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Just look at our babies smiling heartfully!

Ahhhh! I miss them like hell 😭😭😭❤

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It's been a month since shivaay had started the sessions at school .

He felt more than contented these days , just because of her friendship, her presence around ,everything made him happy .

For a lonely person who had none ,and suddenly when there appears a one whom you value like anything and everything ,then life really tends to move favourably.

True that he felt utmost guilty for being the reason behind her state ,which brewed an extreme fear too , what if she leaves him after knowing the truth ? That was actually killing him from within making him   a coward to open up to her about this . He can't take a risk .

Maybe ,he had already fallen for her and she has become his crucial need . But he was so naive to explore it more and claim it as love .

His heart knows her as his possession, his need , his happiness ,his Angel !

That's how he defines the girl who owned his attention from the days she even knew one like him merely exists.

Annika on the other side ,indeed felt the same . She liked him !

She felt protected when he's around, that's really great and she knew that feeling was very rare . Having to had met many men through these years who just seeked her for a luxurious life , she definietiy knew he was different .

Their bond did grew fine ,infact she  found a true friend in him . Long gone are her insecurities , she hardly knew about her disability now .

She actually found a new self who evolves  when it's shivaay along.

The Annual day date was nearing ,thus the rehearsals and the decoration works have started with all the staffs and incharge crews working on it totally.

Music room,

Students had dispersed for lunch ,when annika fetched a bench to arrange it against the piano .

As she had to iniate her band ,she thought of rehearsing her notes once because there's a rare chance for it when students are around as she has to inspect their performances then .

Lifting the shelved cover ,she ran her fingers on the keys . Settling her leg on the pedal below ,she closed her eyes feeling the sink of tunes to bring in her's .

And soon her fingers delivered inwards and outwards seeking for perfect keys to play her tune .

She looked entirely drowned in her music ,

He stopped at the doorway ,listening to it . Once again he was carried to his past days at the academy ,where he used to run like nuts behind the same tune to somehow land up infornt of the hands playing it .

How well did the destiny play on with them ? ...! he thought .

There came a pleasant smile on his face watching the woman infornt who possessed the strength in feathering his soul smoothly. Leaning to the door ,he stood still, folding his arms.

His eyes gradually travelled to her who was totally engrossed in her work .

He had noticed her many times ,but what's the magic spell she casts, that each time remains a best experience which is actually beaten by the very next turn itself ! ?

That was a mystery,

She blinked open ,completing . Hearing the footsteps she turned facing the doorway .

A- kaun ?

S- that was really soulful angel!

He exclaimed ,making way towards her and she smiled subtly.

A- thanks for that ,vaise...haven't you gone for lunch yet ?

S- nahi, actually I'm moving out for lunch, any restaurant maybe so I just thought if you could accompany me ...?

A- I would love to but they won't allow staffs to pass outside during school hours , I'm sorry .

She sensed his long face, through his silence. Lending her lunch box ,she began.

A- why don't you try this ? My mother is a great cook ! You'll love it ,trust me .

She insisted and he agreed . If there is something she asks for , he would have no heart to convince her by denying it . Their relationship certainly progressed that way ,he liked to go by her wishes. Be it the very small thing . Might ,seem like kind of domination but the truth is that he liked to be dominated by his angel.

Tiny wishes of a lonely guy, to have a person along to guide him through life . He witnessed his angel to be the one !

He took the box with a wide smile , when his eyes fell on the piano .

S- sure , we'll share it then . But before that, I have a condition to be accomplished .

A- o..kkay, what's that?

S- you have to teach me ,playing this .

He pressed a key , completing his line and she smiled listening to his demand.

He fascinates music like anything.

She be the reason for it !

A- fine, sit along.

She caught his hand and pulled him beside her that he straightly landed just aside , brushing her shoulders .

He could feel her leaning on, to trace his fingers,  hiding them beneath her's . He shrinked already ,

Starting with the small notes she graded his fingers to pin in for the tunes , guided by her fingers playing the push .

She chuckled a bit sensing his firm control on his fingers that she had to put some strength in operating them .

A- loose out man! Come along with me ,

He heard her sweet request and looked at her .

S- I will ,

He muttered below his voice which she did hear as her face was just close to his's . Her pupils cornered to his side for a second before settling normally.

She smiled when the tune came out well gradually .

A- yeah , good.

He blinked hard several times as her fringes fought hitting his face every now and then which she was unaware of .

If his ears were reading the tunes ,his entire self was reading her ,contemplating her to be the only girl on earth.

Her pupils grew big feeling a fresh steam of air caressing her cheecks within small span . His breath , she realized how close they stayed .

Releasing his hand she worked in tucking her strands ,when she listened him continuing the tune to some extent without any help. She smiled being surprised .

A- well , you are far better than my students I must say .

She complimented and he smiled.

A- aren't you hungry? I am ,

He was about to eat when he heard his phone ringing ,

S- just a second angel ,

A- yeah sure

He excused himself, attended the call.

S- hey Ria ! What a surprise ! ....

She heard his over enthusiastic chat , with a....GIRL.

Her face straightened at once . His tone of excitement did no good to her. She felt uneasy suddenly, maybe a prick of jealousy ? She didn't knew but , it was a different to her and she knew it .

With his conversation prolonging still, the spoon which she had held within a tight fist fell down ,defending itself from her strong crush .

He turned hearing the sound and watched her to have been tracing her fingers to fetch the spoon.

At once he bent down to help her ,but she had grabbed it by now already .

She casually moved tilting up only to feel something.

His palm gripping the mobile upon his ears gradually loosened leaving it to land straight on the floor when he felt her lips on his skin .

Without knowing that he was bending along close she had turned her head just to collide with his face .

Both felt frozen .

Sensing those tiny buds of his stubble she realized that she had actually kissed his cheecks. Her eyes grew wide and so did his's.

Shivika was strongly hit with the proximity provided by the other that both could feel themselves reaching down in temperatures .

It was she who moved back first and sat upright. Embarrassment was ready to surround her all through .

He behaved numb ,acting causal while picking up parts of his mobile which he had just dropped.

A- uhhh...I'm sorry ,I ...

She stammered, tucking her hair and he interrupted immediately.

S- it's ok angel .

There was a shied hue on her cheecks which he noticed and controlled his grin .

Both knew, an unlabeled feeling crosses through their hearts in such situations. But they decided to take away things as it moves not wanting to claim anything, because they liked the way it was carried.

A bond of trust ...a bond of friendship...a bond of care ....a bond of ....!

S- lunch was great , really! Your mother must be a fantastic chef , convey my compliments plss .

He stated ,relishing the food while she let a tight smile.

A- only if I had been talking with her still, I would have .

S- why ? You don't talk to her ?

He asked being baffled and she sighed .

A- I had always warned my papa ,not to drink.... even at any exceptional situations . But last night I caught him red handed. He came up with many excuses that it was some business party and he was compelled . But I couldn't take it , you know?  Lies hurt me much more than a bitter truth , my mom was trying to defend him and so yeah,  I ain't talking with them from last night . Might seem silly , but for me it's really ,really serious ! You know one thing shivaay ?You were the only one who escaped from my punishment for lying . Remember our first meet ?  Maybe ,you were lucky.

She concluded , and shivaay already went numb listening to her .

His fear grew mountainous ,


Annual day ,

S- I want to tell you something.

A- kya ?

S- angel mein....

Chapter dedicated to _viji_16  rutuja08  dharhugha  Fiza866  Maniksgian  ❤

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