1.0 Magnus x Reader x Alex

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Deathstalker374 helped me to write this chapter! Deathstalker also has a PJO/MCGA x reader so go check it out :)

Of all the people in Valhalla, you were the one to catch the eyes of two (forever) young heroes. Your personality and good looks quickly attracted both Magnus and Alex. You wouldn't expect both of them to fall for the same type of person. Alex is this sarcastic, funny, confident, person that either scares people away or easily attracts them. Magnus, on the other hand, is headstrong, somewhat cowardly (but also pretty brave, accidentally funny, and kind of clumsy. He liked talking to his magic sword and Alex liked to create things.

Nevertheless, the two both saw something in you. It was obvious to everyone except you. So, when they invited you to go to the zoo with them, you thought it would be a friendly outing among friends who appreciated each other's friendship.

You were wrong.

When you entered the wildlife park, you walked in between your secret admirers. Alex led you to the bird exhibit first. (For the sake of this story, I will use he/him pronouns for Alex). Magnus stood silently in the background as his best friend stole the show. Alex rambled to you about the amazing birds that chirped all around you.

"This right here is a gray-winged trumpeter. Not that good at flying, but a decent runner." Alex explained, leaning on the wall right next to the enclosure. "Fun fact: they hunt snakes."

You gawked at the bird in awe. "Being a shapeshifter makes you familiar with the backgrounds of a lot of animals I see." You compliment before walking to the next set of birds.

Magnus crossed his arms and grumbled under his breath, "Or Alex is good at reading the animal biography signs."

Alex flipped him off and stuck out his tongue before following your steps. You pointed to the white, gray, and black bird in front of you. "What do you know about this one?"

"The white-naped crane. A personally favorite of mine." One second, Alex had shapeshifted in the creature, the next he was back in his normal body. "In 2010, scientists found out they placed this crane in the wrong genus category. That's a long story in and off itself."

"I bet it is." Magnus huffed.

You sent him a sympathetic smile as Alex continued. "They perform unison calls to strengthen the 'pair bond' between mates. Helps keep other birds out of their territory."

"That's sweet, in a bird way I suppose." You comment. "Don't you think so Magnus?"

He shrugged, a small smirk playing on the corner of his lips. "Could you imagine people going away squawking to announce their love for each other? I imagine that would be worse than social media fights."

You laugh at his reasoning. While your back was turned, the two glared at each other, as if telling the other "back off."

You lead your small group into the reptile house. Alex pointed out the turtle exhibits. "Ornate box turtle. One of the few land turtles native to the Great Plains region. A baby turtle's sex is determined by the temperature of the egg when it hatches, hence the reason most of this breed is female."

Magnus pointed to another turtle. "And that one? It has a shell to protect itself. A lil bumpy, but smooth. It get's the job done." He smiled mischievously as he took the spotlight away from Alex. "Alex isn't the only one that knows about wild life."

You laughed while simultaneously rolling your eyes. Playfully shoving Magnus, you waited for Alex to finish his biology lesson about turtles eggs and the temperature surrounding them. 

Magnus jumped into the conversation. "Talking about turtle development is fun and all, but I'm starving! Can we please stop for a funnel cake or something?" He rubbed his growling stomach with a forced smile.

You hooked your arm with the blond haired boy who seemed to always be hungry. "Who am I to deny a funnel cake?" You grin widely. "Especially when Magnus is paying!"

Magnus whopped his head around to look at you. You expression never wavered. "Who said I'm paying?" His gaze landed on Alex's smug expression. "I'm only paying for mine and yours, y/n. Alex is on his own."

You pat him on the shoulder and walk to the nearest food stand. Magnus shoots Alex smug look before following behind you. Alex rolled his eyes and tripped his friend. Before he could embarrass himself by kissing the pavement, Magnus used the nearest thing to stop his fall. That happened to be you. You jumped slightly when a pair of hands grabbed your shoulders. 

Magnus played it off by wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "So, I was thinking about getting extra powdered sugar and ice cream on mine. What about you?"

"I'm trying to figure out how you manage to stomach so much food." You laugh. "Before we got here you had like five breakfast burritos and toast."

Alex rested his elbow on top of your shoulder. He was secretly digging his elbow into Magnus' hand that rested in the same spot. "He's only hungry because his stomach and the poor toilet in his room already paid the price for his obsessive eating."

Magnus blushed and pulled his hand back. You noticed his glare towards Alex as he gently rubbed the backside of his hand, but you said nothing. You figured it was because of the comment Alex had made.

Once you all sat down with your sugary treats, it was relatively silent as you ate. Magnus proved he had a stomach of steel. You and Alex watched as Magnus scarfed down his dessert. He truly was a human vacuum. 

Eventually, the day of fun came to an end. The sun began to set in the sky, casting a range of pinks, reds, and oranges across the horizon. You stopped to watch the canvas in the sky for a moment before returning to Valhalla.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" You ask your two friends standing behind you. "One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen."

"Definitely is." Alex agreed.

"You're right." Magnus confirmed.

However, the world they were admiring was different than the one your eyes were casted upon. Both of their eyes were on you, their newest world. You were the most amazing thing that captured both of their hearts.

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