1.2 Nico x Reader x Leo

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In case you forgot the chaos from the last Nico x reader x Leo, let's do a short recap. Where to begin? Oh, yeah, you're trapped in quarantine with Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Goofy. Leo has terrible refried beans gas that you couldn't smell because you loss your sense of smell when you got Covid. Leo and Nico have been at each other's throats. They both loss their taste, so you made them drink random disgusting drinks. Sounds familiar? No? Too bad I'm continuing the chapter.

It was the last day of your quarantine. You had no idea how you survived being with two of the most chaotic people you have ever been locked in a cabin with. To thank you for keeping the peace, they decided to take you out (in) on a date based on the very thing that got you stuck in the predicament you're in now.

While you were sleeping, both boys wrote a list of their favorite foods from their cultural background and stuck it to the cabin door. They secretly were still betting on which food choice you'd like more.

Nico and Leo glared at each other. Simultaneously, they raised a fist, never breaking the eye contact. The tension spread through the room as they fought over who would get dinner or lunch. Nico growled under his breath as Leo's fist came down.

"HA! Rock beats scissors, Death Breath! I get lunch with him/her/them." The son of Hephaestus did a little dance before kissing his knuckles. "Rock, paper, scissors you've never failed me in battle."

"Whatever, Lava Brains. Italian food would make for a better dinner anyway." Nico rolled his dark eyes and walked into the bathroom.

Leo had a comeback ready for the son of Hades, but decided to just get ready for lunch since his competition just locked himself in the restroom. There honestly weren't a lot of resources to make a cute date set up in the Hades cabin. The best he could do was shove two dressers together, drape one of the ugly red blankets over it, and steal one of Nico's vanilla scented candles.

When you woke up from your mid-morning nap, the two guys quickly ushered you into the bathroom to get ready. "Does my BO smell that bad that I can't even wake up all the way before you make me shower?"

"I'm just aiding in putting you out of your misery sooner rather than later." Di Angelo commented, shooting Leo a playful--yes, Nico actually didn't glare for once. I'm surprised too-- look.

You didn't know what he meant by that, but it sounded like it started an argument between them. When you emerged from the powder room, you were greeted by Leo with a clean pair of suspenders on.

"Your suspenders aren't covered in oil? What's the special occasion?" You say sarcastically.

He didn't miss a beat. He grabbed your hand and led you to the makeshift dining table. "I do believe I still owe you a Mexican meal, sí?"

Leo allowed you to sit down before bringing the first plate over. "I hope you're hungry because I got some elote, tamales, flautas, birria tacos, and churros! I didn't know what you would like so I kinda just got everything I thought of."

You placed a hand over his. "It's perfect, Metal Brain. I'm excited to eat."

He blushed and turned around quickly so you wouldn't see his nose catch on fire momentarily. He quickly swatted the flame down and joined you at the makeshift table.


You never expected to have to see a centaur in a giant quarantine suit like the ones from Monsters Inc, but what could you expect when you live the life of a demigod? After your lunch with Leo, Chiron galloped up to your temporary cabin to check on your progress and to give you one last Covid test. The suit covered all the way from his head down to his hooves and to his tail. The bright neon orange wasn't the best color for this sunny day, but you, Nico, and Leo all agreed that it was hilarious.

"Does the nose swab tickle or something?" Chiron asked when you all were still giggling. "Or am I missing the joke here?"

Leo snickered. "Yeah, Nico thinks Italian food is better than Mexican."

Nico elbowed him in the chest hard. You stepped in between them before anything started. Chiron, who was likely used to this behavior by now, raised an eyebrow. "Anyway, the results should be back soon. Hopefully, you'll be able to rejoin the rest of the campers again."

He sauntered out of the door. You sighed playfully. "Thank the gods. I don't know if I could put up with another fight about farts and snoring. I'm sure my sibling(s) missed me."

"I don't know. You're pretty forgettable, y/n." Nico joked and lightly pushed you. Did this quarantine bring the jokester out in di Angelo?

You hummed (SORRY FOR THE ORIGINAL TYPO OMG) "Remember that when I don't invite you to my birthday party, nugget head."

"You nickname game has stepped up a lot." Leo commented. "I'm sure that's because you've been stuck with everyone's favorite Bad Boy Supreme."

"I have been? Where is he?" You joke and walk back to your bed. "Wake me up when dinner gets here. I gotta enjoy this last mid-day nap before my camp duties pick back up."


The smell of spices woke you up a few hours later. You hopped out of the bed in search for the mystery food. Nico awkwardly nodded in greeting to you when you joined him on the other side of the cabin. Instead of one of his many variations of black and gray pajamas, he actually had on real clothes. He had on a pair of black ripped jeans and the dark gray (favorite singer) shirt you had got him a few months ago.

"Good to know your dark colors aesthetic survived Corona. What's going on?" You ask when he ushers you to the same "table" you sat at with Leo earlier.

He shrugs. "I still have to prove that Italian food is better, and what better way to do that than on our last night quarantined together?" You smiled widely. Both of the boys went out of their way to make today special for you. "So, we have pappardelle, melanzane alla parmigana, grissini, and for dessert, tiramisu."

"I can't pronounce the names of anything you just said, but it all looks amazing. You hugged him tightly for a second before sprinting over to your chair. "Let's dig in."

~~~~~ So many time skips lol sorry~~~~~

Chiron knocked on the door again, this time without his bright orange suit. He cleared you all after your tests came back negative for the second day in a row. The three of you instantly left the Hades cabin to join everyone else for the sing-a-long. A few campers who were on punishment glared at the three of you as they dragged a large container of cleaning supplies towards the very cabin you just left. You were sure they'd have fun disinfecting for you.

Before you could dash away to your other friends, your Covid Companions™ stopped you to settle their feud. "So, you gonna tell Nico that the Mexican was better?"

You laughed and shook your head. "Both foods were amazing. I don't know why you need to compare them. My taste buds that haven't tasted real food since I got sick were elated to have both of your meals. Thank you both for making the last two weeks memorable." You kissed both of them on their cheek before joining your friends.

Both boys blushed and held the side of their face. The grass around Nico withered away, while Leo's ears burst into flames. No one seemed to notice this. If they did, they didn't think anything of it.

Q: Do you remember your dreams? Would you mind sharing one of them? ( GuardianOfHallway)

A: TW: Mention of guns!

I do remember a lot of my dreams and I try to write as many of the important ones down as possible. Since around August, a lot of my bad dreams have revolved around g*n violence and people dying. It's kinda messed up considering the surge in sh*otings the US has seen this year. I can add pictures of my dream journal/share in further detail if anyone would like and to show proof. I just don't wanna creep anyone out though.

Q: Do you like spaghetti? (GuardianOfHallway)

A: DO I LIKE SPAGHETTI? Helheim yes! My mom makes amazing spaghetti and I could eat it all day.


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