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Percy Jackson's P.O.V. Story with mist down.

So, guys. Let's start with introductions. Okay. So, short or long? Oh Short. Thanks a lot. 

I am Percy Jackson. Done. 

Medium? Okay. Fine. I will give you that in exchange of 5 blue cookies. Thanks. *munch* *munch*.

Percy Jackson. Son Of Poseidon. Twice savior of Olympus. Favorite god(later explanation) of all my uncles, aunts, Cousins. In short, the Olympian Council. Oh. And Betrayed by Annabeth Chase.

My ex- girl friend. Who was caught making out with some Apollo cabin kid. Well, Apollo did me a favor and made his life hell for him. Cause Apollo's my 3rd favorite god. And I am his 1st favorite cousin. Oh. And most favorite god/goddess? 2nd rank goes to my dad. Poseidon. And first one goes to Artemis. She comforted me, after Annabitch broke up with me. Was a shoulder to lean on. And I may or may not have f- Okay. I will stop now.

And now, I am a student of Goode High School. Apparently the gods forced me to become a Major Olympian God, and then once again forced me to become a student at Goode, to complete my final year. Yup. Just my poor luck.

Oh. And what am I a god of? 2 more cookies for that. Thanks. *munch* *munch*. So, I am the 15th Olympian (Hades and Hestia got places in Olympus), God of erm-, wait a second, *takes out a small notepad* Yes. So, God of Loyalty, Bravery, Swordsmanship, Demigods, Heroes, Time, Children, Fates, Tides, Ice, and last but not the least, Destruction. 

Phew. That was a lot. Well, tired? Next, Prince of the Seas. Triton was sad. So, I just gave him the title back, and became occasional adviser of the Prince of the Seas. And the only person no longer controlled by the Fates. And last but not the least, Champion of Hades and Hestia, for giving them thrones as my gift after Gaea war. So, yup. Now, that's complete.

And right now, where am I? Oh Yes. Goode High School. Sitting in the last bench. Wearing a hood so no one can see my face. Cause' if I don't Alicia, Stellar, Megan, Natalie, etc. keeps disturbing me. And the class is Chemistry, with the teacher blabbering on and on and on about something called *looks up at the board* Stoichiometry. Umm- What's that? 

Oh, did I mention the fact that the Gods revealed themselves to the mortals last week. Cause they were getting lesser prayers, and sacrifices. And so, the mist is down. I am really intending to hide the fact that I am a demigod erm- I mean god.

TRING TRING TRING. The bell rang. Announcing the end of the class. And the speaker blared noisily.

"DEAR STUDENTS. WE HAVE SOME ERM- GUESTS HERE. PLEASE REPORT TO THE AUDITORIUM IN 2 MINUTES." Then it went off. So, new guest. Huh? Well. Not Guests. They are gods. And I can feel them from far away. That's cause I am a god too. I lowered my aura to make sure they wouldn't realize that I am here. 

Everyone went to the Auditorium. And I was correct. There were 15 thrones right there. 14 filled, except one. Mine. I lowered my hood, and went to stand in the 5th last line. Because Apollo and Hermes would know easily that I would be at the last line. 

"Hi everyone. I am ZEUS. KING OF GODS AND GODESSES." Thunder-pants thundered.

Like him all the gods and goddesses introduced themselves. At last it was Artemis. She looked like she was scanning the whole crowd. I quickly pulled the hood downer. Her silver eyes passed over me. Her face crunched, and I must say, she looked cute. Wait. WHAT! JUST SHUT THE HELL OF YOUR THOUGHTS UP PERCY. YOU MIGHT GET YOURSELF TURNED INTO A JACKELOPE.

"I am Artemis. Twin and ELDER sister of Apollo. And Anyone of you checking me out, shall be wishing to never have born. So, keep your eyes off." She said. I smirked. Of course, she was like this. 

Then Zeus cleared his throat, "Now as for the 15th Olympian. He is supposed to be here. Perseus, please step up here." Like Hades am I going. I acted just like every other people around me, searching for myself here and there. 

Apollo, Hermes and Poseidon flashed right to the last row searching for me. Fell for my trick. Ha Ha Ha. 

"PERSEUS. STEP UP HERE. IN 3 SECONDS." Zeus announced. I am not scared of him cause, 1. I am his favorite nephew. 2. I am as powerful as the big 3. Maybe more. Dunno. 

"3" I mentally rolled my eyes at him.

"2" I just waited.

"1". If anything happens, I am just gonna Vapor/Shadow travel or flash out of here.

"0. Athena, anything?" Zeus asked Athena. Well, now what can she do?

"Perseus. The most famous demigod and God to ever leave, please come forward. We are going to reward you with a new power. i know you can change your face appearance. So, whatever you look like now, just come here. You can be a boy or a girl. So, don't try to change your gender to fool us" Athena said. Really? Like that? Nope. Not happening. Athena's brain has gone dull. And I can change my face, but not my gender. How is THAT possible? 

But no. Almost 90% school moved forwards to take credit of being me. SERIOUSLY?

"Apollo, Hermes. Search the remaining ones. He will be there." Athena ordered. That's unfair. 

"Percy. Please just come out." Artemis said. Her voice was pleading. And my body rejected my orders. It pulled itself out. STUPID BODY. WHY THE HADES? YOU TRAITOROUS BODY.

I immediately changed my body appearance, before I could move there.

I sighed knowing that they will just find me. Then I flashed right into my throne which was at one end beside Artemis'.

"Finally. Anyway, you did not come on our order. Only on Arty's. Why cuz? Anything be-" Apollo asked with a glowing glint in his eyes. And I froze Apollo in time right on spot before he could continue.

Artemis ran towards me and hugged me tight. I felt warmth making me never leave her hug. But alas. I had to break it up, because it would be a little um- awkward. I looked around the whole auditorium. They were looking at me shocked, because I had just come within a 10 meter radius of Artemis, and ever crossed 10 cm. 

"Perseus, just un-freeze Apollo." Zeus asked. I sighed once again and snapped my fingers. Apollo unfroze. 

"DUDE. THAT WAS NOT COOL." Apollo said.

"Ok. So now everyone. You met with us. Now go back to your classes. Good bye." I said to the students. They all went away, with dumb-struck faces, and I was about to flash away, but unfortunately Poseidon grabbed me by my arm, and flashed me to Olympus.

"You can show your real face now, Percy." Poseidon said. Well, we were in Olympus. So, it shouldn't really be a problem. I showed my real face.

"Well, Perseus. So, we have decided that some of the gods need Proper Education, as they did not really have much. So, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Aphrodite and Athena will be going to Goode with you. In your year. And, disguised." Zeus declared. Only Athena shook her head, and started protesting. But Zeus silenced her. Apollo, and Aphrodite nodded cause they would get to hook up with others, and ditch them. Hermes, cause I am sure he and I will have a LOT of fun. And Artemis, because I dunno. I thought she would be a fierce protester. Surely most of the guys will be head and heels over her. 

"Okay by me." I replied.

"Well, they will be staying in your house." Zeus said again. Well, I had moved out recently in a new apartment. And it is big enough for all of us. So, I just nodded.

"Okay. You will be starting next day. Bye." Poseidon said and flashed us away, into my apartment. This year's gonna suck probably. I am so, so, so sure.

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