Doctor's orders

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OMG! 2k! Wow, u guys like this, I guess. Thanks to everyone who voted for me, I'm not rlly interested in the Wattys, but it is nice to see that u all like these parts! Also, thank you  all for reading, since whilst I'm writing this part @Annabeth2024 is voting for me, and it makes me smile so much! So thank you all!

So, the the show must go on!



'Fu- Future arrival!' The boy's voice suddenly cracked, and I wondered why, but the boy answered.

'Oh no, I told him to come to get his throat checked out! He needs to stop shouting!' The boy sighed, and shook his head, and carried on checking my wounds, applying something on the burns.

'Are-Aren't you going to see them?' I asked.

'Well, I think you are more important right now- since you are my patient, i mean.' He added hastily. Huh? Was he nervous?

So, i sat there, letting the Doc check my wounds, when all of a sudden two people arrive in the infirmary. I can't see them, but I can hear them.

'Death boy! I told you, no more shadow travel!'

'Yeah, well, I did.'

'Well, then, 3 days in the Infirmary. Doctor's orders.'

'You can't do that!'

'Yeah, well, I did.'

'Get off me!'

Will looked up, and dropped his tub of cream. I looked at him shocked, and saw him staring at something behind me.

I turned around, and my jaw dropped.

It was me.

But older.

And someone was hugging me.

Someone tall, and tan, and blonde.


Nico's P.O.V:






Will was- he was hugging me! He looked so happy, and-

Hold up.

Wait one minute.

That's- That's me.

Older me.

But me.

I reacted like how any 10 year old would.

I ran.

I faintly heard Will shouting 'Wait- Nico!' But I was already off, and I ran, and ran, and ran until I reached the beach.

I sat down, and buried my hands in the sand.

My older self was here.

I got to meet me.

But- something looks different.

I was pale-ish, not at all how I looked now, and it looked like I was sad.

But that didn't matter.

Because Will was with me, and when he was, I looked so happy.

I heard footsteps behind me, and quickly jumped up, assuming the worst, my hand going to a practice sword that I had on me.

But it wasn't a monster.

It was just me.

'Hey.' Me2 said.

'... Hi?' It came out as more of a question.

'Can I sit here?'

'Sure, why not?'

So he walked over to me, and sat down next to me, and suddenly I had a memory.

'Hey! Jason, he didn't keep his promise!' I realised two things.

A) I shouted, and B) Me2 was looking at me strangely.


I soon explained to older me about Mythomagic, and the promise Jason made me, and he chuckled, and before I could process what happened, we were playing it, and laughing and it was great!

Soon, the dinner bell rang, and we met all the other Heroes at the special table, and started eating.

Nico2 P.O.V:

Well, today has been- well, eventful.

I had just been walking with my sunshine near the lake, when a massive jet of water hit me in the face. Turns out Percy was underwater with Jason, and they had planned to crash my daily walk with Will. So, I did what any demigod would do.

I summoned skeletons.

They rose up from the ground, and encased Percy and Jason's limbs, and they both fell onto the floor, looking a bone burrito.

Will and I started laughing, oblivious to the 'Hey, where did Jason go?' that Percy had let out, and we carried on laughing, until Will had stopped a few minutes later, and glared at me, scolding me, saying 'I told you, no more of that Underworldy magic!'

And I replied with, 'You know what, I might just shadow travel now.' And I said that just to see his cute pouty face, except we really did travel somewhere, because suddenly a flash of light erupted around us, and then we were standing in the pavilion.

There was a massive crowd around us, and I was completely out of it, and before I could un-discombulate myself, Will was giving me a loud lecture, and looking at me quite angrily.

Before he could say anymore, I slapped my hand onto his mouth, and turned his head around, to face the crowd.

He looked just like how I felt: Confused.

In the crowd, I could recognise a few people:

I saw a pair of grey eyes, and a flash of blond, no doubt Annabeth.

Black hair, green eyes, looked quite confused, well, that's was definitely Percy.

And I could see Clarisse, Connor, Travis, Chris, Miranda.

The only thing was that they were 12 years old.

I looked around, and was bewildered. Their older selves were standing right next to them, with the exception of Percy and Annabeth.


And, I could see Piper, and Jason. Why were they at Camp, and why were there younger versions of everyone?

I notice all this in the span of 3 seconds, and I drew my sword. Will didn't have a weapon, even so, he was too busy fussing over me. Soon, he realised what was happening, and glared at them, trying to look menacing- except that it was failing.

This had to be a trick, there is no other explanation.

Then, I looked at the crowd one more time, and spotted a girl.

She had a darkish skin tone, and round brown eyes. Her hair was in a plait, and she was standing next to Jason2. But all I could focus on right now was her.

Because I knew very well who that was.


Will2 P.O.V:

We were surrounded by 12 year olds. I could see mini Clarisse, and Beth ( I've known her the longest, and I'm the only person allowed to call her that.) , Percy, Travis, Connor, and more. Their older selves were also near them, but I was too focused on Nico to care.

I looked down at him, worried. A teardrop fell from his eye, and ran down his cheek, leaving a line of water in its path.

And then another fell.

And then another.

Soon he was silently crying, looking at a girl.

Wait- not just any girl. Bianca. His sister.

I put my arm around him, and gave him a hug: he looked like he needed it.

'B- Bianca?' He managed, looking at her.

Bianca turned to face him, and smiled. 'Nico.'

And that was all it took. Nico sheathed his sword, and ran to her, crushing her in a massive hug, tears streaming down his face.

Bianca smiled, and then looked at me, sensing that I had something to do with Nico.

She slowly pulled away from the hug, and looked up at me. I think she knows about us, and well, how could she not, she has those sister senses. Kayla knew within a day that I liked Nico, and managed to pry it out of me.

She glared at me sternly, and said quietly, so only I could hear her: 'You better take good care of my Nico, or else.'

It was quite funny, actually. She was several years younger than me, and several feet shorter, yet the way she looked at me- let's just say I wouldn't want to make her angry. She reminded me too much of Nico. I smiled, and nodded. 'I will.'

Nico had stopped crying as much, but a few tears ran down his face now and then.

'Aagh, I have a killer headache.' He complained.

I sighed. 'Well, that's what happens when you cry too much.' I replied.

Nico suddenly realised the situation, and got up, unsheathed his sword, and looked around.

'Who are you!' He demanded.

Then, Travis2 strolled up, and said 'Well guys-' and then Jason2 put a hand on his shoulder, and walked in front of him, to us.

'Nico?' He asked, and Nico turned to face him.
'It's me, Jason, as you can tell. Anyway, I know this will sound strange, but we have been sent to the past, by The Fates.'

Nico looked fuming. He sheathed his sword, and stormed off, leaving a trail of withered, blackened grass behind him. I looked at Jason2, signalling that he'll be alright, and I hurried after him.

Once I caught up, I held his hand, and stopped him, turning him so that he could face me.

'Nico, I know you're angry, but-'

'Angry? Angry doesn't cover it. I thought that two battles would be enough, I thought that maybe after going there ,twice, I wouldn't have to do anymore, but no! The Fates had to send us here, on another godsdamned quest!'

I shuddered, thinking about how we went to The Pit a few months ago, and I looked at him, and said calmly ' I know, it sucks, but we have to see the good things in it. Like, maybe we get to see our younger selves, and the Infirmary! And all of our friends, mini mode!'

Nico grudgingly smiled, and said 'Fine. Let's visit the infirmary.'

And then shadow travelled us there.

I looked at him, outraged.

'Death boy! I told you, no more shadow travel!' I scolded.

'Yeah, well, I did.' The gall he had saying that to me.

'Well, then, 3 days in the Infirmary. Doctor's orders.' I retaliated.

'You can't do that!'

'Yeah, well, I did.' In an imitation of him, and gave him a massive hug.

'Get off me!' He exclaimed, laughing.

Then, I heard something drop.

We both looked up to see mini me, staring at us shocked, along with- awwwwwww my mini Neeks, on the hospital bed, looking adorable.

And then he looked at me, and darted a look at mini me, and blushed. Awwww, he was adorable! Then, he looked at Nico, and froze, eyes wide.

And then bolted out the infirmary doors, and Mini me shouted 'Wait- Nico!' But then, my Neeks looked at his younger self knowingly, and quickly gave me a peck on my cheek, and shadow travelled presumably to where he'd meet Neeks2.

I turned to face Me2, who had a massive blush on his face seeing what Nico had just done to me.

I walked up to a hospital bed, and sat down, patting the bit next to me for mini me to sit on, and he did.

I looked at him, and said plainly: 'You like Nico, don't you.' Oh well, I might as well have some fun.

And fun I had, watching mini me's face go red, and stuttering 'N-no I don't like N-Nico!'

I smiled, and leaned in, whispering to his ear 'We both know that that's not true.'

I had managed to turn even redded, with I took as an achievement.

And so we sat down together, talking, until the bell for dinner rang.

'Come on, let's go!'

And so we made our way to the pavilion, and sat down at the table with all the futures there, including both Nicos, and we all burned a portion of our food, and started eating.

The actual couples were talking normally, and laughing, whilst their younger selves just looked at each other and blushed, it took all that I had to not laugh at me2's face when looking at mini Neeks.

And so the day ended, and we all said goodnight, to rest after an eventful day.

Hey! Hope you all liked it! Next chapter will be TWO pairs, and then the last pair , and then the plot twists..... but for now, Good bye! And see ya soon!

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