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Percy's P.O.V-

Next day in school, was a catastrophe. 1 boy missing from the school in 1 day. Well, turned into jackelopes for asking Artemis out. And I had to turn them back after modifying the mist. Here's how it started.

During English Class. 

Halfway during English class, Paul asked me to give a tour of the 5 new students. I knew them. I went to see them. Before all were Apollo, as Lester Lee. In a body enough to make every girl ask him out. Oh. Poor him.

Next was Hermes. As Harley Flinch. Next Aphrodite as Jenny Goldsworthy. And she was going to be in serious trouble. At least 10 boys will be asking her out, every hour. 

And last was Artemis. She was Alexis Moons. And she was in her 18 years old form. Which made her look really cute. SHUT UP PERCY. SHUT YOUR THOUGHTS.

"Hi bro." Apollo and I bro hugged. Hermes did too. I showed all of them the whole school, and at last went to English Class.

"Mr. Blofis. I have showed them around the school." I said, as I entered the class. The 5 followed me. How does it feel to have 5 gods going to school with you.

"Please introduce yourself." Paul said. He did not know they were gods. Only I knew. And the gods.

Apollo came first.

"I am Lester Lee. Girls, check meoutaiaveht.-" Apollo started speaking. I quickly sped him in time to make sure no one heard him. Everyone looked at him quizzically. Though most of the girls drooled over him. I rolled my eyes. Next Hermes came. Then Artemis, Aphrodite and Athena introduced. The boys swooned over them. I once again rolled my eyes. 

I went back to my seat. I looked over and saw that only 6 seats were filled. Apollo went to seat near a girl who was looking at Apollo with such a disgusting flirty look. Aphrodite sat beside Mr. All Popular Rick, who was staring at her like a piece of meat. Athena sat in an empty seat, and before Artemis could sit beside her, Hermes got the place. Artemis looked around the room. Only 4 places were there, and all of them were boys. She came and sat beside me. And everyone shot me looks. I just shrugged. 

After another 15 minutes of lecture the class ended. And we finally got to go to lunch. And that was the worst time for me. With lunch, I had a free ticket of being bullied by the school famous bullies. I was eating together with Hermes, and Artemis. Rest were busy doing their own work.

"Hey darlin'. My house. 7 pm today. My parents not in city for 2 days. Hope you have a nice time." some one said. Well, let's see who loses their parts today. I turned and saw All Popular Rick standing there. Oh Rick. You have a poor luck today.

I quickly manipulated the mist all around me to not let people except us gods to see what would be happening. 

And Artemis snapped her fingers, making Rick a rat. It squeaked and ran away. I decided to change it back to Rick later. Now let it have some fun. 

"Well. Try not to change people to rats or anything else next time. Okay?" I asked. She glared at the rat till it left out of sight. 

And suddenly Zeus appeared. Thank gods the mist was still modified. 

"Artemis. Stop changing mortals to animals. I am from now taking away the powers of all of you except Perseus for this year." Zeus announced. Artemis looked shocked at first, and then gave Zeus her best death glare. But Zeus being Zeus did not even flinch. Artemis protested. But Zeus snapped his fingers and I felt a lot of power leave from my surroundings. Except mine.

"Why not me?" I asked.

Zeus now paled a bit. "Because you are as strong as us. And uh- may or may not be stronger that me." Zeus said. I couldn't help but smile a bit. Thank gods that I had my hood up. Wait. I AM a god. Before being embarrassed any further, he flashed away. 

"Wait. You are stronger than Zeus. Then try to return me my powers." Artemis said. I thought for a bit, focusing on giving her her powers back. I looked at her. 


"No." she said. I sighed. "Maybe because I was a god only for a few months. And need practice." I said. She nodded in understanding.

"Now, why do I get striped of my powers?" Hermes asked clearly annoyed.

"Seriously dude. No idea." I replied. 

"I am getting revenge on Zeus after I get my powers back." Hermes said. I knew that Zeus was going to be in for a huge prank. 

After school - In my house.

We returned to my house. Well, Zeus had magically enlarged it to make 6 large bedrooms in the house. It was like a mansion from inside. 

"So, what are we playing here now?" Apollo asked.

"Truth or Dare?" Hermes suggested.

"No." Me, Artemis, and Athena said together.

"Fine. Then Never have I ever. And no 'NOs'" Apollo declared. After a lot of arguments we all agreed to it. 

"Fine I am telling the rules once again. The speaker tells something. And if the player has done it, then take up a shot. And everyone, swear on the Styx, to do it honestly. Now." Hermes said. We really reluctantly swore on the Styx.

"Okay. So, me first." I said. "Never have I ever stolen someone's wallet." Hermes took a shot of course. And Apollo and Aphrodite did too. 

Then Hermes said. "Never have I ever slept with a person of opposite gender." Then all of us took a shot. Including Artemis. Apollo looked at Artemis in shock. "A-A-Artemis. Y-Y-You?" Artemis said. 

"Yup. With you, in Delos." Artemis said to Apollo. Why did I just fell like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. Never mind. 

"Fine. Never have I ever been in love with someone recently within this week." Apollo said. I paled. Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite took shots bravely. After a few seconds, Athena did too. Artemis also looked paled. Now, what can I do? I did swear on the Styx. Stupid Styx. So, I took a sip too. Everyone looked at me quizzically. 

"Who bro?" Apollo and Hermes asked together. I did my best Tartarus glare at the 2 of them. And they shivered.  

Then the most unexpected happened. Artemis took a sip too. Everyone's eyes basically popped out of their sockets. 

"A-A-Arty? W-Who?" Apollo asked. Artemis was a tomato. 

"I-I-It's n-none o-of your business. And I may like a girl too. It's not that it has to be a boy only." Artemis said. 

"But WHO?" Everyone shouted together except me, who felt a huge pang of jealousy and sadness hit me. 

"I am not playing anymore." Artemis said, and left the main hall. Her voice was cracking up. And tears slid from her cheeks. But she quickly ran off the hall. 




Night 2 AM. 

I was not feeling sleepy. So, I went up the roof top to sit for a while in the cool breeze. I noticed someone already there. It was Athena. Wait. What was she doing there? 

I went up closer, and noticed him talking to another person on IM. I covered my self in shadows, (gift of Hades) and went closer. Then I saw it was- 

My father. Poseidon. 

"Okay. Talk to you later. Love you." Athena said. 

"Love you too. Bye." Poseidon said and closed the Iris Messaging. 

Wait. WHAT? WTH? WTD?(What the Di Angelo) WTF? WTT(Tartarus)?

 Am I still dreaming. My father's born rival is in a relationship with my daddy? And I don't even know. WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?

Athena then walked away. I was in my ADHD mood for a minute, before going and sitting on the Roof-top, staring at the moon, lost in my thoughts about my dad and Athena. 

Umm- Pothena. It's a ship now. And I really am not hoping to have Athena as a step mom. I am sure, that won't happen.

"P-Percy?" someone called in a soft voice.

"Artemis?" I asked turning back. "What are you doing here?" 

"N-Nightmares. W-What about you?" she asked, sitting down beside me.

"No sleep." I said. "Are you okay?" I asked remembering that she was crying the last time I saw her.

"Y-Yes." she said, shivering. Well. It was cold. It was a winter night. I took out my jacket and put it around her.

"N-No need." she shivered.

"Really? Doesn't seem like it." I said, as I finished wrapping her completely around her.

"T-Thanks. What about you? Y-You don't have a jacket?" she asked.

"Don't worry. I used to stay out in the cold too much before, that I sorta became immune to it." I whispered. She nodded. She was still shivering. Why? It's not that cold though. She came closer to me, our bodies almost touching. I touched her forehead. It was hot.

Wait. Not that hot. Well. simply hot. I mean hot like body temperature hot. Whatever. You know what I meant.

"You got a fever. You need to go inside." I said. Then I picked her up bridal style and went to her room, and lay her down on her bed.

"Wait a minute. I will bring something hot." I whispered into her ears.


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