2.0 Bianca x Enby!Reader

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Here's an alternate ending to the last Bianca x reader. Quick recap of what happened.

Bianca fangirled to herself. "I just met Artemis' hunters! They just showed up and Z wants me to join them."

It felt like your heart had just plummeted to your feet. Does Bianca not realize what may happen if she becomes a hunter. You instantly recognized this as the bad feeling you've been trying to decipher since you found out you were demigods.

"Woah, slow down, Bianca. Do you realize what you're trying to get yourself into?" Everything in you wanted to cry. "Artemis is a virgin goddess and she requires her followers to be single too."

She sighed. "I know, but this is what I've been waiting my entire life for! I love you, I really do, but what's more important here, having you as a significant other or finally being able to do something for me!"

Your heart shattered. You scrambled for a response, but Nico beat you to it. "But what about me? You're just going to leave me like that?" He wiped at a tear. "You're supposed to be my sister!"

Bianca smiled sadly at her baby brother. She ruffled his hair. "You'll understand when you're older, Neeks."

You shook your head in disbelief. "What is there to understand? You're leaving behind me and, most importantly, you're leaving behind Nico! You barely even know anything about this place and you're going to leave your brother in their care?"

"He has you, y/n. He doesn't need me."

"How can I not need my own sister?" Nico tried to fight back the swarm of tears cascading down his face. "How can you say that?"

You hold onto him tightly. Neither one of you could change her decision. She prepared herself to leave, once again telling you to take care of Nico. 


As it neared the time for Bianca to finally leave with the Hunters, she kept replaying the last conversation she had with you and Nico. Could she really leave her little brother behind like that? Could she leave you? You were the last two people she had left; the only ones who could make her happy. Leaving felt selfish. 

She heaved her backpack onto her shoulders and began her journey to the bottom of Half-blood hill where everyone was waiting to depart. She was expecting to see her little brother in the Hades cabin when she woke up, so she could at least give him a proper goodbye. He wasn't there. Bianca sighed deeply and opened the cabin door to begin her new path in life. 

It felt like all the eyes of the camp fell upon her figure. Images of you crying and holding Nico kept appearing in her brain. If she were meant to join the Hunters, why did it hurt so bad? 

As she finally reached her destination, she took one final glance at the place she had shortly called home. Heck, she spent so much time with the Hunters that she didn't even know her way around the place yet. She was still a stranger to Camp Half-Blood, but if that were true, why did she feel like she was leaving her home behind.

Sitting about thirty feet away from the Hunters were you and Nico. You hugged the young Italian boy to your chest tightly and wiped his tears. Bianca locked eyes with you as she passed and smiled. You immediately turned your attention back to Nico, your stoic expression never wavering. 

You wanted to reach out and pull Bianca into your arms, but you knew this was a choice she had to make herself. If she feels as though the best way to find herself would be to join Artemis, then so be it. You just knew you couldn't leave because someone had to be there for Nico. If it wouldn't be his sister, then you sure as heck were going to stand in her place to protect him.

"You ready?" Artemis asked when Bianca had finally reached the group. "My Hunters don't fancy Camp Half-Blood because of an... altercation that happened the last time we were here."

That's when it clicked for Bianca. Her home was with you. It's not a coincidence that you both ended up stick in that time warped hotel. She felt drawn to Camp Half-Blood because you and Nico were here. That is what mattered.

"Lady Artemis, I have made my decision." She stated firmly. "It is my duty to stay here with my brother and with y/n. My duty is to my heart. I think my path is meant to start here."

Your head snapped up upon hearing the love of your life say those words. Did she really mean it? Was she going to stay?

The goddess nodded her head. "I knew you'd choose correctly. It is important to lean on those most important to you. If your duty is to your heart, and your heart belongs here, then so be it. It takes a brave woman to make such a hard decision."

Bianca bowed slightly. "Thank you. It has been an honor to even have been considered to be worthy enough to be one of your Hunters."

Artemis nodded once and ordered her followers away. You sprinted towards Bianca, but Nico beat you to her. She hugged him tightly for a second before you swooped both of them into a warm embrace. 

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It was stupid of me to try to deny my feelings. Whatever the Fates have planned for my life, I'm ready to face it head on beside both of you." Bianca decided. "I love you both."

You kissed her forehead. "I love you too, di Angelo. Welcome home."

You felt something shift in the atmosphere. You didn't know what it was, but what you did know was that heavy feeling that was on your chest when you first found out you were demigods had left. What if something bad was supposed to happen to Bianca if she had joined the Hunters? 

Shaking the thought from your mind, you forced a grin onto your face. "Now, while you were mingling with the Hunters, Nico and I got a special tour around the camp. Would you like us to show you around?"

Nico bounced up and down. "We could be like your official camp guides!"

You and your girlfriend laughed. "That's right, buddy. Lead the way, fratello."


Since everyone is upset with me making so many sad endings lately, I figured I could actually write a happy ending for Bianca and maybe Jason in the future. The next few chapters will be happy for once lol


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