeling.

"If you insist."

Percy sighed once he was far away from his girlfriend. He couldn't let her see what he was planning. Never ever, not until later that night. Opening up the computer to the page he had just been searching, he closed the browser completely, deleting any trace of his ultimate plan.

Time skip to later that night at the part....

Standing next to Jason in an enormous crowd of people, Percy looked down at his watch. 11:50, it read. Where could she be, he thought. His gaze moved up to scan the crowd in search of any sign of Annabeth.

Out of nowhere, he felt a small tug in the back of his head. He swirled around, coming face to face with a grinning Annabeth.

"What'd ya do that for?" he half whined.

"To get your attention," she said. "It worked, didn't it?"

Percy only chuckled. Grabbing his girlfriends hand, he pulled her through what he was now calling 'The Mob' inside his head. Annabeth shot question after question at him, but Percy remained silent throughout their journey. The two continued to walk until they reached the beach. Above them, stars illuminated the sky.

"I, umm, I have something to give you," Percy whispered. He pulled an envelope from his back pocket and handed it to Annabeth. On the front was 'to Wise Girl' scribbled in Percy's messy handwriting and in blue ink. The blonde almost laughed at the envelope, but settled for a grin. From the envelope she pulled out a small yellow, star shaped post-it note. Once again in Percy's messy handwriting and blue ink, it read "Happy New Years Wise Girl! Did you notice that whole sentence had a capital letter at the beginning of each word? Dang it, I can't erase it and this is in pen. Oh well. Anyways, I wanted to give you something special for New Years beside the traditional kiss at 12. So.....I bought you a star. That's why I was using your computer. (Please don't kill me.) I named it Wise Girl after you! Isn't that smart? See! You are rubbing off on me! I'm running out of space. Love you! -Seaweed Brain"

Annabeth just stared at the note in her hand. Her eyes were wide and her mouth slightly ajar. She blinked one. Then a second time. Slowly, she looked up at Percy, a smile finding its way onto her beautiful face.

"Which one is it?" she asked softly.

"The one that shines the brightest." Percy took her hand in his. They fit perfectly in the grasp of the other.

"That's the North Star."


"I'm just teasing. It's wonderful."

In his mind, Percy was having a little celebration while he leaned in towards Annabeth. His eyes closed as his lips met hers in a tender, sweet kiss. It wasn't sloppy or clean, too rough or too soft. It was perfectly in-between, flawless from all different angles.

At that moment, back in the mess hall, the clock struck twelve. The echoing sound ejected all throughout camp, reaching the ears of the couple on the beach as they continued their perfect kiss under the stars.

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