2.0 Leo x Reader

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To make up for the last Leo x reader being so sad, here ya go😂

The first time you had met Leo was when you both ended up in the same foster care facility when you were both eight years old. There weren't many kids there with you, most of them were older and didn't want to be bothered with the younger ones. One day in particular, you saw Leo crying alone in the corner. Offering him your last cookie, you sat beside him as he explained to you what he had been crying about.

Young Leo finished munching on the cookie, the sweet dessert making him feel somewhat better. Crumbs dusted his face. You wanted him to be happy, so you did what any young kid would do. 

You hit him playfully. "Tag, you're it!"

This surprised the young Latino boy. He immediately chased after you, a grin evident on his face. "No fair! I wasn't ready."

The two of you weaved in and out of the halls. You went back and forth tagging each other until you both decided to take a break for a drink of water. You handed him the other cup and began rapidly slurping down your own drink. Breathing hard, you finished the last of it and threw your cup away.

"What's your name?" He asked you.

You grinned. "I'm y/n! What's your name?"

Leo "flexed" his muscles in his right arm. "I'm Leo, the coolest person you'll ever meet in your life."

You giggled. "Nah, I'm the coolest person you'll ever meet. Wanna know why?" Leo nodded excitedly. "It's because I'm the best dancer in the world." You started dancing in a circle around your new friend.

"Pfft, you call those dance moves? Check this out." He contested.

In all honestly, little kids rarely actually look good when they're dancing. It's typically just really cute to watch them fumble around. The adults "awed" at the two of you as they passed. 

Eventually, Leo got tired of dancing. "Hey, wanna make a bet?"

"What kind of bet?" You inquired, tilting your head to the side out of curiosity.

"If I can tag you before you make it back to your room, you have to be my girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other." He crossed his arms smugly. 

Now, the two of you didn't exactly understand what it meant to be a "couple." You figured they were just super close friends who did everything together, like best friends but a step up. "Fine, it's a deal."

You took off running, happy giggles echoing behind you. Leo quickly sprinted behind you, tagging you right before you made it to the designated base. "Looks like we're a thing now, y/n. Congratulations, you have the honor of having someone as amazing as me as your boyfriend."


Eight years had passed since the last time you saw your Latino best friend. Both of you had been separated into different foster homes far away from each other. Recently, you had found out you were a demigod, a child of (godly parent). You were wondering around Camp Half-Blood, finally finished with all of your tasks for the day. You walked past the Hephaestus cabin where a lot of his children stood outside of the cabin. 

You caught sight of black curly hair that reminded you of someone. You watched as the boy scurried off towards the Zeus cabin. You trailed him, certain you recognized the teenaged boy. 

Just before he ran into the cabin, you tapped him on the shoulder. "Tag, you're it."

Leo practically jumped out of his skin. He turned around to face you. "Y/n?"

"The one and only." You smirked, hands on your hips.

He tackled you into hug. His excitement was evident all over his face as he took in your matured features. Leo couldn't believe you had reunited after all of these years being apart. Who would've guessed that both of you were demigods?

"I can't believe it's really you. We have to catch up. Who's your godly parent?" He bounced on his feet, secretly hoping you wouldn't say Hephaestus.

"(Godly parent besides Hephaestus)." You stated. "Yeah, you totally left me without even officially breaking up with me!" You teased and shoved him in the shoulder. "An eight year relationship with a boyfriend that's A.W.O.L."

He hooked his arm around your shoulders. "Why would I end such an amazing relationship? Then you would lose the privilege of dating the Super Sized McShizzle!"

You pushed him off of you, rolling your eyes. "Oh, please, the pleasure is all yours, Valdez. We both know I'm the package deal of whatever is between us."

After reconnecting, the two of you were practically inseparable. After all, you had eight years of catching up to do! Days later, the two of you were walking by the cabins again, deep in a conversation.

Jason, upon hearing his best friend's voice outside of his cabin, walked outside to see what was going on. You and Leo were so caught up in your conversation that neither one of you noticed him standing there. It wasn't until he loudly cleared his throat that you realized he was standing there.

"Leo, who's your friend?" Jason questioned, a smile on his face.

Leo put his arm around Jason's shoulders. "Jason, my friend, this is Y/n, my girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other of eight years! Keep your eyes up above the chin."

You blushed out of embarrassment. Jason did the same. "I would never... I didn't..."

"It's nice to meet you, Jason. Don't mind Leo and his typical nonsense." You quickly said to save Jason the embarrassment. "Your friend and his smart mouth was the reason I found myself in trouble all of the time when we were younger."

Leo scoffed. "Oh, please. You wanted just as much to do with those late night cookie heists as I did. If you ran faster back then we would have never gotten caught."

You gasped dramatically and chased after him. "You little-"

You ran behind him until both of you reached the arena. You tackled him to the ground, dirt flying into the air all around you. "Ha! Who's slow now, Valdez?" You pinned him to pavement.

"Still you. Look how long it took for you to catch me." He smirked from underneath you. A mischievous glint passed through his eyes to match the thought that ran through his mind. He grabbed the collar of your shirt and pressed his lips onto yours, before you could kiss back, he pulled away. "Tag, you're it."

He tried to scramble away from you. You laughed. "Oh, no. I let you get away from me when we were kids, I'm not letting you get away this time." You kissed him again, properly this time. He wasted no time reciprocating your actions.

"Um, are you guys going to finish any time soon." A voice spoke from behind you. It was Nico di Angelo. "I was kind of training there."

You blushed and quickly stood, pulling Leo back up with you. You apologized and tried to walk away. Leo grabbed your arm and pulled you back into his chest. "And where do you think you're going?" He wrapped his arms around your waist, much to Nico's discomfort.

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