1.0 Hearthstone x Reader x Blitzen

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When Magnus told you he was going to introduce you to some of his friends, you weren't expecting all of them to be dead and/or mythical creatures. You were a close friend of Magnus and Annabeth. You grew up with the two cousins from an early age, but lost contact with them soon after Annabeth left to live a life on the run with Luke and Thalia. You didn't know that at first, but, since you've reconnected, she's caught you up on her life.

Now it was Magnus' turn.

It was hard to believe you were talking to a bunch of dead teenagers and young adults. The first person you met was Alex. You knew you two would be close the moment you talked to Alex. Magnus tried to deny his feelings for his friend, but you could see right through his lies.

The next two you met were Mallory and Half Born. They argued like an old married couple, which Magnus pointed out they technically were an old couple. Nevertheless, you loved the two lovers/rivals and their sarcastic ways and warrior like attitudes.

The calmest of them all was Tj. Dressed in his typical Union soldier outfit, you quickly learned he was a great person to have a serious talk with, but also a goofy one. He was a down-to-Earth guy, and you admired that about him.

You thought that was everyone. Well, everyone besides his friend Sam who couldn't make it to meet you. But, from what Magnus told you, she was one of his closest friends he had found since he died. She's a kind and gently, yet fierce warrior who was ambitious.

"So, anyone else you need to show me?" You asked as you sipped on a (favorite drink). You had met the rest of the crew at Fadlan's Falafel about half an hour ago.

Magnus, who seemed to have a wormhole for a stomach, shoved more food in his mouth before answering your question.  "I still got to introduce you to two more friends. These guys have had my back since... the incident."

You nodded in understanding. You were going to inquire more about his friends, but two people sitting down at the table across from you interrupted.

One waved while the other chirped a happy, "Hey, Magnus and friend."

Their eyes seemed to lock with yours as you took in their features. The one who had spoken wore a nice suit that complimented his dark skin complexion. His curly and coarse hair looked as though he had a fresh hair cut.

The other guy was taller and somewhat skinnier than the first one. His blonde hair was so light it was nearly white. His dark clothing somehow made his light gray eyes stand out even more. You smiled at the candy cane striped scarf he had wrapped around his neck.

"Hearth, Blitz, this is my childhood friend, y/n." Magnus motioned to each one of them as he said their names. "Hearth is an elf and Blitz is a dwarf."

You stuck out your hand for both of them to shake. "Nice to meet you both."

Hearthstone signed something to Blitzen. "Hearth says it's nice to meet you too."

You immediately took note that Hearth was deaf. You obviously weren't going to judge him for it, but if you were to hang out with him again, you wanted to know enough ASL to communicate with him in his own language in the future.

The day ended up with the four of you visiting Blitzen's fashion shop. He was happy to explain his latest project. He pulled out a (f/c) dress. "This dress right here has a lining of lightweight chain mail that protects the upper half of the body, all while keeping up with the latest trends."

You examined the dress. "It's cute. What gave you the idea?

Hearth smirked and signed something that Blitz clearly didn't like. Magnus laughed and translated for you. "Hearth says he learned it from his mom, Freya. She's the goddess of beauty, love, and war." 

You giggled at Heath's joke. Unbeknownst to you, this made the elf blush. He wished he could hear your laughter, he was sure it was as beautiful as your face. Blitzen, too, was admiring your good looks. 

While you were off in the corner, learning new words in sign language with Hearth, Blitz dragged Magnus away from where you were seated. "Remember when I dressed as a homeless guy and allowed my appearance to look terrible?" Blitzen reminded his friend.

"Uh, yeah." Magnus responded, not understanding his point. "What about it?"

The dwarf laughed nervously, cutting his eyes towards you. "I'd say that was a pretty big favor, considering you know how much I value my appearance."

"I'm still not following."

He sighed. "Look, I think I kinda have a thing for y/n. So, to, you know, repay me for all that time we spent being homeless together, you could bring him/her/them around more often." He said it more as a question than a statement.

Magnus Chase laughed. That is not where he thought Blitzen was going with things. "Wait, you like y/n and you want my help? I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not cupid. I can't even get a grip on my own love life."

While you had your eyes on something else, Hearth quickly signed to Magnus. Please bring her/him/them around again. It get's boring talking to Blitz all day.

Blitz frowned and angrily signed back. You're not exactly a sight for sore eyes either. 

Magnus, for once, understood what was going on. Even though Hearth hadn't directly said it, he clearly had taken a liking towards you too. He decided to join in on the conversation. Both of you look like love sick puppies.

You watched as the boys went into what an outsider would think was a competitive game of charades. You couldn't keep up with what they were saying, mostly because you only recognized a few of the signs they were using. To say the least, it was amusing to watch them all go head to head about whatever they were debating about. 

I guess we'll just have to see who wins y/n's heart then. Blitzen signed before crossing his arms, signaling he was done with the conversation.

Hearthstone rolled his eyes. You're acting like y/n is a toy to win at a carnival. 

Magnus noticed your amused glance. Y/n sees us talking. Act normal.

They all stopped and smiled awkwardly at you. "Oh, don't mind me. I didn't want to interrupt. It seemed pretty serious." You checked your watch. "Sorry to leave so suddenly, but Mango Cheese promised me (favorite dessert) before I go back home." 

He rolled his eyes, upset that Alex told you about that nickname. "Don't worry, I'll let you hang around them again soon. We're going to have a talk with Alex that day too."

Part two?

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