1.0 Leo x Reader

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 Slow Dancing in the Dark 

By Joji

Watching as everyone around him celebrates the holiday season makes Leo feel inadequate. Everyone zipped around the camp decorating and preparing for Christmas and New Years. Leo, on the other hand, sat in the Bunker and tinkered with random objects and metals to keep his mind off of the lonely feeling in his gut.

It just felt like he didn't have anything. He did't have his mom to celebrate with, and Hephaestus didn't give two flying fasteners about his kids. Leo didn't have his friends because they were all going out on dates and doing couple things. And to top it all off, Leo didn't have you. 

(First name) (Last name) had become the love of Leo's life. It was more than just flirting and annoying you. No, Leo actually had feelings for you, and you had no idea. Leo didn't speak much on the topic because he was sure you had a crush on someone else. Why would you choose him of all people?

So, yes, instead of attempting to get along with the rest of the world outside of Bunker Nine, he locked himself inside with his emotions and metal dragon until it was time to eat. Luckily, Chiron has excused all of the campers from their usual activities and schedules to prepare for the holidays, so no one has come looking for him. At least not until today. 

You knocked on the door to Cabin 9. Little Harley opened the door with a huge smile on his face. Much like his older half brother, he had a small crush on you too since Leo was always bringing you around. 

He adjusted his posture and bounced slightly on his feet. "Hi, y/n! How are you?"

You hugged the young boy. "Hey, Harley-buddy. I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm fantastic! I'm designing the next three-legged death race for the Spring! You wanna see it?" He asked excitedly.

You laughed. "I would love to, but I can't right now. Plus, wouldn't it be cheating if I knew where all of the traps are gonna be before the race?"

Harley gasped. "Oh my gods, you're right! Also, if you're looking for Leo, he's in the bunker." He exclaimed before running back to his bed in the cabin.

You navigated through the woods and knocked on the entrance to Bunker Nine. "Leo! I know you're in there!"

Leo blinked at the sudden bombardment of noise from the other side of the entrance. The sound of your voice made his heart skip a beat, until he remembered he had no chance with you. 

Opening the door, he greeted you with an artificial happiness. "Y/n, hey, what's up?"

You smiled and began to tell him why you came looking for him in the first place, but then you noticed the sad look in his eyes. "What's wrong, Leo? You seem upset."

Leo tried to play it off by joking. "You call a smile upset? Do frowns dictate happiness now?"

You looked at him with an unamused face. "Do you really think I can't tell when you're unhappy? You've been hidden from the world all week! I figured you were just busy with some project at first, but you've been gone for way too long. So, what's wrong with my best friend?"

Leo flinched at those two words. "Nothing, I'm just not a big Christmas person. The Bad Boy Supreme doesn't have time to be partaking in these winter activities when he's hotter than summer."

"Last year, you dressed up as an elf for all of the younger campers and gave out toys. For New Years you dressed up as Baby New Year and traumatized everyone in our friend group. You can't tell me that you don't enjoy the holiday season. Now, what's wrong?" You pull him down to sit next to you.

He sighed. "I really miss my mom this year. Normally, I have my friends to help me keep my mind off of her death, but everyone is all busy being cuffed. Which is why I'm locking myself up in here and getting some progress done on my latest projects. Sadness is the quickest way to defeat procrastination."

"I'm not buying that last part, but as for you being sad, you should've told me. I'm one of your friends who isn't 'cuffed' right now and you could've come to me. I've been bored out of my mind!" You nudged him. "As for your mom, I'm sorry you've been dealing with her death alone. No one should have to feel lonely."

You hugged Leo, letting him know that you would be there for him. He smiled to himself, wishing that he could call you his boy/girlfriend/significant other. It felt like you were the only one who understood him and could read him like a book.

You pulled away and tapped him on the nose. "There's a Christmas party tonight happening at the pavilion. You should be my plus one." You stood up and walked towards the entrance. "And I'm not taking no for an answer, so you better wipe that oil off of your face and be ready by seven."

Leo hopped up from his seat and practically ran back to the Hephaestus cabin to get ready. If only he knew that his happily ever after wouldn't come true that night.

No one had a clue as to why the hoard of monsters decided to attack that night, but they did. The campers scattered and fought off the Greek beasts as they neared the boarder of the camp. For the most part, it was a successful battle, until a Chimera uprooted a tree. Harley wasn't paying attention to the tree flying through the air towards him, but y/n took notice. Y/n managed to knock him out of the way just before it crushed him.

Sadly, y/n had to take his place.

"Y/n! No!" Harley yelled out, trying to pull him/her/them from underneath the trunk of the tree.

At the sound of his/her/their name, Leo turned around to find the love of his life's body crushed underneath the tree. With the help of a some other campers, the large tree was pushed away from y/n's body. 

Leo cradled his/her/their head in his lap. As the tears streamed down his face, he spoke to y/n. "Please, you have to be okay. You're all I have left."

Y/n used the last of his/her/their energy to cup Leo's face. "I hate that... I have to tell you this now that it's too late, but I love you, Leo. I wanted to tell you at the party..."

Tears streamed down Leo's face. "I love you too. Don't talk like that. You're going to be okay and we're going to slow dance our way into next year together."

Y/n coughed up some blood. "We might have to take a rain check on that dance. I'm looking forward to it." 

With one last cough, y/n slipped away from the world. Leo leaned over y/n's body and heaved out sobs. The last person in the world that he could count just died in his arms. 

Now, Leo was truly alone.

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