The Huntresses

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(Hey guys! I just wanted to say I don't ship theyna, well, I don't know really, well,
Wait, I don't know, aaaaaaa so for now, they are gonna be besties, and later maybe more...)


I walked up to a hospital bed, and sat down, patting the bit next to me for mini me to sit on, and he did.

I looked at him, and said plainly: 'You like Nico, don't you.' Oh well, I might as well have some fun.

And fun I had, watching mini me's face go red, and stuttering 'N-no I don't like N-Nico!'

I smiled, and leaned in, whispering to his ear 'We both know that that's not true.'

I had managed to turn even redded, with I took as an achievement.

And so we sat down together, talking, until the bell for dinner rang.

'Come on, let's go!'

And so we made our way to the pavilion, and sat down at the table with all the futures there, including both Nicos, and we all burned a portion of our food, and started eating.

The actual couples were talking normally, and laughing, whilst their younger selves just looked at each other and blushed, it took all that I had to not laugh at me2's face when looking at mini Neeks.

And so the day ended, and we all said goodnight, to rest after an eventful day.

Percy P.O.V:

You know what? I think I'm just done with these people. Honestly now, I don't think I can. They all look at me and laugh, like, guys, I'm right here.

And their arrivals. Like today, oh my Gods, I had a heart attack.

So, I was sleeping in the Poseidon cabin, when at 4:00 am, a flash of bright white light shines through my cabin, and obviously, I wake up. Not much can wake me up, actually, but a supernova explosion worthy light can.

So, I get up and walk out my cabin, to see the new arrivals, and I am the only one out. I look at them, and I'm scared.

There are 2 girls, both wearing silver parkas and leggings, with a bow in each their hands. One of them has black hair, and on her head is a silver tiara thingie. Isn't she a bit too old for dress up? And then, the other one has a long brown braid at the back of her head.

The only problem is that they have their bows aimed at me.

The one with the braid, let's call her Scarygirl1, and the one with the tiara Snow White. Scargirl1 also has a sword, and looks really scary, and Snow White only has a bow, but looks equally scary.

Everyone chose that time to come out their cabins, and they were also wearing their PJs, see, I'm not the only one! But none of them have my PJs because my PJs are the most manly things ever. Period. Anyway, they came out and saw the scene: a princess and a warrior gurl aiming their weapons at me.

Then, Annabeth walks up to them, like the idiot she is, and says to one of them: 'Thalia?'

And I'm just confused.

I thought Thalia was a tree, the tree which is literally 100 meters in front of me.


And, Snow White smiles, and nods. 'It's me Annie.'

And I was outraged. She didn't even get punched for calling her that, I mean when the Stolls did, they went to the infirmary for a week!

Annabeth ran up to Thalia, and gave her a hug. Then, Jason2 walked up toWarrior gurl, and said 'Hey Reyna,' he said to the Warrior gurl, 'Thals! Won't you say Hi to your little brother?'

Woah. Time out.


Jason P.O.V:


Annabeth P.O.V:


Luke P.O.V:


Percy P.O.V:

What. Brother? Jason?

And then, Thalia looked at him and rolled her eyes. 'Hey Jase.'

Jason2 explained the whole situation to them, and they packed up their bows.

And then, if that wasn't enough, Nico2 walked up to Reyna, and said 'Hey Reyna.' And Reyna ruffled his hair, which got her an angry glare, and she laughed.

'Hey lil bro.' Whattttttttttt- what.

Why is everyone someone's brother? Next thing you're gonna tell me is that Reyna has a- a ummm, a sister who is a Queen!

Totally didn't make that up on the spot.

Anyway, before anyone else could claim a long lost bro or anything, Chiron came up to them and asked them 'So, hopefully you understand the situation?' He said in his Chirony serious voice.

They nodded, and then was told to introduce themselves, and then Will2 and Nico2 had to, since they were too busy doing who knows what.

So they introduced themselves.

'Will Solace, Son of Apollo.' I looked over to Will, who was looking at Himself, and silently laughed. At least I won't have to go through that. Right?

'Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades.' That got everyone talking. Another Big Three's kid, and Hades, at that.

'Thalia, Daughter of Zeus.' That increased the murmuring by tenfold. Since, well, she was meant to be a tree.

'Reyna, Daughter of Bellona.' That is when the murmuring got to shouting. Apparently, Bellona is a Roman goddess, and well, the Greeks and Romans never got on well.

Then, Jason2 felt the need to get some of the spotlight ok I guess, since he also did his intro, and- what.

'Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter.' What.

My bro, Jason, is Roman? Cool. Others didn't take it too well. They started shouting in protest.

We all turned to look at Jason, but he looked equally shocked.

Before we could talk, another light shone, and I honestly think I might be blind.

The poor boy, Michael, shouted 'Fu-Future ari- you know what? There's no point.'

Poor boy.

The light disappeared, and there were two people standing there instead, a tall buff dude, and a cool looking girl with a sword.


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