Coming Home Part 2

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So I planned on updating this earlier but I had some stuff that I had deal with and didn't really get the time.....So here you go!

3rd Person

She didn't feel the icy hail as it beat against her skin. She didn't feel the warmth of the school building as she stepped inside. She didn't feel any pain when she closed her finger in her desk at the front of the classroom. Their whispered words didn't effect her as the students uttered nasty things about her.

"My sister said that she was amazing," said one. "This is not what I call amazing."

"Yea, she really sucks," said another. "It's like she has no emotion."

That's how Annabeth's day always went. But something was specifically off about her today, but the students couldn't tell what exactly. Though she seemed stiffer than usual. To prove the students suspicions, halfway through her third class, a kid was talking to their partner while she was teaching. Loosing her temper, Annabeth fumed towards the two students.

"James!" Her eyes were a scary stormy grey. "Shut up and listen."


"I don't want to hear your buts," her voice continued to get louder.

"Mrs. Jackson," called Kate, a sweet girl who was family friends with the Jackson's. "Please, the people next door will start to get concerned." Annabeth's face immediately fell and her eyes returned back their normal grey.

"You're right. I'm sorry I yelled. Please let me continue with the class."

The class was left stunned as she walked back to the chalk board with slumped shoulders. She hadn't been that defeated all year long.

"What just happened?" asked the girl besides Kate.

"Today's a sensitive day for Mrs. Jackson," Kate sighed. "She lost someone very close to her."

"I wouldn't say totally lost," came a masculine voice from the behind Kate. "Just lost track of." Along with the rest of the class, Annabeth's head snapped around to face the man leaning against the door frame. He was wearing a Navy Seals uniform and his face was now home to a long, thin scar running down the left side. Yet his hair was still that messy black nest on top of his head and his eyes were still the same beautiful sea green that Annabeth had learned to love.

"Seaweed Brain," she whispered under her breathe. Her feet carried her to the door at lightning speed, warm tears flowing from her eyes. Her arms wrapped around him as she knocked into him, almost making him loose his balance. He grinned into her soft, golden hair. Gods how he had missed it.

His moment of happiness was soon interrupted as he went flying through the air, his back crashing down onto the hard floor. Just like many years ago, Annabeth's elbow was pressed against his chest and her stormy grey eyes were staring down at him.

"I thought I told you to never do that again!" She yelled.

Percy let out a nervous laugh. "Sorry Wise Girl."

"You should be!"

For the rest of the week, year in fact, Annabeth came to school with her old grin and joyful attitude. She could feel the gust of warm air blow against her face as she entered the school building and she was always careful to never slam her finger in her desk drawer. Through the hallways, she would wave and grin at oncoming students, sometimes even giving them tips about any subjects they were having trouble with.

Yet Annabeth's favorite part of the day was always when she got to go home. Home to where her beloved Seaweed Brain would always be waiting for her to return.

Quick notice.......For any of you interested in Solangelo, I started a one shot book on them as well. So go check that out if you want to! I'd really appreciate it :)

Also, thanks to all my readers for 6k views!!!!! Holy crap, I was never expecting that! You guys are all awesome, thanks soooooo much!

Until next time.....Bei Bei!

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