3.0 Magnus x Reader

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It was a typically day in Valhalla: death, food, death, and more food. After dinner, you Mallory, Alex, and Sam decided to act like you all were living normal lives and play truth or dare. Considering everyone present knew about your crush on Magnus, you knew the game would consist of dares to make you kiss Magnus or confess your feelings to him. Both of which, you were not willing to do.

Alex, who at the time was going by she/her pronouns (if I worded that wrong please correct me!), rubbed her hands together in anticipation. "This should be interesting. Okay, I'll go first. Mallory, truth or dare?"

Mallory shrugged. "Dare."

Alex smirked. "Hmm, let's see. I dare you to tell Halfborn you love him and then slap him without any context."

Mallory rolled her eyes and stood. "As if I need anymore conflict with him. He's gonna be so mad, which is exactly why I'm going to do it."

The group peeked their heads out of the room to watch the scene unfold. You were honestly a little nervous for Mallory. The last time they got into it they argued until 4 am. No one managed to be able to sleep through their screaming, except Alex who you were convinced had some type of magical powers to block out noise. Mallory tapped the large boy on the shoulder.

Halfborn turned around with a loud grunt, clearly not happy about his conversation being interrupted. "What?"

"I love you, you big hot head." She said dramatically. She then slapped him across his face and ran away from the scene.

Magnus and T.J. sat there shocked, their mouths wide open. Halfborn growled and stood to chase after his ex-girlfriend. You locked eyes with Magnus, blushing immediately. You begged him to try to hold off Halfborn until Mallory made it back to the room. He huffed and grabbed one arm, signaling for Tj to grab the other. Their efforts did little to stop him, since he was easily dragging the extra two people across the floor. 

Mallory made it back safely and locked the door. "See what you guys did? Now the Hulk is going to being raging all night."

You waved her off. "We didn't tell you to slap him that hard. At the end of the day, that's now your problem to deal with."

Sam laughed. "I heard your last argument lasted until the sun came up."

Alex folded her arms. "The next time you guys go at it like that, make sure you take out your anger on the battlefield."

"Yeah, yeah." Mallory sat back down in the circle. "Y/n, you're next. Truth or dare?"

You, without showing any expression on your face, said, "Truth."

Alex threw her hands in the air. "No, you always do this. I'm changing the game to Dare or Dare."

You sighed and dramatically fell backwards. You already knew what was coming. The only thing that convinced you to actually participate in the game is the fact that loser always has to do some impossible task. You sure as Helheim weren't about to get stuck letting Tj pick out your outfits for a week again. 

"Fine!" You exclaim. "Give me a dare."

Mallory tapped her chin, thinking of a dare that would be embarrassing for you. "I dare you to flirt with Magnus every time you talk to him for the rest of the week." She paused and thought some more. "And you have to slip in some double entendres to spice things up a bit."

You flailed your arms and sat back up. "What?! It's hard enough to try to be all flirty, now you want me to think hard enough to 'secretly' say dirty things. I'd rather just say obvious things, like Alex always does!"

Sam tried to suppress her giggle as Alex pretended to look offended. "It is amazing how I am always thrown into things. Such false accusations!"

Once Sam could control her laughter, she practically flung you out of the door to begin your dare. You mouthed an "I hate you" and stomped down the hall to the group of boys again.

Sliding into the seat next to Magnus, you mentally prepare yourself for the embarrassment you are about to endure. "So, Maggie, Halfborn is pretty hard right now, huh?"

Magnus choked on his drink, eyes wide in surprise. Did he really just hear that right? "W-what?"

You pretended to look innocent. "Hard as in he's really upset. What did you think I meant?" Magnus stuttered to find a way to respond to you, so you kept talking. "Anyway, I came to tell you how much I love your hair. Maybe later, you can come over to my room and we can play around a little bit, if you know what I mean."

"P-play around?" His blush deepened. His mind was racing. What would make him/her say such... suggestive words. Is this a sign that Y/n likes him or was/were he/she/they just teasing him? "As in..."

"As in, letting me braid your hair, duh. There's this popular braid that I've been trying to learn how to do. Which reminds me, I've been trying to see your sword for the longest now." You whisper in his ear.

By this time, Magnus was a mess. His mind was working on maximum overdrive trying to figure out what the heck was going on right now. The last thing on his mind was Jack. You whispering in his ear was definitely a turn on. The poor child's mind was completely in the gutter. "My sword? Which... what sword are you talking about?"

You gave him a confused glance. "What other sword do you have besides Jack? I heard when he gets excited moves around a lot and makes a lot of noise. Is that true?"

You had officially broken Magnus. The best way I can represent his brain would be to compare it to static on a TV screen. He couldn't help but think you were secretly referring to him with all of these questions. "He, uh, glows sometimes."

Your eyes traveled to the end of the hall, where your friends were dying from laughter. You decided that now was an appropriate time to leave. You placed your hand on Magnus' arm flirtatiously as you stood up. "Well, I'll talk to you later, handsome. I've got some business to handle in my room."

Magnus wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear from the world. Tj was giving him a look, clearly waiting for an explanation. Magnus didn't know what to say or how to react. He wanted to believe that you liked him, all he needed was another sign to be sure. 

Halfborn grunted. "Why don't you just tell him/her/them? The worst thing that can happen is you end up like me and Mallory."

Tj shot him a look. "You make it seem like that option isn't the worst possible thing that can happen."

Halfborn shrugged. "You heard the woman. She still loves me! I love her too, but we're in that arguing stage right now."

Magnus scrunched his eyebrows. "Right... I'm just gonna go down there with her/him/them."

Meanwhile, Sam was rolling on the ground when you walked back in. "Okay, that was the funniest thing that has happened today."

Alex, who enjoyed every minute of the scene that just took place, was leaned over and wheezing from laughing too hard. "I'm pretty sure the poor boy is brain dead. What did you say to him?"

You relayed the conversation to the group, whose laughs became more hysterical with the more information you told them. You pretended to be upset, but ended up cracking a smile. "Okay, okay you all had your laughs. I'm not doing that all week, he won't be able to handle it."

"Well," Mallory began, "at least we can tell that he likes you."

You rolled your eyes. "The only thing we know is that Magnus has a dirty mind."

Alex laid her head in your lap. "A dirty mind that has you running through it."

You blushed and pushed her off of you. "Okay, gross! I'm officially disgusted with you guys. Sam you're supposed to be the innocent one here! Help me out."

Sam smiled at you. "What exactly am I supposed to do? When they're on a roll, I can't stop them."

Alex smirked. "I know what you can do! I dare you to tell Magnus that Y/n likes him!"

You ran in front of the door and shielded it with your body. "NO! No one is getting out of this door to let Magnus know about my huge crush on him!"

Alex's smirk transformed into a devilish grin. "We don't have to. You just snitched on yourself."

You froze in your position. You regretted not closing the door behind yourself when you walked back in. Turning around slowly, you forced a smile onto your face and faced Magnus. He was still blushing from the conversation you just had. 

He smiled sheepishly back. "Well, I came to ask you what that conversation was for, but I see you all were in here scheming. Can I talk to you... alone?"

"If I am being honest, everything in me wants to say 'no' because I don't know what to expect, but okay sure. Lead the way." You said as you walked away with him, sending a glare to your friends who didn't warn you.

Opening his door, he allowed you to walk in first. You motioned for you to sit on his bed. He plopped down next to you. "So, I'm going to some out and say it. I like you and with what just happened I thought that maybe you liked me back, but now I kinda know that for sure."

You blushed and lowered your head. Magnus nudged you. "So, uh, would you like to be my boy/girlfriend/significant other?" His heart pounded in his chest, partly from him hoping that you would say yes and partly still from what you had said to him earlier.

"Yeah, I'd like that." You grin at him. "Just so you know, you're stuck with these double entendres for the rest of the week because it was a dare. I'm not getting stuck wearing the Union's colors for another week straight."

He laughed and grabbed your hand. "As long as you don't mention anything about Halfborn again, I think I can tolerate it. Besides, I thought you looked pretty cute dressed as a little Union soldier."

You elbowed him in his side. "Don't ruin the moment, Maggie."

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