1.0 Alex x Reader

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Living on a floor with a bunch of dysfunctional friends wasn't the way you had pictured your afterlife to be like. When you died from (worst fear/battle), you didn't expect your soul to land in Valhalla or to find out that (godly parent) was your mom/dad. Most of all, you didn't expect to find your biggest crush ever after dying either. 

You and Alex had bonded over being super competitive and sarcastic. It basically drove everyone else on the floor insane. They all knew that Alex was practically in love with you, considering she/he talked about you constantly. You, on the other hand, had no idea that the green haired child of Loki had feelings for you. Why would Alex like you of all people? Your crush liking you back? Impossible. So, you mistaken his/her flirting for being friendly and/or mean, because let's face it, Alex's idea of flirting isn't exactly everyone else's ideal style. 

Magnus was tired of watching Alex's failed attempts to make you notice him/her. "Alex, you can't expect y/n to know that that's your way of flirting. She/he/they hasn't/haven't been here long enough to know that your flirting sarcasm is different from your mean sarcasm!"

Alex, who was currently going by he/him pronouns, rolled his eyes before returning his gaze to your laughing figure. "You act like I have control over what I say and do. My mind and body do what they want to."

Tj slid into the seat next to them. "Magnus is right. There's literally no distinction between you showing interest in someone and you despising them. It's almost scary."

Alex stood up sassily and wiped the crumbs from his shirt. "Fine, I'll prove it to you guys right now. I know how to flirt."

He strolled over to your lunch table where you had been sitting with Mallory and Halfborn. The two had (somewhat) made-up and were considering each other as a couple again. You were the awkward third wheel at the moment, but if we're being honest, their arguments can be hilarious when they aren't dangerous. Your laughter died down as Alex plopped down into the seat next to you. 

Alex put an arm around your shoulders and leaned into you some. "Hey, y/n. How are you on this fine day filled with death and destruction?"

"That's... quite the entrance, Alex." You cracked a confused grin. Inside, your heart pounded against your chest and every butterfly in your stomach tried to migrate through your GI track (gross). "What's up?"

Alex removed his arm and leaned his elbow onto the table. He had to stop himself from replying with a "rude" sarcastic remark like he normally would. Looking over to Magnus and Tj, he sent them a quick glare. Smiling at you, Alex finally said, "Nothing, I just thought it would be nice to talk to the cutest person in the room."

You raised a brow. Something was off with Alex, considering he/she never said something that average and normal to you. You noticed Alex's gaze shift over to Magnus and Tj before returning to you. Halfborn and Mallory stopped their argument, deciding that this conversation was more interesting than theirs.

"Well, then, Alex. You must be talking to yourself, because you are the best looking person here." You mock him by leaning your elbow onto the table and resting your chin in your hand.

Alex blushed slightly, but continued flirting, incorporating his version of it into the conversation. "You have a point there. How about you and me, the two hottest people in the room, go on a date?"

You smile and place your free hand on top of his. "I don't know, Alex. All that heat might cause global warming. You sure that's safe?"

Alex linked your hands together and stood, pulling you up from the seat. "Luckily for everyone else, that's not how global warming works. You, me, and a movie tonight after dinner. I'm not accepting 'no' for an answer."

Smirking to yourself, you whisper in Alex's ear. "It's a date then." Letting go of his hand, you held his face gently and kissed his cheek before walking away without looking back. 

Alex was thankful that you decided not to turn back around for another glance, because he was a complete mess. Face red and eyes wide, Alex struggled to come up with a response in time. Magnus and Tj hooped and hollered as they made their way over to their hall mate. 

Tj clapped Alex on the back. "Smooth one, Fierro."

"I never thought I'd see the day where Alex would be speechless." Magnus wheezed out in between laughs. "Seeing that was worth dying daily."

"Ha ha, you guys think you're so funny. At least I have a date tonight, while you two loners are cuddled up with your pillows and thoughts." Alex smirked, fixing his sleeve. "See you two idiots in battle later."


An hour later, everyone gathered together for another session of fighting to the death. Alex fiddled with the garrote in his hands. He looked around for you, wondering what was taking you so long. Magnus noticed his friend's unease and trotted over to Alex.

"What's up with you? You nervous?" Magnus asked.

Alex shook his head. "No, you know I'm never nervous. You get used to dying after the first time."

Magnus shot him a look. "That's your opinion. I still pee myself a little when I wake up. That post death nap is something serious."

Alex nodded in agreement, not truly paying attention to what he was saying. Finally, he has spotted you a few feet away. "There he/she/they is/are!" Alex ran off without a second thought.

Slowing down as he neared closer to you, Alex put on a stoic expression. "So, you ready for this battle? I think it's finally our floor's turn to win one." 

You crossed your arms. You teased, "Not likely with you being on our team. You'd have to go out first in order for us to win."

You weren't expecting for Alex to really die first. Usually Alex would outlast you, considering he had been here for so much longer than you. Someone had managed to stab Alex in the back (ironic I know) and ran off before you could take them down. 

Alex reached out to you. "Can we share a dramatic moment. I've always wondered what it would feel like."

You laughed and grabbed Alex's hand, bringing it close to your face. "Oh, Alex. Don't leave me. What about our date? You promised me."

Alex cracked a grin and cupped your face in his hand. "Don't worry. We'll get that date in the next life. Just don't forget about me. I love you and I'm not just saying that. I mean it."

"I love you too, Alex, all jokes aside." You pretended to wipe a tear from your eye. "I've been falling for you since the day I died."

Alex coughed before smiling genuinely. "That's such a wild sentence. I think I'm about to die now, so I'll tell you more lovey-dovey stuff during our date."

You rolled your eyes. "Assuming you'll be back by then." 

Alex managed to laugh in between coughs. He heaved his last sigh. His hand fell away from your face. You stood and turned away from Alex's body. "Well, I guess it's my turn to face death."

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