1.2 Hearthstone x Reader x Blitzen

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This Jack x Riptide fanart ❤️ I didn't know I needed it until I saw it

Also, if you all could pay close attention to when my requests are open that would be helpful! When I have a lot I tend to lose track of them, so I will only accept new requests when they're open. The title of the book will let you know when requests are open :) Thank you


The next time you were in town, you decided to check on your favorite dwarf and elf. You crossed your fingers and hoped the pair would be at Blitzen's Best. To your luck, Blitzen and Hearthstone were, in fact, there.

Blitz was taking his best friend's measurements. You assumed he must have had another fashion breakthrough and needed someone to model his new ideas. Hearth's face was unreadable. If he were upset, he sure didn't show it.

You quietly came through the doors, not wanting to be a major distraction. Neither one of the noticed you, so you decided to wait until Blitz was done to speak.

"Exploring the latest trends?" You ask, a wide smile on your face. At the same time, you walked into their view, so Hearth could be apart of the conversation.

"Y/n?" The dark skinned dwarf questioned, his voice an octave higher than usually due to his surprise. Hearth waved to you with a small smile.

You engulfed them in a hug. "I know I was supposed to come with Magnus tomorrow, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to see my favorite new friends a day early."

Blitzen and Hearthstone exchanged a glance. The word "friend" say uneasily with both of them.

Good to see you again, Hearth signed. How are you?

Last time,  Magnus or Blitz had to translate for you, but this time, you came prepared. You studied ASL and picked up on enough to hold a small conversation. Good, thanks. How are you two?

As the three of you spoke, there was a thick tension in the air: rivalry. You didn't notice, but the two friends did. They were determined to win you over.

A little while later, you all went to the mall. You went mainly for the free samples in the food court, but also because Blitz insisted on finding a perfect pie of shoes to match the suit he was making for Hearthstone.

"Why do you need a suit? Special occasion?" You asked the gray eyed elf besides you.

Hearth shrugged. Fundraiser event for Chase Space.  He wants us to look good. The "he" Hearthstone was talking about the as Blitzen.

"It's a talent show fundraiser type of event. Local 'celebrities' and different charity and their representatives are gonna be there. All proceeds donated by the audience goes to whoever they want to give money to." Blitz explained.

"So, again I ask, why do you need a suit? Is it some formal fundraiser like the ones Bruce Wayne holds?" You inquire further as you pick through shirts in the clearance rack.

Magic show. Runes. Hearth explains.

You giggled at this. "You and Blitz are gonna do a magic show? Will I get to see these incredible capabilities Magnus keeps telling me about?

Hearth blushed and gave you another shrug. Looks like his friend has been putting a good word in after all.

Blitzen rolled his eyes when you weren't looking. "We'll be using his rune magic and my crafting skills. I'm sure Magnus has mentioned my impeccable skills." He said in a teasing matter despite how serious he was being.

"Magnus mentioned that you have this thing for ducks. He didn't really explain though." You recall.

A childish grin etched its way onto Hearth's face at your confusion. Blitz shook his head in embarrassment. "Heh, well, I'm not exactly the best under pressure. So when I get nervous or stressed out, I kinda accidentally craft ducks." He blushes furiously. "But, my ducks have come in handy. I used my giant expandable ducks to take out some of Loki's army."

Hearth wasted no time responding, Blitz reluctantly translated for you. Giants call him the Duck Master. 

You found that hilarious. A five-five dwarf scared off dozens of giants with expando-ducks? You wished you could've seen that battle. Surely it is better than anything TV could come up with. Blitz threw a shirt on top of Hearth's head. 

Frowning, the tall elf pulled the piece of clothing from his face and held it out in front of him. It was a f/c shirt with your favorite book characters on the front of it. You took it from him and held it up to yourself. "Blitz, you are a genius. This is now my new favorite shirt!"

You ran off to go pay for your newest article of clothing. Blitzen smirked at Hearthstone. The latter turned his head away from his friend, basically saying he didn't want to talk to him about wha just happened. 

Secretly, they wished you would show signs of possibly liking one of them or at least show if you had some type of interest. You seem to be regarding them both in the same way. Maybe it would take spending more time with you to find out. The fundraiser tomorrow night could be the perfect opportunity to impress you.

This is shorter than I meant for it to be. Should I continue this?

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