Chapter 10

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The next few days were spent going to classes and staying clear from the infirmary as much as he could (where a certain blonde prat was currently lamenting his pain). His idiot friend had gotten his arm broken on his first Care of Magical Creatures class because he was dumb enough to approach a Hippogriff with an offhand comment on how ugly it was. Gee, I wonder why he didn't end up in Ravenclaw with that quick wit. Percy couldn't care much about whether or not Hagrid got fired but he did care enough about the fate of the poor Hippogriff. It wasn't the beast's fault that he got angry and attacked Draco. Who doesn't feel like beating Draco up sometimes? An example of his quickly receding patience would be now in evidence, he could only do so much. The animal was also technically part horse and that just increased Percy's sense of responsibility for it since his godly father was the lord of all horses afterall. Honestly, what in Hades was Malfoy thinking? The dam fool probably just wanted to be petty and prove a point. Well, he was now proving a point as well by steering clear of the infirmary wing.

Instead of doing anything rash or imprudent, however, the boy decided to report back to his father and ask permission to interfere. The responding letter did not prove to lift his rather rotten mood (it's the first week of the new school year, not exactly how one expects it to go), because Dark Lord had simply told him to stay put and observe, the man had a feeling that this would all lead to something and wanted his son to report back anything he found of interest.

A few days later after the incident on a late Thursday morning, a healthy looking Draco Malfoy came swaggering in a double potions class with the Gryffindors (naturally) with his injured arm in a sling. Draco was acting as if he just bravely survived a life and death experience and across the room Percy could see Potter's annoyed expression.

"While it is good to have you back, Draco, perhaps you could save your truly.. life altering stories for later, hm? Class has already begun, after all" Perseus said this with a bored drawl that had an undertone of danger, and some Slytherins close by shuffled uncomfortably, not at all envying Draco's sudden attention from their leader. Draco quickly sobered and nodded, not meeting the other boy's piercing eyes.

"Settle down class, settle down" drawled the monotone voice of one professor Severus Snape. "Let's all continue our shrinking solution in silence."

Watching Draco set up his cauldron next to Potter and Weasley in the corner of his eyes, Percy merely sighed and went back on diligently working on his potion, knowing that the blonde was mostly planning something to make the two Gryffindors miserable.

And miserable they were indeed.

Draco made Snape order them to cut and skin his potion ingredients for him as he couldn't do so himself with his injury, soon the other Slytherin was quietly boasting with a malicious grin about how his father was a very influential man in the Ministry and that he was going to get Hagrid fired. Suddenly, but not surprisingly, Snape started shouting at that Longbottom kid who messed up his potion yet again- the guy looked ready to pass out when the professor threaten to feed his pet toad the result of his concoction. Percy quite liked Snape.

Tuning out all the conversations in the classroom, he focused on his task at hand and carefully stirred and put in the ingredients according to the instructions and his own knowledge of potions, scribbling some notes of his own on his textbook. He was the first one to finish, and just as he settled back to watch the rest of the class's progress, one of the Gryffindors began talking about a muggle who sighted Sirius Black. Percy tilted his head slightly and listened discreetly, unlike Draco who was making it pretty obvious that he was listening in to the conversation.

"Thinking of catching Black single-handed, Potter?" The icy eyed Slytherin said with a mean curve of his lips

"Yeah, that's right" Potter replied, rolling his eyes.

"Of course, if I was you I would've done it long before now, I wouldn't be staying in school like a good boy. I'd be out there looking for him."

Weasley angrily stared at Draco "What are you talking about, Malfoy?" The blonde's eyes widened almost comically, a cruel smile playing on his lips

"You mean you don't know, Potter?" The boy breathed with narrow eyes.

Percy restrained himself from raising an eyebrow, did the boy really not know about what Black did to his family? Huh, he was more ignorant about the situation than Percy thought.

"Why in Merlin would I want revenge on Black? He hasn't done anything to me yet"

Oh, Potter, Percy thought pityingly, someone should really start telling you things. Well, the sea green eyed boy doubted that Black was actually the one to send Potter's parents a death sentence, but Harry should at least try not to act like an utter fool. This time, he didn't resist the urge to roll his eyes.

"Everybody! Your time is up, now gather around and watch what happens to Longbottom's toad.." With glittering eyes Snape explained briefly that if the potion worked the toad would simply shrink but if it was poorly made then it would most likely be poisoned. Dipping a spoon into the terrified Gryffindor's cauldron everybody watched with anticipation (and some with fear) as the man trickled some drops of the potion down the toad's throat. By the shade of the potion, Percy could tell he'd gotten it right. He also did not believe Snape would knowingly kill a student's pet, no matter how bad his mood. Percy knew people, and he knew Snape wasn't that bad of a person, no matter what people said.

When the toad simply shrinked and proved to be still very much alive, the Gryffindors cheered and clapped to the ire of most of the Slytherins. Snape scowled at the noise, but seemed to expect this, like Percy. "Five points from Gryffindor. I thought I told you not to aid Longbottom, Ms. Granger. And 10 points to Slytherin for a wonderfully executed potion by Mr. Riddle," he commented, pride shining a bit in his eyes as he looked at Percy's scribbled notebook, recalling memories long past. "Class dismissed!"

Gathering his books and stuffing them to his bag, Percy cleaned up his side of the table with a wave of his hand and walked out the potions classroom without waiting for the others. Blaise, Theo, Daphne and Pansy scrambled to keep up with him and Draco pushed forward to walk beside him.

"A Hippogriff, Draco?" Percy drawled, voice low and expression blank.

Draco shrugged, "The thing attacked me! You should be glad the giant oaf is going to get fired!"

Raising an eyebrow so high it almost disappeared into his hairline, the taller of the two replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice, "I'll decide for myself what I should be glad of, Draco, next time you decide to endanger the life of yourself and that of an innocent creature who was merely acting out of instinct, you might want to actually use that pureblood education you pride yourself for so much" he snapped, face calm, eyes forward.

Draco flinched and his face flushed red. Not waiting for a response from the other boy Percy strolled away and went to the Great Hall for a quick lunch.


The Defense against the Dark Arts class that afternoon was certainly.... interesting, to say the least. Professor Lupin led the class of Slytherins and Gryffindors to a room that had rattling closet inside. Within first glance Percy immediately knew that inside the closet held a boggart, a creature who uses its victims' fears against them. Terrifying, if you didn't know what to do.

"Can anybody tell me what a boggart is?" Lupin asked and Percy raised a hand and answered before Granger could (something the girl found most annoying). "A boggart is a creature that can shapeshift and transform into its victims' fears. If you should have the bad fortune to encounter one popping out of your furniture, the incantation of the charm to repel it is riddikulus."

The professor's eyes widened, "Impressive, Mr..?"

The young Slytherin smiled slightly, "Riddle, sir." Percy watched closely to see if the name had any reaction on the man and, thankfully, it didn't.

"This means we have a huge advantage over the boggart before we begin, can you tell me what it is Harry?" The calm professor spun to meet the boy's gaze.

Potter sputtered briefly before replying, "Because there are a lot of people in the room, the boggart can't focus on one person."

Smiling again the professor nodded. "Correct! Now, like Mr. Riddle here said, the correct incantation is..." the class was actually interesting, one of the first times in the three years of Percy's Hogwarts career where the Defense teacher wasn't incompetent. It was refreshing.

Calling up Longbottom, the professor instructed the Gryffindor on what to do and soon everybody was taking turns in turning their fears into something funny like Longbottom did by making Snape wear his grandma's clothes. When it came to Potter's turn, however, Lupin stepped forward quickly and the boggart turned into a moon and wasn't that just curious?

Soon the class managed to confuse the boggart some more which soon exploded into silver wisps of smoke and disappeared to the cheers of everyone in the room. "Great job everyone! Well done! Now let's see.. five points to Gryffindor for every student who took on the boggart and five points for both Mr. Riddle and Potter for answering the questions. For homework you will all read the chapter on boggarts in your textbooks and summarize it for me, this is to be handed in on Monday- that will be all class! You are all dismissed."

Walking out the class Percy's mind replayed what he saw of the professors fears. A moon.. how strange.. unless.., Percy's eyes widened, it would seems like he would have to do some research on one Remus Lupin. Page 394, if he remembered correctly...

There you have it folks! an extra long chapter by yours truly *bows dramatically* anyway I hope you liked it and please tell me what you think! I'm finally having a god dam break from all the craziness of the pass two weeks and am so dam happy.


Some parts of this chapter I took from the book (chapter "The Boggart in the Closet" page 123-138) with a few modifications made by myself and those parts I absolutely do not own so yeah..

Thanks for your continued support and I promise I'll try updating again sometime this week (though it will most likely be a short update).

Yours truly,


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