Chapter 11

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As the weather turned colder and wetter and the new quidditch season came closer, Percy had his time fully occupied with studying and practicing with the Slytherin quidditch team. The school was abuzz with tangible excitement for the upcoming games. Four evenings a week and on Saturday mornings Flint (that sadistic bastard) would run the team down with exhausting drills and practices to ensure that Slytherin took the Quidditch Cup once again. Practice, as tiring as it was, felt freeing. When he was up there, he left all his worries and responsibilities on the ground below. He wasn't the "hero" of any prophecy, he wasn't an heir to an all-powerful dark wizard, he was just Percy, and he missed that. People often came to the stands to watch them, and Percy didn't mind showing off a little, earning excited cheering. He was often left sore after practice.

Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were actually surprisingly interesting now that they had a competent professor teaching (although Draco had a lot to say about Lupin's background and always shabby state) and the rest of Percy's elective classes were proving themselves to be challenging, and the library soon became his second home. One thing he was wondering, however was that Granger seemed to be in both his runes and arithmancy class but heard from various other sources that she was in fact in other elective classes like Divination and Muggle Studies. The odd thing was that most of those classes took place around the same time, the only way the girl could be in all of them was that she use a time traveling device or something, and wasn't that just a ridiculous idea?

Or was it?

Hmm, yet another thing he has to ask his father.

Trips to Hogsmeade were also nearing and on the morning of Halloween, those who could go went down to the entrance hall where Filch -the caretaker- checked names from a long list and made sure nobody tried to sneak out. Feeling comfortable in a pair of black slacks, a silk button down and heavy black robes with subtle golden engravings on the edges that was charmed to always feel warm on the inside (boy did it feel good to be out of his school uniform) Percy stood in the line with his other Slytherin friends in anticipation. He could feel his snake familiar Phobos curled around his forearm underneath his robe (the serpent had insisted on going as he was getting bored staying cooped up in the castle) and Percy ran a finger down Phobos's smooth scales (the snake was still very annoyed with his disguise).

Are we leaving yet massster? the snake quietly hissed and Percy murmured "Soon, Phobos". There were too many students around and if Potter was anywhere near the Gryffindors would immediately know that he too was a parseltounge.

No need for unnecessary questions to be asked.

Suddenly a voice cut through the quiet conversations in the hall. "Staying, Potter? Scared the Dementors will find you?" smirked Draco to the laughter of the Slytherins around them. Turning to the glasses wearing Gryffindor (who now had an annoyed expression on his face) Percy noted that the boy was indeed walking away from the line.

Turning his attention back to the now moving line Percy waited impatiently for Filch to search for his name on the list and quietly breathed out a sigh of relief as he was finally allowed to begin his walk from the castle's gate to the small village known as Hogsmeade. With Theo, Blaise, Daphne, Pansy, and Draco fanned out around him and Crabbe and Goyle flanking the group they all decided to split up to go and find the items they wanted to purchase.

With Theo in tow Percy walked over towards the small bookstore and perused the store's selection of books on runic magic, it was something Percy had found a great interest with lately and he wanted to be able to practice on his free time. After a brief moment of hesitation Percy also decided to pick up a book on the History of Magic that had some information on the wizardry world that he thought Annabeth might appreciate, she was often expressing her interest in the world he lived in and was more than happy to offer this little gift. After purchasing their books both boys headed to a well to do clothing shop where they met up with Pansy and Daphne who were trying out different cloaks and dresses. Rolling his eyes, Percy let both girls drag him into their shopping and agreed to try on various cloaks and robes with different cuts, colours and materials. He felt like a dress up doll, but it was nice to do mundane things with his friends, and quite enjoyed himself.

Purchasing a dark green cloak with a golden clasp because Pansy was insistent that it "brought out the colour of his eyes" Percy also had the good thought in buying a nice soft scarf to wrap around his neck as the weather was getting colder and windier. Soon they all trudged out of the store with numerous shopping bags in hand and the group decided against going to the Three Broomsticks as it was most likely swarmed with other Hogwarts students and instead went to a quaint cafe that served warm tea, butterbeer and some nice cakes and biscuits. Blaise, Draco and his two bodyguards sauntered in after raiding the sweet shop and were chewing on fudge and chocolates.

"I saw a quidditch equipment store down the street! We should go and check it out, I need to buy a new polishing set." Draco exclaimed as he drank some hot tea.

Picking up his mug of warm butterbeer Percy nodded, "Sure. After that I need to head down to a menagerie and buy some owl treats and rats" the rats are of course for the snake now coiled around Percy's neck (some of the shopkeepers and students that were around stared at him in faint fear).

After finishing their drinks and treats the groups payed and left to wander around Hogsmeade once again. Draco and Percy (and obviously Crabbe and Goyle who follow Draco everywhere) first stopped by the quidditch store then the menagerie and quickly purchased what they needed. Although things were still slightly stilted between them since Draco's incident with the hippogriff, the blonde seemed genuinely apologetic and promised to not come up with any stupid plans without confiding first with Percy. All though the sea green eyed boy was still stony around him, their friendship was more or less still a thing. Percy wasn't going to let the animal die, that, he was sure of. He wouldn't do anything outright to intervene though, after all his father had advised against it. It would be very much convenient if someone else decided to help save the poor creature.

"Let's head back up the castle, I want to sit in front of the fireplace and have a nice feast" Blaise grumbled as he pulled his robe tighter around himself, the others agreed once they've made sure they had all of their shopping bags with them and begin to make their way up back to the castle.

Once they were safely back within the walls of Hogwarts the group of Slytherins immediately went down to the dungeons to go the dormitories where they dumped all of the things they bought and changed into warmer and cleaner clothes. Swathed in a comfortable wool Slytherin sweater and a scarf, Percy and the others left for the Great Hall which was decorated for the Halloween feast.

Dinner was delicious, Percy had been in a rare good mood the entire day and ate until he was stuffed. Thinking he should burn something as an offering to the gods, Percy made a reminder to visit the kitchens before he went to sleep, he was feeling rather generous today and thought that his godly father would probably appreciate it.

The good mood however didn't last very long.

That night a certain Black had decided to attack the portrait of the painting who stood guard of the Gryffindor dormitories. Fearing for the safety of the students, Dumbledore had instructed for all the teachers to summon back all the Ravenclaws, Slytherins and Hufflepuffs to the great hall along with the Gryffindors where they will be staying for the night in gods dam sleeping bags. Picking a spot in the corner of the hall on the Slytherin side other students gave a wide berth for the boy as they saw his menacing scowl (a scowl which was practically mirrored in every Slytherin's faces).

This was going to be a very long night.

T-two updates a week? w-with no tags?!? What is this strange universe we have stumbled upon!?!?!

In all seriousness though I hope you liked it and please note that the next update might take a little longer.

Thanks for reading and have a good day!


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