Chapter 9

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The next morning was the day classes were to finally begin, and Percy woke up to the pleasant sounds of his roommates arguing for the shared toilet they had in their room. Other houses most likely had to share showers with the rest of the dorm, but come on, they're Slytherins. As if a bunch of purebloods want to share a bathroom with the rest of the house. Most were raised in mansions, with servants to cater to their every whim, and Hogwarts was nothing if not suitable to everyone's needs (an plus pureblood parents were very loud with their demands).

Rubbing his eyes in annoyance, the boy glared at his two friends and snapped, "Can the both of you shut the hell up?" the room fell silent and both Draco and Blaise stopped their arguing in embarrassment.

Theo -who had just finished his shower- came out the bathroom and rolled his eyes.

"They've been at it for the past fifteen minutes." he drawled, as if telling a parent about an annoying younger sibling. Percy sighed. So this was how the day was going to start. Dragging himself out from his bed, the teen strolled to the bathroom and with a flick of his wrist -not bothering with his wand for such an elementary task- his bath equipment and uniform came hovering towards him. With a reproaching glance at Draco and Blaise who were indignantly squawking like the idiots that they were, Percy slammed the bathroom door shut dramatically with magic. Needless to say he was not a morning person. Shaking his head as if to dismiss the annoyance, he began his morning routine of brushing his teeth and washing his face before a quick blessedly relaxing shower.

Taking a slightly longer time than usual to change into his uniform (trousers, white shirt, gray vest and a tie with Slytherin colours) and style his hair (because fuck Draco and Blaise for waking him up with their incessant bickering in the gods dam morning when he was doing just fine having a blissful dreamless sleep thank you very much). He made sure he looked extra nice for the official first day of being back in Hogwarts. His father had taught him the importance of reputation, and the young Slytherin had his to maintain. Throwing his worn pajamas and towel in the hamper, Percy stepped out the bathroom and smirked at the dirty looks his blonde friend threw at him. His flushed cheeks gave him away though, the boy was still slightly embarrassed at being called out earlier. The other raced for the bathroom with Blaise right on his heels who groaned in frustration when his efforts inevitably proved themselves to be futile when Draco slammed the door on his face.

Chuckling slightly, Percy slipped on his boots and slung his school bag over his shoulder.

"I'll be waiting down in the common room," he announced to no one in particular. "Are you coming Theo?"

Running a hand through his messier than ever hair, the demigod raised a sharp eyebrow at his lanky friend who nodded and shouldered his own bag. The two walked out of the room and went towards a set of stairs that led them up to the common room (the Slytherin dorms were underground after all, most of the rooms were below the common area) which was still slightly deserted save for some older students sitting at a table in the corner as many were still preparing for the day. Settling down on a comfortable armchair by the fireplace, Percy pulled out a book on Arithmancy titled New Theory of Numerology by Lukas Karuzos, an advanced textbook on the subject that was not apart of the curriculum. He also made sure he had all the required books and even copies in Greek, all of them were already somewhat read. He knew that elective classes were to start today and wanted to be prepared for his first lesson which just so happened to be Arithmancy with Professor Septima Vector.

After waiting for Draco and Blaise for what seemed like ages, the both of them finally came up with Crabbe and Goyle close behind just as Daphne and Pansy arrived at the common room from the girl's dorms. With the entire group there, Percy closed his book and carefully slid it back into his bag before standing up and stretching.

"Good morning Daphne, Pansy" the boy says with an easy smile and a nod at both girls, for Perseus Riddle never forgot his manners, before leading his friends out the dungeons and into the Great Hall for breakfast. Recovering completely from his earlier bad mood, he was beginning to feel an excited anticipation for the day to come. The Slytherin waved a hand in greeting with a charming smile at a handful of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students who grinned and waved back. He quite enjoyed the various debates he had with the Ravenclaws, and a Hufflepuff's charm and determination for hard work was very difficult to resist. He often had study groups with them during his first and second years and had maintained amiable relationships within both houses.

Sitting down at the Slytherin table, Percy enjoyed a simple breakfast of fruits and toast with a nice refreshing glass of juice. Not 10 minutes later however, Draco began entertaining a bunch of Slytherins by retelling an exaggerated story of how Potter fainted at the sight of the Dementors. Of course, just when the blonde began doing this, Potter himself came in the great hall with his friends and saw Draco doing an impression of him swooning. Percy had to stifle a laugh seeing how red the other boy became.

When Snape began handing out the timetables Percy noted that arithmancy was his first lesson of the day which didn't surprise him. He had asked ahead of time for his schedule so he could prepare accordingly.

"What classes did you choose, Draco?" the handsome heir asked absentmindedly as he carefully folded the schedule and slipped it into his trouser pocket.

The blonde boy looked up from across him and answered, "Runes and Care of Magical Creatures, we won't be sharing a class until after lunch" he said this slightly disappointed that they didn't have the same classes.

"Well, I'm heading out to Arithmancy, I'll see you then" with a wave of a hand, Percy shouldered his bag and left the great hall, intent on getting to his class before anybody else did.

Going all the way up to the seventh floor, the sea green eyed boy finally found the class in room 7A and dumped all his stuff at a desk by the front board. Once students began trickling in, Percy chatted with a group of Ravenclaws about the books he recommended them over the summer break and found himself relaxing with the easy conversation. Soon the class started and professor Vector began teaching them the basics of the arithmancy, a subject which Percy found both challenging and interesting.

"Excuse me, Professor? May I ask a question about..." turning around at the voice of a familiar somebody Percy looked quizzically at one Hermione Granger who he didn't remember seeing coming into the classroom. Had she been sitting there all along? Strange that he didn't remember, he thought the Gryffindor was joining Divination (an honestly laughable subject) with those two idiots she called friends. His eyes narrowed like a storm settling. She had not been there before.

Pushing the thought aside, the rest of the lesson went well and his next class went without a single hitch. At lunch he sat and ate with the rest of his friends at the Slytherin's table before leaving for Runes with Theo as Draco and the rest went out the castle for an outdoor class with Hagrid for Care of Magical Creatures.

Needless to say, this is of course when the relatively good day turned south.

Apparently none of them could go by a single normal week without something shitty happening because fucking Draco Malfoy just had to get himself attacked by a gods dam Hippogriff in class because he wanted to be dam petty and sometimes Percy just wonders about his choice of friendships and Merlin he has a feeling this is going to set a series of events that he can't stop.

Ey I'm back and writing folks, sorry for the long delay I was very very busy and have been ridiculously stressed with school work lately and just managed to finish a chapter so here I am. Arghh I feel like this wasn't a very good chapter, I rushed it a bit when I wrote it so I might go back and edit stuff later.  I'm also going back to a more regular updating schedule (once a week) so look forward to that.

Oh yeah before I forget, I made an instagram (the user is ThatBookFanatic) so stop by and say hi :) anyway I hope you liked this chapter and please tell me what you think.


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